Wednesday, June 10, 2015

9 June, 2015 - Curiousity will kill the housecat

“People come, people go – they’ll drift in and out of your life, almost like characters in a favorite book. When you finally close the cover, the characters have told their story and you start up again with another book, complete with new characters and adventures. Then you find yourself focusing on the new ones, not the ones from the past.”

I thought about the people who came into my life at some point of time and then poof, disappeared without a trace. People like Baoyu and Anna, who were the "bad ones" who taught me lessons. And there are people who walked in and connected because we were at the right time at the right place. And we drifted apart..just because. People like Lynn, Jeremy, Han, Steven..just to name a few. These people didn't disappear, we are just at different stage of our lives. 

Baoyu and Anna have a few things in common and the list seems to go on.
- Low self esteem
- both teaches kids (Baoyu was a tutor while Anna is a teacher)
- good in Mandarin
- ashamed of their own family
- prone to jealousy
- hen pecked their men - control purse strings tightly
- surname Lin
- Hokkien
- self centred
- married men with birthdays in October!! Lovey dovey Libra

It's disgusting how i missed these points when i made friends with Anna. I spent time and effort being there for them at their lowest, I'm not expecting anything in return honestly. But what i got was a stab at the back and sudden disappearance. I think that's rude and i would be lying to say I'm not curious about the reason for the behaviour of both women. And how unfortunate that i have to meet this type of character twice..darn. I think i hated Baoyu because that friendship lasted more than 10 years. Thank God that the friendship with Anna lasted from her divorce til she got a new man. Now, there is no more hatred but really just curiosity. But between having them back in my life or staying curious forever, i choose the latter :)

But for every terrible people i met, there seem to be more angels around. Past and present angels..will always be angels.

One thing remains unchanged. My intense dislike for hypocrites and selfishness. Over the years and with age, i have developed a refined detector to pick up these 2 undesirable traits in people. I really do not have the patience or time to put up with fake-ness in any relationship. I would be 40 next year, and if i live to 80, that would mean I've half a lifetime left. If i don't live to 80, it means i have less than half my lifetime left. I really can't imagine living up to my Life is too precious to hang around people who gives us crap. 

Family is all that matters at the end of the day :) They are the characters in a book that will always be there, even when they are gone, the memories will always be important and filled with love. 

Oh I'm so sleepy..goodnite til i pen my thoughts again

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