Sunday, January 3, 2016

3 January 2016 - God inspired

School re-opens tomorrow and we are all ready but i keep thinking that I might have missed out on something and this went through my head like almost a thousand times.  Samuel is happily playing at Kellar's place, oblivious to the fact that he will be starting a new milestone tomorrow. Children are so innocent.  I watched Samuel from a distance when we were in church this morning. He was singing praises to God and enjoying himself. I hope we are bringing him up the way that God intended for him to be, and set out to fulfil the plans that God has for him.

Tweet for Thought ftom Pastor Dom:
A very blessed New Year to you and your family! It's the first weekend of 2016;I truly believe that it's a season of new beginnings and opportunities to see God's victory in your life.

God will pour new things into our lives in 2016, but we cannot fully embrace it until we have let go of 2015 and our past. Matthew 9: 16-17 says, "No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch with pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved."

Regardless of how you feel, don't stay stuck because of your reluctance to change, surrender, reposition or simply let go and let God. It's time to throw the old wineskin and let God pour new wine into new wineskins. God has put in you all that you need to push through the threshold and move forward in 2016. His Spirit is upon you. His strength, His peace, His comfort, His wisdom - He makes all of His resources available for your to breakthrough into the new things.

It's time to let go, move forward and see God's victories happening!

Today's sermon was on prayer. We should prayer as that is a form of communication to God, our heavenly Father. I agree..prayer should not just be a way to ask things or favours from God. I am tired of thinking of aliens and science..i will convince Jfk to join a family cell so that we can grow spiritually. Be that God centred family we should be..and honour God for blessing us with Samuel. 

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