Tuesday, December 30, 2014

30 December, 2014 - Thankful thoughts

It's coming to the end of 2014 and I'm feeling pensive.  My holiday started last Tuesday and it is really blissful not having to go to work.  I love staying at home with Samuel and not having to go to work, stuck in a nine to five job. Sometimes when i read magazines of mothers who stay home to look after their kids, i wonder why don't I have the guts to do the same.  Is it because i chased after monetary gains?  Or because i just want to work? To be honest, i'm not confident that I can be a good stay-home-mum because i can't cook, am not good with housekeeping, not really great with kids as well.  I think I'm beating up myself.  Ouch.

Anyway, this has been a great year.  Jervoise and Alisa got married on April 1, we went to Sydney and Gold Coast with mum and Jervis.  And most of all, it is such a joy to watch Samuel grow up day by day, learning more and more :)  Samuel has taught me how to play like no one is watching, how to laugh at simple, silly things, not fret the small stuffs and just enjoy each day as a blessing from God.

Samuel is indeed my biggest joy.  He is so precious to us and we love him very much.  Thank God for sending Samuel to us. Amen.

P.S.  Samuel read this post and said I'm a good mummy :) but mummy also love me. (typed by Samuel)  :)) i am a happy mummy.

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