Sunday, October 26, 2008

26 October, 2008 - Great Eastern Run

I woke up at 6am this morning to get ready for the 5km run. Run run run walk walk walk... the night before, i had butterflies in my stomach...i wanted to back out hahaha but i promised my dearest sistas so i had to do it.

It's a 5km run.

*** pics to be uploaded :)

25 October, 2008 - MIL issues

Went to Yishun today. Because "everyone" would be there today. I think i am starting to resent the things the MIL does or rather the things the MIL tries to interfere with. It all started with the "house cleaning" and rice cooker. One day, the MIL decides that we might need some help with cleaning our house. So the MIL decides to come by and cleaned it. And because the MIL thinks we do not need such a big rice cooker, we lost the rice cooker. We will get a small one in exchange. I tried to be cool about it but i am really bothered.

I value my privacy and freedom above alot of things. Now i feel that my privacy has been invaded and i am quite upset. The MIL has even decides that our baby will stay with her while we are away. There is even a plan to how we are should be leaving for our flight. I am not given any options or choice and i feel trapped. I even have to continue buying a set of 4D numbers cos the MIL repeatedly emphasize that it's better to continue buying this number.

For a long time since the incident of the rice cooker happened, i asked myself if i was bothered about having a smaller ulu sami rice cooker or i just simply prefer the bigger, branded rice cooker. Neither. It's not the rice cooker, it's my privacy at stake. How can i have someone try to run part of my life.

Great, the last i heard as of today, we are not going to have kids because there would be problems. "It's better not to have any kids cos i can foreseen problems." Okaaaay, not that i want to be a mum anyway.

Because my privacy is at stake, i am Ms Attitude this afternoon. Everything is making my temper surface and i did not bother to hide my displeasure and it showed on my face..shouldn't have..

HEEEEEEELP me somebody

Friday, October 24, 2008

23 October, 2008 - My Passions

We had dance class today...make up class for the one that we would be missing in November. I think dance and make up are my only passions. At least these two interests sustained more than five years :)

I am still feeling sick but the moment the music starts, i felt well :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

22 October, 2008 - Sick

Oh dear, i fell ill today. Caught a cold sob sob :( i used up like a whole box of tissue papers...and my eyes are all watery arrrggghhh

By noon, it's more than i can bear..the clinic's empty so Amy and me walked over to see the doc. Halfway throught the outpatient session, it rained! Both of us did not have an umbrella. But we were both lucky :) we met the rest for lunch and walked back together after lunch keke

I have to get well latest by end of this week arrrrggghhh

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

19 October, 2008 - Ugly side of life

Read on the papers today about one of Dr Lily Neo's meet-the-people sessions. Interesting and it certainly stirs something in me. An ah pek, in his seventies, wants a dish washing job...but no one wants him cos he is too old and weak. But he needs the job to take care of all his three meals...or at least one meal a day.

i need to think about this and write something...soon...right after i am back from my chill out trip.

17 October, 2008 - Bowling Nite

We have early 4.30 :) cos we have a friendly bowling match later in the evening at Pasir Ris. It's a company event and i kinda look forward to it. I am in the same team as FM and Nicholas Sim. Sigh...i wish we could at least choose our team members if i had to bowl...something i don't really enjoy. least there would be something to look forward to after the event :)

After the competition ended, we stayed to play a few more games and my arm was aching by the time we are through with the fourth game.

Edwin, Sean, Sarah and me had supper in Tampines after the games. My muscles are...well...cramped :(

It's October already, time passes so fast.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

14 October, 2008 - Mani & Pedi

I have a sudden urge to "fix" my nails today...and so a call to my manicurist solve all the nail problems :)

Had dinner with Sarah in Simei before rushing off to my appointment :)

Made a new friend today. She taught me what's "kata" means in Malay...flirty and vain tsk tsk so that's what Naz meant la keke

While she is doing my nails, she is also sharing stories about her love life and her ahem flings. I am flabbergasted when she told me she ate char siew pau cos she is a Muslim. Ok..affairs are pretty common nowadays.

Monday, October 13, 2008

12 October, 2008 - Millenia Walk

I just want to write that we went to Candy Empire in Millenia Walk this evening :) We were at Millenia Walk to collect the goodie bag for signing up for this Great Eastern Marathon the following Sunday. I must have been crazy to even agree to sign up arrrggghhh wonder what time must i wake up to do this...lagi xian

11 October, 2008 - Sim Lim shopping

Dar brought me to Sim Lim to buy some memory be fixed onto the PC. I am beginning to appreciate the stuff that are being sold in Sim Lim. All these electronics gadgets makes me feel that the industry i am working in makes sense. All these little components add up to become what you and me (the consumers) use. :D

Next time i feel down or am unsure of where am i am headed for in my career, for a start, i could head down to Sim Lim hahaha At least it ignites some passion to my dwindling interest.

Anyway, the plus point is to visit the Korean minimart down the corner of the street. I can get lotsa Korean stuff here :)

People watch. That's what i love doing while seated at those so called side walk cafes (Singapore style) drinking bubble tea or eating wanton mee.

Darling Harbour...can't wait for that day already

10 October, 2008 - Closure dinner?

Went to Tampines to have dinner with Sarah after work today. She insisted on buying me dinner..sort of like a closure hmmmmm

Both of us ordered so much food that i am amazed we could actually finished them all. Noodle, xiao long bao, doufu, long beans and prawn rolls...FATTENING arrrgghhh lucky tomorrow is Saturday..i can go swim or run or do some gym thingy. (Most likely i would be sleeping off the fats and carbo...since sleeping helps to burn calories too)

We chatted, ate, chatted, ate and she sent me home. Along the way we chatted some more and i thought to myself that it's great to have friends :)

9 October, 2008 - Orchard and Lynn

Meet up with Lynn for retail therapy and some discussions about our dreams. She is starting work at a new place next week and she needs new clothes hahaha

Orchard is horrendously packed with people even on a weekday afternoon. The trains were crowded and people walked hurriedly. We walked the whole of City Link and headed to Orchard. Shop shop shop and i managed to get a dress from Zara, a pair of falsies from I-nouvi, a belt for Amy from Far East and a pink lippie from MAC. I am crazy about lippies from MAC. Tried a garish red lippie and i look so darn OTT. Red lippie is definitely out unless i am bleaching myself to be as fair as an English rose hahahaha

Met Anna and Xiaojin after dinner at KFC. Anna looked the same. Strange to meet her out of nowhere and after Alex, it's such a pity that there seems to be no common topics between the both of us anymore. Strange that she just disappeared from my circle of friends in a flash...hmmm

By the time we parted, it was almost 9pm...TIRED but happy and satisfied :D

Thursday, October 9, 2008

8 October, 2008 - Happy Bdae Rubes Darling

May all your wishes come true my dear sista, we'll celebrate your birthday with a cake in front of Darling harbour :)

5 October, 2008 - Pastor's Pen today

Not By Might nor by Power but By His Spirit

Are you someone who enjoys fixing things that are not working? Taking it apart, getting a glimpse of how it works and then putting it all back together? The experience can be really satisfying especially when you can get it back to work again.

Unfortunately, life is not so simple. Many things in life cannot be fixed so easily when they break down. One example is guilt we may still feel for sins long past even though we may have already forgiven. Or it could be a persistent weakness that keeps us stuck and bound in the same frustrating cycle over and over again. Just as broken appliances cannot be fixed without outside intervention, we too need some outside help. We must rely on God to repair the broken areas of our lives.

"Not by might not by power, but by my spirit," says the Lord Almighty. -Zechariah 4:6

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

30 September, 2008 - HK Cafe

Today is Tuesday and we do not need to go to work tomorrow because it is a public holiday heehee yay am i happy or am i happy

Sarah suggested going for dinner a team. The word team is comforting.

It was almost 10pm and it was raining, Sean's in the gym. We can't go to 85 Bedok North with such a we chose the Hong Kong Cafe in Katong.