Wednesday, June 24, 2015

23 June, 2015 - Wayang ~ part two

At some point of life,  all of us would have acted in some circumstances or situations. We act as if we are the most generous, nonchalant person around and then when we see a sign that says "Free" we would be part of the queue to collect the freebies... because "we gian ben and kiasu and we scared we miss out."

Where i work, we need to act. Act busy, act important, act tough, act weak, act most piteous, act smart, act dumb etc etc Maybe because there are about 100 employees in this office and the hit rate of the above roles are higher. If it is a small company, there will just be the odd one or two weirdos. It is funny why people behave like that... when all we need to do is get the job done, get our pay at the end of the month and the company sales grow healthily. But, sometimes it is necessary to wayang a bit, 人在江湖,身不由己

Let's talk about the unfair treatment. Some people are either just born lucky with a pretty face/handsome face, find an "umbrella" as in a leaning mountain (literally translated from Mandarin), and the world is their oyster. I guess that's life, when you are in the right place, right time, right opportunity. Wham! Jackpot!

I've met my fair share of bad leaders. I've been told "hey, I'm sorry i can't promote you since you want to take all 4 months of your maternity leave". Ouch, and on the same note, informed me that i need to be prepared that this job won't be around after my maternity leave because the whole team is shifting to Penang. Did i mention she told me this when she herself just came back from her maternity leave and we had to cover her share of work while she is at home looking after baby. Not to mention i work at night on days that i took leave to accompany my dad for chemotheraphy. This was the same lady who told me i need to position myself to look very busy and make sure everyone sees it. See, i need to act. Act super duper busy and make sure there are audiences.

The next leader after is a nice guy who is so nice, he confuses me at times. Just like Liu Bei. You know Liu Bei is talking shit when he said his son does not deserves to be saved from the enemies by his general because it endangered the life of his precious general. Which parent would wish for the death of his/her own child?? So you know he talked shit. I know beneath that kind demeanour is a pretence to look safe and harmless and be liked by all so that he can get information and get by, i can't help thinking he is a nice guy..which he is. And the rest of the team adores him..but it's so hard to dislike him. I need to act like i don't know he is pretending.

Then there is the alcoholic leader. Who called me in the middle of the night to get the quotes out just because i was replying emails and he happened to receive it in his blackberry while he was half drunk picking up girls in Zouk! And who expects me to pay for his cab to customer's place. Duh! I need to act civil with him when sometimes i would like to smack his head.

Another one is the act amitabha-beware-of-karma type of shit leader. This is the political one..who wants to dictate who i can speak to or who i cannot speak to. And gives me dirty looks if i "betray" him for talking to his enemies. He imagined those enemies i think.. My anger for him has turned to pity because the way he carry himself is not exactly aligned with all the life quotes he posts on FB.

I wish i can be a house cat minus the guilt.

And today, it's day 2 that we need to act like we are so enthusiastic about having the 3 Presidents of this company. We clapped, stood by cubicles, smiled as wide as we can. This is really cheena bongster behaviour. I realised companies ran by the Taiwanese, the Chinese, the Hong Kongers are like that.  Rubes said Agilent didn't have to do this when they had presidents visiting. It's call coffee talk and staff are ENCOUARAGED to join.  But we..we do it big. We renovate part of the office, repainted some of the walls blue, hide all food from our tables and the guys had to wear blazers in this sweltering heat, and the central air-con in our office is not fantastically cold. And we have scripted questions to be asked during Q&A. And we have the lion dance. The last time i felt like i worked in a KTV sort of company was when i was asked to entertain an old Taiwanese man in F/R. I refused and the rest was history.

I am not gripping but I'm sharing my amusement :) I work in an interesting place, a robust environment. Where angels lurk in corners and makes my day brighter and happier while I'm at work.  Now and then i get to watch some scenes and be amused.

I felt drained, because i couldn't deal with so much pretence in 2 days..and the price increase..shit thing, i have a phobia because this price increase has made me lost a lot the last 2 times.. but i read some articles about Mr Lee Kuan Yew and felt very inspired and stronger. Exercises help too.

And Rubes's car had to be towed away on Mon at my mum's place. I enjoyed talking to the tow truck uncle. He told me how the whole thing works, including the mechanism of the tow truck. It made me feel sort of happy hahaha Sorry Rubes, that your white knight has to be towed away and i gained a lesson on how to tow cars hahaha

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