Tuesday, May 27, 2008

26 May, 2008 - Mum's place

Went to mum's place after work today hmmm if only i stayed in Kembangan. I could just walk to work every morning...it's about 45mins to walk but i like this place.

Dar troubleshoot the internet problems for Jervoise. Done in an hour :)

Sigh, how nice it would be to be able to stay here...

Monday, May 26, 2008

25 May, 2008 - Alicia's baby shower

Alicia invited us to her baby daughter's first month celebration this afternoon. Great, all i have to do is just walk across the street wearing my slippers :)

Baby Chloe is lovely, all babies are cute.

Met Sean there and i think the reservist stint is tanning him :D

24 May, 2008 - Pasta Fresca

Dar and me had dinner with Henry Shen in Boat Quay at 8pm. Henry was my customer when i was in that manufacturing company. We first met in Shanghai and i was the sales and marketing gal taking care of arrghh Solectron. Our friendship was established since then and we kept in contact once in awhile...i am touched that he remembered to catch up with me when he is in town heehee thank God for friends, msn and skype, i will have a free tour guide if i ever visit Suzhou again. 在家靠家人,出外靠朋友 :)

Dinner was done in Pasta Fresca and i thought that the food was rather disappointing. BUT, there were fire works halfway through our dinner and that more than made our evening :)

We sent Henry back to Mandarin Marina after dinner and both of us went home to sto-ine...again

It's nice to have an overseas friend to visit and catch up for old times sake. It's nice to have friends all over the world..errmm i need more ang moh friends hahaha

23 May, 2008 - First day of GSS

Housecat is on leave today ;)

Picked Tenghui and Kaizer from Punggol MRT at 11am and drove to Novena Square for lunch and Kaizer's baby class. Chill out with Penguin at Mcdonald's before heading to OG to shop for bedsheets yay!!

Today is the first day of the Great Singapore Sale and it feels good to be in Orchard with dar kekeke i am so looking forward to more shopping, more buys and more temporary happiness :D

After all the shopping, both of us had tea and coffee in a little quaint cafe tucked away in a corner of OG. The glass wall oversees the road next to Robinsons and in this cafe, we could watch people walk around in their business attire and this made me smile gleefully to myself. It's a Monday afternoon and both of us are sitting in a cafe in town :) i wish i had more annual leaves sheeesh

I wish i do not have to work for the rest of the week hmmm

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

20 May, 2008 - Lousy leg mask

I just want to write this entry to say the over-priced pedicure cum mask treatment didn't work out. During Townhall meeting today, Edwin commented that my legs were dry!! After careful inspection, i realised that he was right...my skin was flaky on the shin...so sad lo..whatever happened to the "will last two weeks" mask effect arrrggghhh i felt cheated :( i think the collagen thingy is not really working too...or it is just me arrrggghhh

To rectify the offending problem, i applied many layers of moisturiser on my legs. I must remind myself not to be so gullible the next time i go for my pedicure session and say "no" to all extra mask treatments...no no no!!! SAVE MONEY

Went to meet Ah huay and Kaizer..she has bought the belachan for me yeah
Kaizer is an active baby...VERY ACTIVE in fact. I had to run, jump and crawl just to play with him. Not forgetting the funny faces that we made to entertain him...wah now i am getting it. If one has a baby in their late thirties, one will have low or zero stamina to play with one's child. SHAG lei...but happy la :) I salute all stay-home-mums..wonder how they could cook, babysit, clean house and still find time to look good. Multi tasking keke a natural ability of women? It was stated in the papers that a house wife should get a monthly salary of $23,000, i think i agree with that now. How about being a housewife cum HDB tai tai?

19 May, 2008 - Robinsons sale

Took the train to Simei after church service yesterday. There was a road show for belly dancing and foot reflexology in Simei point. I stayed around to watch the belly dancing performance since i was early for my pedicure session. I saw my ex-trainer performing on stage and i miss my belly dancing classes..took two vouchers, going to sign up with Aising :) hurray, got kaki liao keke

This was an over-priced pedicure!! Pedicure was to be 38 bucks initially BUT plus another 10 bucks for nail art and another 20 bucks for leg mask...so 68 bucks..zeh mo expensive lo!! This leg mask is supposed to make my legs fair and hydrate it. The lady insisted that i do the mask cos my shin was very dry. Anyway, the effect is supposed to last two weeks...we shall see hmmm pedicure is another simple joy of life to me and i celebrate being a woman, so nice to be able to pamper oneself. Blessings :)

Hang out with Jervis at Parkway after my pedicure. He had to go to the travel agency to check out the accomodations in Melbourne and I had to get some retail therapy :) I bought myself a pair of shoes...yes again

Woke up at 10am to do house work this morning. So glad we didn't have to work today heehee Picked mum at 3.30pm and we drove to Centerpoint to meet Jervis for the Robinsons sale. Shop shop shop and mum bought the most things. She spent about 500 bucks buying bed sheets, a Lab Series face mask for Jervis, a Dior loose powder and a Dior lipstick. We had dinner at the Japanese restaurant in Cathay where sushi plate cost only 99 cents. So cheap. While Jfk and Jervis were queuing up to get into the restaurant, mum and me wandered around AND spend more money buying stuff. Mum bought a bag from a cart and i bought a pair of shoes...AGAIN!! OMG i am starting a shoe obsession. This is the third pair of shoes that i bought this weekend. Anyway, the sales lady couldn't find my shoe size and took my contact details so that she could get the shoes from her warehouse and deliver them to me.

Sales lady: I don't have the shoe size here with me now, why don't you give me your contact and i send them to you? I will have to get the shoes from my warehouse.
Me: Ok, where is your warehouse?
Sales lady: Punggol
Me: HUH?? hey i live there, i can meet you. Do you have a website? So next time i can check your web for new bags and shoes and collect them from your place.
Sales lady: Sure sure, we have new designs and new stock every two months
Me: (in my mind) hurray hurray hurray

The lady delivered my new shoes to my place at 11.45pm, i am excited about this haha yet another new way for retail therapy.

Life is good, full of surprises and full of simple joys :D

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

17 May, 2008 - Far East train ride

Got up at 3pm today OMG am i a pig or what!! Lethargy la *sheepish grin* keke

Did some housework and pestered dar to go town :) today is "Go green" day for the both of us, so we took a train ride to Orchard to do our bit for our Earth. It feels good to be taking a train ride to town with dar cos this is almost like once in a million years haha monster will have to stay home and rest.

We reached Far East at 8pm and the shops are still open phew heng lo. Both of us walked around the building and felt OLD. I think Far East Shopping center is for teenagers...but in some shops hidden away in a corner, one can still find some decent stuff meant for ahem the more mature women.

Bought a pair of shoes and had dinner at Ramen Teh. After dinner, both of us walked to Wisma Atria and i bought a Shu Uemura eyeliner. Wah satisfied and happy keke
Wisma closes at 11pm on Sauturday...late night shopping and there was a "live" band singing at the entrance organised by Wisma. Saxophone, electric guitar and a melodious voice..we were both enchanted by her singing :)

By the time we got home, it was almost twelve and we were tired..oh..did i mention we took a short bus ride home heh heh

Saturday, May 17, 2008

16 May, 2008 - Iron Man

Edwin is staying, happy (",) for the past few days..many days actually, we were like waiting for a verdict anxiously...now we feel happy heehee oh it's very HAPPY :)

Catching "Iron man" at Cathay tonight and everyone is restless..or maybe it's just me who was restless keke Early release today at 5pm woohoo :) Aiya if only Sean, Sarah and Fenn could come today..even though the show is quite crappy. I honestly think this is a very "satt" place to be at..sounds unbelievable but this has always been my dream company. Been wishing i could join since 2003 heehee but i guess one man's meat is another man's poison..cos we are famous for the heavy workload, fast-paced environment, massive amount of emails etc etc which equals to plenty of stress..but i am counting my blessings. If God lead me here, it cannot be wrong :)

Took Edwin's car to Cathay to meet dar and the rest :) Picked up his wifey and i fully understand how come he insists he is the luckiest man, she is so gentle and look so virtuous that i think i am so 粗鲁 next to her..alamak 自卑一下lei hahaha aiya but i also think dar is a lucky guy ma..i make his life interesting by making it difficult sometimes :p

We got to Cathay at 8.30pm, had about half an hour to eat the buffet dinner that was catered for us before queuing for the drinks and popcorn :) Time really flies...been a year since we watched "Transformers" together last year hmmm should have asked Jervoise and Jervis along this time hmmm didn't know i could actually purchase the tickets for them and by the time i know, it was too late arrrggghhh

Went home with Aising and Marcus together heehee life is beautiful lalalalalalala

Friday, May 16, 2008

15 May, 2008 - Sarah's bday lunch

Fenn, Sarah, Alice, Heidi, Weng Seng, Amy, Andrew, Yanti, Jasmine and me went to Crystal Jade for lunch today to celebrate Sarah's belated birthday today :) The bill came to about 250 bucks and no discounts for any visa cards chey hmmm this is the second time we have lunch at Crystal Jade this month...i think we could be members liao lo and we deserve a discount card :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

14 May, 2008 - Kick-Off

We have a 3M intoduction meeting today and i am excited. I think i am obsessed with 3M products. I have always been an avid fan of their scotch tapes :) i think they make the best scotch tapes..the kinds that do not spoil your books and can be re-use.

We had a cut cake session for Sarah today heehee dar helped me to get this triangle shaped cake from Crystal Jade in mocha flavour. I thought it was kinda small but lucky it was just nice for all of us phew.

Dinner at Long Beach in East Coast with Edwin, Leslie, Patrick, Noel, Stella, John, Lee Kheng and XXX. Much hala hala and crabs cooked in two ways. Black pepper and chilli style :D i am a happy gal tonight. This evening, we found out that Noel is also an ASK hahaha with four lawyers in his family to boot of..zeh mo satt lei...Fwah heavy dinner and as usual..i felt fat after that hahaha

Monday, May 12, 2008

12 May, 2008 - Our day :)

12 May...a special day :)

Dar picked me up from work today and we headed to East Coast for dinner. The restaurant's name is "The 360". Food was great because they served bacon yummy.

I drank two mugs of beer with nachos, zeh mo enjoy life heehee dar had a beef burger. The serving was so huge that i think it's more for ang mohs. Anyway, the restaurant faces the cable wake boarding lagoon so...ang mohs are applenty lo.

Thank you dar :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

11 May, 2008 - Happy Mothers' day

Nuah-ed with the newly wed the whole day...shop around parkway and went back to the hotel room for more nuah time. We are disgusting hahaha

Made a dinner reservation at Uncle Charlie's at Upper East Coast road for my family to celebrate Mother's day. Peranakan food is tasty but not my favourite food hmmm didn't know both Jervoise and Jervis fancy it...we have peranakan roots lei, don't play play haha ah ma is ba ba teochew but i cannot speak teochew and my hokkien sucks. 骗吃骗吃还可以...

Bought the very same rum & cherry cake from Awfully chocolate...Mother's day ma...reason to get a cake. BUT the cake was eaten by Jervis and me only la hahaha

Happy Mothers' day mum! *smuackz

10 May, 2008 - Wedding lunch

I "woke up" (never sleep so don't really count as wake up lo) at 6am and took a shower, dress up, put on my make up, did my hair and waited for dar to wake up. He got dressed by 8am and we headed to Katong to collect the flowers from Michelle.

Got to Grand Mercure at 9am and the couple was still getting ready, We were early hurray hurray hurray..of cos i paid a heavy price la...no sleep, no rest but i am lucky i don't get panda eyes easily heehee

The wedding planner is one big joke. If you are planning for a wedding, please do not consider this hotel cos the service sucks. I made a new friend today :) her name is Yinz and it's my pleasure to meet her. Both of us ganged up to suan the wedding planner for her cocky attitude and no value added service. She did not ensure the smooth running of the whole process but instead gave us new sets of problems to be solved by ourselves...really...such bad service.

Anyway i am not going to elaborate on the day's event keke everything ended by 4pm and we headed back to the couple's matrimonial suite for more drinks...and drinks plus no sleep = knock out on sofa hahaha

We spent the night with the couple...yes we are the biggest 电灯炮 heehee

Parkway Parade from a different angle

I am happy for the both of them and i wish them happiness forever.

9 May, 2008 - Dragonfly

Tonight is party time :)

Got to Dragonfly at 8pm and it was already so packed gosh...i don't fancy this place but this seems to be the most happening place to be after Luna. Amy managed to get a table for us cos she met her friends..phew heng..a table to put our drinks. While Amy was talking to her friends and Desmond was getting the food, i was staring into space..almost lulling myself to sleep LOL

By 10pm, Edwin and Sarah reached dragonfly just in time for the "concert" time :) Sean could make it this time heehee happy. So everyone present today were - Amy, Sarah, Desmond, Sean, Edwin, Alex & wife, Weng Seng and me :) I am so over William Scopion...after seeing him donned a very cheena-pok costume hahaha
Party ended at about 2am and we headed to "dunno what place" for a super late supper. But i felt so "stoine" to eat anything...drank kopi cos i needed to stay awake til 7am. So worried that i couldn't wake up for the wedding lunch tomorrow hahaha so i think i should not be sleeping...just in case :D

Edwin sent me home and the first thing that i did was slumped over the sofa and rest heehee if i were to take a shower, i would definitely fall into a deep slumber and that's bad news hmm

Thursday, May 8, 2008

7 May, 2008 - Bonkers

Today's work was swaggering...i was like a phone operator, answering phone calls after phone calls gosh i thought i was going bonkers. Not enough time to juggle all the ping pong balls and to throw them out tsk tsk Anyway after telling the other party my decision this morning, i felt relieved. I hope he changes his mind and stay so that i can continue to assist him. I wish la...wishes are free..anyway, if he is part of the plan, whatever will be will be.

Here is Edwin with his "companies that dun listen" pose :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

6 May, 2008 - Cell

I went to cell in the evening today and the strangest thing happened. I think God must have sent His angels to surround me today. I haven't been hearing from God and i was beginning to doubt my credibility as a believer. I thought that perhaps because i am not a exactly a staunch Christian, i am not hearing things and neither am i getting answers. Then wham bang, He sent a cab driver to tell me the correct plan. Blown away and shocked...that's how i felt today.

Cool stuff. It's like, "you (me) haven't been quiet and listening to me (God), nah, here's what i want you (me) to do" answer was point blank on my face. He sent a cab driver to tell me His plans in the most unimaginable way and if i still don't get it, i would be the biggest crass idiot.

Hurray :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

5 May, 2008 - Curly hair day

Took leave today with Fenn to perm our hair in Bugis :) Went with dar to Chinatown and had breakfast alone at Macdonald's cos he was already late for work..if only we could have breakfast together hmmm drats after drinking a cup of coke, i felt unwell. No good to drink cola early in the morning..

Left Chinatown at 9.30am and took the train to Bugis. The morning train crowd at this timing were mostly tourists, retired couples and kids. I felt like an "one day" unemployed young adult wandering about aimlessly hahaha But i was thinking to myself...if taking train rides could lead one to discover one's aspirations and dreams then WOW...life would be a whole lot simpler with a few less lost souls. Like the saying goes,"there is light at the end of every tunnel."

The train ride is my muse for my thoughts on true financial freedom today. I think true financial freedom is when our money is working hard for us rather than us working too hard for our money. Investments, shares, trading, unit trusts, fixed deposits etc etc etc not us chalking up enough work hours in an office cubicle :)

Anyway, got to Bugis at 9.45am and walked around the complex twice. None of the boutiques were opened and after walking two rounds, my feet were tired and they walked all the way to Ah-Kun for a cup of kopi-O. Kopi-O was served in an cup plus saucer giving it an old school feel keke coke and kopi proved to be a perfect cure for constipation :p

Fenn was very punctual and both of us walked to Eddie's place for the much awaited perm hurray. 11am til 4.30pm...that's how long we sat in the salon without any food and toilet breaks, bless us both! Women are creatures of high threshold of "pee tolerance and hunger pangs" to any beauty related stunts. Fenn look like a Japanese doll with her curls :) but my hair look messy lei...untamed curls..and i am trying to flatten it abit hahaha women

After we are done with our hair, we had a very late lunch at MOS burger...and confessed to Edwin that we are happily eating together after a perm heehee

Took another train ride to Dhoby Ghaut to check out the ring shop and another ride to Chinatown to look for dar.

Went to CGH to visit Chee Wee and hear him described how doctors "drained" the pus in his throat arrrgghhh scary. Sent Bah Gay home and we headed home. Long day *yawn*

Monday, May 5, 2008

Created for Abundance

Pastor's Pen

Beginning with the first chapter of Genesis, in the whole creation episode, we behold a God of abundance, a God of fruitfulness, a God who is generous.

God blessed them and said to them,"Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. ..."I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beast of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground - everything that has breath of life in it - I give every green plant for food." And it was so. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
Genesis 1:28-31

Our God is Good
A good God makes good things! Creation was graded "very good" because it was an outflow made in the image of the master craftsman who does not compromise on quality and beauty. No matter how ugly the world around us has become or no matter how badly we have been treated by others ...Remember: Our Good God harbours no evil intent but desires always to bless us!

Our God is Giving
He is no scrooge who withholds from giving. He is a God who gives and does not hold back. Wherever God has positioned you or whatever His calling upon your life, He will not just put you there to do whatever you can do just to get a job done! ...Remember: Our Giving God will give us all that we need to be successful, fruitful and joyful!

Our God is Generous
He gives so that we may have life - nad have it abundantly. In those few verses of Genesis, superlatives are used to describe His generosity. He is no stingy poker and His generosity overflows with abundance ...Remember: Our Generous God of the more than enough will flow through us too!

Our Good, Giving and Generous God is with us!

4 May, 2008 - Shopping at Suntec

Went to get a facial done yesterday..a facial called "vitaminc C intensive facial mask"...the name is zeh mo "powerful" lo..supposed to make my skin more supple, more dewy and smoother and i am a goner. This cost me seventy eight bucks...i am such a sucker for all these stuff..

By the time i got home, it was 3.30pm..dar and me took a short nap and went to JB for dinner. Met up with Johnson and he brought us to a little Thai restaurant hidden in a corner. Never knew such a place existed in JB, looked like a mini little kampong...if you drive past this place on the main road, you wouldn't imagine the decor of the restaurant to be so "resort". It's a stark contrast to all the mamak and the car wash stalls by the side of the road.

Thai restaurant in JB

Today has been a really hot day. HOT AND HUMID til i really buay tahan. Went home after church service to meet Jervis and both of us went shopping for Onitsuka shoes in Suntec. They were on sales and Jervis bought two pairs!! OMG he is a shoe lover like me...mum is going to nag at him for occupying cupboard space :p

After all the walking around, we had dinner at Crystal Jade La Mian and i had my favourite 小笼包. Wonder how come i love eating that so much...after dinner, both of us drove to Katong Mall to get ahem chocolate cake from Awfully Chocolate. We bought the rum and resin chocolate cake *yummy

Jervis falling flat on his bed feeling beat haha

Friday, May 2, 2008

1 May, 2008 - Happy Labour Day :)

Woke up so late in the afternooon and prepared ourselves to go to Ronnie's place for baby Rene's first month celebration :) She is such a sweetie..oh and the caterer's food was great..check out www.fostre.com yummy

Next round was to East Coast Road to have a BBQ gathering with Shulian and her friends, Royston, Gary, Rubes, Yan, Hui, baby Kaizer, baby Leo, Jack, Ann, baby Richie, Perlyn :) Fwah so long never do bbq in East Coast, never pitch tent, never just sit around and enjoy...this makes me feel like a teenager again hahaha Ah lian ordered some cupcakes with our names on it! Gee so sweet of her. Thank you ah lian :)

Jeremy was at pit 49 and we were at pit 51..small world haha dar and me went up to say hi hi and we left at 10 plus..so tired, hot and sticky hmmm HAPPY LABOUR DAY TO ALL!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

30 April, 2008 - Chilli Cream

No need to go to work tomorrow hurray

I finally succumbed to the temptation to buy two tubes of chilli cream...one specifically for the arms and the other for the tummy and the rest of the body haiz...women heehee let's see if it works.

Today is Edwin's big day, another one blissful man in Singapore hahaha Wishing them happiness and joy for ever and ever and ever.

Dar picked me up after work and we got to Sembawang at about 9pm..MIL made lotsa food for us and her famous chicken wings. Benjamin is so cute, he sure is learning alot at two years old. I put him on the chair, turned the chair a few rounds while holding onto the top of his head then put him standing on the floor...and guess what, he "peng san" muahahahahaha

Kids can be so fun to hang around sometimes :)