Thursday, July 23, 2015

22 July 2015 - Between getting things done and being liked

Sometimes, when I'm caught in undesirable situations, i would wonder what would Pastor Dominic or Mr Lee Kuan Yew have done if he faced the same situation as me.

Yesterday, Edwin told me i kena a complaint from a customer service from Penang. But i did what i did so that i can manage work in more efficient way. If i send you an *email asking you if this has been settled? If not, please let me know today so that i can work on it immediately. I thought this sounded courteous and factual.

Imagine if i sent out 50 of such emails at one shot in the morning, different groups of people would have received the emails and responded at separate times, giving me leeway to clear these emails effectively, efficiently and immediately. Instead of going through 50 emails with new ones coming in at the same time that i am trying to clear these 50 old emails sent when I'm on leave, which also means i would be swarmed. Which also mean it could already be the next day or the next by the time i get to the email sent while I'm out of office.

I was thinking about where is she coming from, besides the fact that she buay kam buang that she has to resend the email to me. And i decided that between giving the illusion that i am trying goddamn hard to clear these emails and get liked, or being selfish about it so that things get done efficiently but yet get a bad reputation, i chose the later. Because either ways, i will still get complained. Take too long to clear, kena complained for being slow. Seriously.. I would have a list of things to lodge complaints about them but i firmly believe that no one is perfect and as long as it is not life and death issue, we can close one eye and just live and let live.

But i had been kuai lan. I skyped her to ask if she has gotten all the needed DPAs. I was thinking if she replies, i will tell her that she should have cc me in the email as well, instead of doing it behind my back, i just wanted her to know i know but it was zzzzzzzz  what a bitch

I am surprised i wasn't angry, upset or feel lousy because it is a fact also that i was selfish too, to have inconvenienced her to resend her request. Not that i have become numb and thick skin about such things but more like because i made a choice which i think best help myself, i should not regret it. Every decision that we make in life comes with consequences, good or bad. And i really have to blog about this.. because i need to remember that no matter what we do, we can never really please everyone and if we try to please others, we will get burnt out emotionally and physically. Wah in this case, it would mean more overtime during the weekdays and possibly another Saturday's worth of work.  I would be burnt out and feeling guilty about not spending time with Samuel.  Goodness, the thought freak me out. At the end of the day, i am answerable to God and my conscience. And the conscience now says, play with Samuel.

Another quote from Mr Lee Kuan Yew which i thought so apt. for this post... of cos it is too far fetched for me to even think of comparing my situation to his. But this is really too inspiring not to post it here.

*email - it is not really emails but quote line requests sent via Oracle. We will get tracked if the requests are pending too long

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