Tuesday, July 7, 2015

6 July, 2015 - Random Ramblings

1st July 2015 - the official date that Edwin will head our team. It is really like a dream come true too, from Pemco days. So this "coronation day" was really something to celebrate for :) Here is a very honest, sincere and intelligent man, not full of shit or wayang but jaded. Jaded because like a sponge, he absorbs the essence of everything that surrounds him. Knowing too much and seeing too much..thank God he is strong enough to be able to withstand and host all the knowledge. But anyway, it is better to be in touched with our surroundings than be oblivious idiots. It is important to be sincere and honest human beings with integrity and genuinely care about others,  than wayang. God bless the man :)

I "took a few days leave" as dabao king last week. I know mum is not too pleased..but i can't help it. The routine last week was interrupted. The routine of buying dinner, packing Samuel's school bag, making Jervoise and Jervis's beds, boiling the water..all these at my mum's place. And washing the clothes, ironing, sweeping the floor..at my place. Had to put in extra hours almost the whole of last week, the only bonus was..unfortunately, a little fire in the canteen of my workplace and we got the the whole of Tuesday off. But the next day was a nightmare when i saw the huge pile of work. So it was just work and work and work and gym.

And I went back to work on a Saturday. And that day, Samuel needed to visit the dentist to get his tooth extracted. While he was in the dentist, i was in the office clearing work. I had really felt like the worst mother ever... i hate it when i feel lousy as a mother. But i told myself i needed to do this in order to enjoy ourselves fully on the coming Tuesday, which is tomorrow. It's THE day that we register Samuel in ACS. I needed to be on top of work so that i get peace of mind. Something gotta give right? But shit. It never rains but it pours. When i turn on Oracle today, i saw 3 pages of quote line items to work on. That sucks. Considering the fact that i have cleared it to a page when i left the office on Saturday evening. Not to mention emails and EBS and all that shit besides quotes. For a fleeting moment this morning, a sense of desperation swept through me and my mind just went blank. It's hard to think when i am having a flu with a sore throat and wouldn't stop sneezing. I felt desperate because tomorrow is a very important day to us and I am nothing near "on top of work" despite trying hard. I went from desperation to my mind going blank and to anger. Angry at the person who worked on a Sunday, angry that i fell sick at this time, angry with everything. 

But in my 38++ years of life experiences, i have learnt that staying calm at trying situations is more effective than panicking. So..it was on anger mode when i worked today. But i wasn't rude and I didn't take it out on anyone. It was just anger but i am fully aware of how unnecessary it was to be angry. That's the best part, talking to myself in the head - the logical reasonings and the illogical emotions fighting each other. It was just like cruise control while driving, i was really just cruising through work today, which helped cos i was very calm. I even looked the part. Can complete great, cannot too bad. I popped 2 pills to stop the flu and I'm just feeling sleepy...and angry.

Sometimes i feel like a robot, i need to complete many tasks in a day,  a week, a weekend. It's all about wearing many different hats and masks and play the juggling game. But it is a blessing to be able to juggle because it means I'm alive and healthy and useful. But i am not a robot, and i get "feel under the weather" days.. hence this cyber space of mine is such a therapeutic place. 

I am determined that tomorrow is going to be a great day. It's ACS. It's THE school..my dream school since young and Samuel is going there.

:)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  

Curiosity made me checked out NCSS web just now. And i saw Iris Lin, director or Fei Yue, on the first page again. I also just found out that Joyce and Valerene were her friends. I wonder if that could mean something..since Valerene is going to invite us to her wedding. God, are You doing anything? Anything at all?

But I felt a need to join a cell group..to get back to a spiritual family. There was a prompting but i shut it down. Because it was not convenient to attend cell every week. But i could be wrong..

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