Friday, June 19, 2015

11 June, 2015 - The 40 year old virgin

There is this woman in my office, who is 40 this year, i think this month to be exact. And i'm quite sure she is a virgin. We were those hi, bye, smile smile, how's the weather type of colleagues. And out of the blue, one day, she seemed to morph into a different person and started to give me those quick smile like those "i-see-a-face-i-force-a-smile" type of smile. After a few attempts of smiling sincerely back and getting snubbed, screw it. I ignore her whenever i see her. Let's call her GAP.

And this guy, ACSian let slipped today that she pretty much dislike most women in the office. People like her makes the air stale in the office. I think she dislike me and xiao mei because we made LK a prettier lady. She has this on going feud with LK. This is so childish. It is two different matters altogether. I'm beginning to think women who worked in Achieva for too long are all weirdos.

Anyway, i have this thought today. If a woman turns 40 and is still a virgin, and still harbour hopes of getting attached unsuccessfully, she will probably become a bitter woman. Even pandas who do not procreate easily as other animals, would have had sex at some point of their panda lives. 

GAP probably does not realised she has issues, on the contrary, she probably thinks she is far superior and prettier then us mere mortals. She is not ugly but she is weird. I think that's probably why she is not attached. I feel like telling her "if you want a boyfriend, upgrade to a nicer character. Or at least not be such a cheena bongster AUNTIE. I was mad at her, now I'm curious.

So which brings me back to...are single, virgin women all weirdos? It's a vicious cycle, wanting to get a man but behaving in all possible ways that turn men off. Then turning weird because no love, no sex and no companion.

But if GAP has got the right mindset, she would probably have been a happier woman, attracting the right attention and gaining friends. And most of all, not feel lonely even if she is single.

GAP, i hope you find a guy who completes you and you turn normal. 

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