Saturday, March 31, 2007

Karaoke session at Punggol Marina

I really had a ball of of my time this Friday evening...Jeremy picked me up and we headed down to Punggol Marina to meet Richard, Joanne, Priscillia, Lee Yoou, Corrin, Frederick, Darren, Andrew and Bernard. We had a room there for karaoke session and wow did we have fun!

Been a long time since i actually sang a song in a karaoke session...and my voice was kinda rusty but after lotsa Baileys, i just sang and dun care that i couldn't hit some high notes haha
Hey pals, if you are reading this, i am really glad to have met all of you. Thanks Jo, for having asked me to hang out with all of you. Everything happens for a reason and all of you are my biggest catch here and i really enjoy your company.

Gosh in fact i am trying to keep a clear mind and steady myself to write this entry cos i think i am starting to feel sleepy and i think i gotta go catch some sleep now...i am suffering from the inability to keep my eyes open syndrome from over comsumption of Baileys arghhhhh...

Nitez pals ;)

Friday, March 30, 2007

30 March 2007 - Last day as a housecat :(

Time really passes by real fast when i m enjoying myself... it's friday already and the end of my weekdays bliss before i start work in a new place next monday. Sigh..should have requested to start work in another week's time...but then again the more i nua, the more lazy and laid back i will become...

I din even bother going out today, prefering to just do more packing around the house and put my culinary skills to use. Wonder how would it be to be a stay home working cat (for other women, it would be a stay home working mum...talking cock again). Sigh wouldn't it be great..working at the comforts of my home and day dream as and when i feel like it.

Funny i dun feel lonely being alone at home this week. Sometimes i feel lonely when i am surrounded by people. Then i shop when i feel empty (incessantly buying stuff i dun really need) and drink when i feel lonely. (Oh but i am no alcoholic keke) Solitude to me is at its best when i am at peace with myself...i figured. Most times i just feel restless, like there are so many things to be done and so many dreams to persue but i am only going round in circles. Not moving forward makes me feel shitty and RESTLESS. Then cos i stop listening to the small little voice in me for so long, i dun even noe the cause of my restlessness sometimes. Damn it!

Anyway, gotta start preparing myself mentally, physically for the new job. Like what my frens have said, MAKE IT WORK.

Cheery sunflower day

This uncle is really steady lo, look at all the sunflowers...such a creative way to brighten everybody's day keke

Tribute to my bak bak sistas

Yanyan & Ruby, my bak bak sistas

Yanyan = 23 years of frenship
Ruby = 17 years of frenship

Woa ho, i love both of you...for keeping me grounded and for always being there during all the difficult times as well as all the wonderful "paint the town red" times. Hey i found some cards and gifts from both of you throughout our teens and our 20s, let's find a day to look at em' all keke we'll have fun ya

Yan, Ruby and me are so excited about welcoming your little "terror" into our lives. We will be very loving Godmas keke

Cheers to our sistahood and for many more years

Thursday, March 29, 2007

29 March, 2007 - Being true to myself

Watched the movie "music and lyrics" today. Sophie Fischer (Drew Barrymore) is a "hidden" talented lyricist who was traumatised by a guy she has been carrying a torch for. He had used her as a character in his best selling book, painting her in a derogatory way and she has problem getting over this hurt. Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant) is a 80s has been pop star who is a shadow of his past. Both has issues and are hiding behind a facade.....there was a scene where Sophie insisted that Alex stands up for his belief in his song and remain true as an artist. Triggered off me thinking if i have been true to myself...

It has always been my belief to treat people with sincerity and be as open as possible. In doing so, i believe that there will be no need to hide under a facade and pretend to be somebody i am not. I also believe that i trust a person without any obligations until proven wrong. There were countless times that i have trusted and got hurt and then backed off but i still hang on to my belief that sincerity will move the coldest heart...but i guess this is not always true... but a fren told me that there is still good in everybody despite the all the bad, and he slowly and carefully tear down my "one of my few real me" masks each time we do life lessons talks, thank you JK hahaha for reminding me not to give you shit masks. Hey, you keep believing that someday, somehow you will see light in the road that you wana trudge on k ;)

Sometimes i might even come across as being too warm and in our asian culture, this could be misinterpreted as too "full of pretences". But i am really a warm gal..and fun loving..simply cos i love life and i love people. That explains why i enjoy clubbing lo..cos after some alcohol, happy music and packed dance floor, the most uptight of human beings will start to more or less lose their inhabitations. Anyway, people who matters to me wun misunderstand and people who misunderstand me probably dun matters. =))
I hate small talk. Unless absolutely neccessary, i prefer to talk as in real meaningful talk. Maybe that's why i prefer to surround myself with frens and people who can connect with me. So i give my best to all my frenships cos i really treasure all my frens.

But i wonder if in my eagerness to make frens and be accepted, i stop making my opinions matter. And i hide the chilli padi side of me cos it's easier to be liked being an easy going and a sweet tempered gal. I try not to inconvenience others by just following the flow as long as it wun affect me in a big way. But then again, aren't these little things that add up to the bigger things...i mean gradually i stop listening to the little voice and start to lose i am living up to somebody else's expectations, doing somebody else's wishes bla bla...i mean in the whole process, i wun even noe who i really am. By not doing wat my heart says, ain't i wearing a mask? A mask to please people and hide my real needs and wants...ahhhhh wake up my bloody idea. I think it's time i make changes and start to be who i really am. I have a fiery nature and it's ok to just show it instead of trying to smother it just to fit in. And yes, i am passionate, quick tempered, rash and i still have a heart of gold ;P Better to show my fiery side than to lose myself, ok this will be my resolution for 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

27 March 2007 - Packing...a walk down memory lane?

Did so much packing today, throwing away stuff bla bla gosh i threw away like almost 10 years worth of things.

Saw some cards and letters from frens, ex colleagues and some others that i have forgotten their existence. Funny how when i grow older, the New Year cards, Christmas cards and birthday cards become lesser.

Saw this card from an ex best pal...she mentioned something about us being best frens and will be best of frens for as long as we live in the card. We knew each other when we were 13 and have stayed frens for like 15 years. But all it took was one lousy job environment and one bitchy boss to spoil it all...sad but so real. I remembered the hurt and pain she inflicted on me when she decides to do wat she did. Allowing her own insecurities to go out of control and gave up our frenship..i was in shock for like almost a year...ya..loser me took a year to get over a lousy fren who had actually treated me like shit anyway.

Felt the urge to give her a call to ask how is she...heard she is pregnant. No longer feel angry now but tho the heart says to call, the mind says no. Sigh...mixed emotions now

Why can't you commit?

Gal: So, when are you going to sign the separations papers?
Guy: huh? errrrr...
Gal Errr wat?? when?
Guy: I dunno...
Gal: Why dunno???
Guy: I really dunno ma
Gal: So you still love your ex????
Guy: NO, but but i dunno how la


Gal: Are we going out tonite?
Guy: See how
Gal: Go la, plan something
Guy: See how la, later then say ok
Gal: *Sulk* i think you dun love me lo
Guy: Dun be bo liao la
Gal: We need to talk
Guy: About?
Gal: US
Guy: Not again!
Gal: See, u dun even wan to spend time to talk about us!
Guy: Okok but i need my space ma
Gal: Wat space?? If you really love me, u dun need so much space lo
Guy: Haiz...

Guys feel trapped when forced to talk about emotional issues but gals need to noe it all. I guess gals have this insatiable need for assurance and guys have this exasperating need to "xiam" as long as possible. Well maybe not all guys but most hahaha

Yo pal, you noe this is specially written for u *winkz*


Chemisty - 1) the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions
- 2) sympathetic understanding; rapport: the astonishing chemistry between the persons

Maybe for anyone to really click as friends, lovers or whatever, we need that something called chemistry. (I click better with guys or gals wif more "male" characteristics..does that make me a "manly" gal...wif male chemistry?? hmmm...talking cock)

Anyway, platonic frenship between a guy and a gal is possible. Frens can catch a movie, have dinner, chill out together and do whatever there is to be done in good company's name regardless of gender, so hey stop the judging

27 March, 2007 - 1st Official day as a housecat

Woke up this morning feeling lost...felt funny that i did not have to rush to get ready for work and rush to slap on my make up hahaha...not that i am complaining wor

Leisurely did some laundry, clean up the house and start msn-ing my frens while preparing lunch. Woa, talk bout multi tasking but i lurve it! Lurve every minute of it yay yay yay

Taking time to smell the roses and enjoy doing absolutely nothing ahhhhh the power of nothingness

oh gosh i really really wana be a housecat...this is sooooo very addictive!

Into The Ocean lyrics

I'm just a normal boy
That sank when I fell overboard
My ship would leave the country
But I'd rather swim ashore

Without a life vest I'd be stuck again
Wish I was much more masculine
Maybe then I could learn to swim
Like "fourteen miles away"

Now floating up and down
I spin, colliding into sound
Like whales beneath me diving down
I'm sinking to the bottom of my
Everything that freaks me out
The lighthouse beam has just run out
I'm cold as cold can be

I want to swim away but i don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion...yeah
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down

Where is the coastguard
I keep looking each direction
For a spotlight, give me something
I need something for protection
Maybe flotsam junk will do just fine
The jetsam sunk, I'm left behind
I'm treading for my life believe me
(How can I keep up this breathing)

Not knowing how to think
I scream aloud, begin to sink
My legs and arms are broken down
With envy for the solid ground
I'm reaching for the life witin me
How can one man stop his ending
I thought of just your face
Relaxed, and floated into space

I want to swim away but I don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion...yeah
Let the rain of what i feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down
Let the rain come down

Now waking to the sun
I calculate what I had done
Like jumping from the bow (yeah)
Just to prove that I knew how (yeah)
It's midnight's late reminder of
The loss of her, the one I love
Mt will to quickly end it all
Set front row in my need to fall

Into the ocean, end it all
Into the ocean, end it all
Into the ocean, end it all
Into the ocean, end it all

26 March 2007 - Good Byes are never easy

Went to work today feeling kinda sad...cos it's the last day for me in this company. :( Been here for 1 year plus and met some really nice people. But i guess all good things come to an end.

Cleared some emails, do some last minute reports and sat there thinking how to draft my "nice working with you, good bye, take care and keep in contact" email. (Tacky but oh so necessary) Then the difficult part was going around thinking whose hands to shake and answer that "why are you leaving??'' question. Best politically correct answer would be "Oh, i found something else to do but it has been REALLY nice here la"

An excerpt from William Shakespeare's play :

All the world's a stage and all the men and women are merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances and one man in his time plays many parts.

Feeling jittery about the new job next week cos i can see myself not having a life after work soon. Took me ages to decide to take up the offer and give up something i have already grown comfortable in...yet that nagging voice inside says take up that challenge, get out of that comfort zone and face fear la!! So i did and while i am feeling nervous now, i am also wondering if that voice was right after all woohoohoo ;p