Sunday, August 31, 2008

Date of birth Bird Characteristics

21 Jan - 17 Feb: Robin
A cool exterior disguises a fiery temper and is very opinionated - although those opinions are not always shared by everyone. They are proud and particularly home-loving, although have a tendency to be quarrelsome.

18 Feb - 17 March: Goldfinch
Goldfinch people are colorful characters who are sensitive and always alert. They are gregarious by nature and love being in groups of people, which offers them security. They need to find an outlet for their imaginative abilities or they are sometimes be in danger of becoming nervous and irritable.

18 March - 14 April: Hawk
A powerful individual which displays courage and a sometimes ruthless determination. Avoids problematical obstacles with skill, although must be fully targeted so as not to waste energy in fruitless chases for the impossible.

15 April - 12 May : Albatross
Has a tendency to have a mind that wanders, but when in search of a particular goal, will travel great lengths to achieve it. Occasionally, the albatross may become caught up in things it shouldn't when not seeing clearly enough.

13 May - 9 June : Dove
Peace-loving by nature, doves will bill and coo about things close to their heart. They enjoy a fulfilling love-life and rarely fail to satisfy. They are also patient, adaptable and personable. Their lack of aggression sometimes makes them the victim of more predatory characters.

10 June- 7 July: Eagle
A well-respected figure which has excellent visionary qualities. Eagles will truck no nonsense and will fix opponents with a powerful stare. They have the power to rise above the trivial aspects of humanity, and are highly talented.

8 July- 4 August: Nightingale
More often heard before being seen, nightingales always have something to say for themselves. They are however very much in tune with their partners. Their unimpressive exterior hides a personality that is just waiting to burst out.

5 August - 1 Sept: Kingfisher
Another flamboyant and colorful character that is always exciting to encounter. They rush around at great speed and have a close spiritual affinity with water. They have a sharp and perceptive head on them, but can make them impetuous enough to dive in where others would fear to go.

2 Sept - 29 Sept: Swan
The swan is a complex character. While appearing on the surface as a calm and relaxed individual, underneath they are working hard to keep up with the pace of modern life. If provoked their natural graceful demeanor can give way to a violent temper which puts them in a flap. They are definitely someone to have on your side.

30 Sept - 27 Oct: Woodpecker
A tough, hard-working character with plenty of stamina. Has no problem drumming up support for their ideas, no matter how wacky they seem. With a lateral-thinking mind they are skilled at dissecting problems and seeing the wood for the trees. However, with their noisy and exuberant lifestyle, you might not want to have one as a neighbor.

28 Oct - 24 Nov: Kestrel
A sharp brain helps kestrel people hover from one subject to another without losing concentration. They focus on their life's goal with a single-minded focus, not flustered by what is going on around them. A confidence in their own ability helps them to soar to heights others may only dream of.

25 Nov - 23 Dec: Raven
Always impressive, raven people are a tower of strength. They are more intelligent than their peers and are adept problem-solvers. They enjoy challenges are stimulated by wild and exposed places.

24 Dec - 20 Jan: Heron
Heron people are deceptive. Although they may be solitary individuals for much of the time, they nevertheless have a need to settle in busy communities where they know everyone else. They may get bogged down as they wade the course of life, but have broad enough shoulders to cope with weighty issues. But their insecure nature often leads them to fish for compliments.

29 August, 2008 - Kranji Turf Club & 3 seconds of Fame

We are going to a horse race in Kranji today :) so exciting. Thank you for inviting us (Viv, help pass the message heehee)

I was making a ahem..rather difficult and shallow decision of whether to wear my new pair of jeans today or just wear a lil' bit more formal. The dress code to the race is smart casual, therefore, jeans, tee-shirts and slippers are absolutely out. In the end, i chose to wear my jeans and bring a skirt along. I am getting real adept at changing in a moving car :)

For our first race, i wanted Jfk to help me bet on the horse "Welcome Back" but he did not do it. And it won the race. Arrrggghhh! Anyway, dar bought forecast positioning bets of number 3, 5 and 6 in the next race..and won 350 bucks :D Amazing sial! Jfk's three seconds of fame :D

I've got another cheese cake for my birthday :) this is a Japanese cheese cake, the spongy type keke Anyway, the races were all so exciting..i am just going to let the pictures and videos "speak" about the excitment.

Our Videos

After the race, we headed to Holland village for ice-cream. The kinds that you mixed lotsa extra nuts bla bla bla and mixed it on a nitrogen plate. YUMMY! It's kinda overpriced though...there are many SYTs and CYHs in Holland village. I feel old and i suddenly missed my youth. Youth as in when i was between the age of 18 to 24. This would be the time where one has alot of anticipation about life. There are plenty of things to do, plenty of expections to meet, many parties to attend and non of these activities or the lack of sleep would show on one's face...meaning, no wrinkles, tired eyes, shallow skin or dark circles/eye bags. Collagen..or rather the decline of it, now that i am in my thirties, is starting to show arrrggghhh

Friday, August 29, 2008

28 August, 2008 - Happy Day Part Two

Jfk dropped me at the Macdonald in Serangoon Gardens this morning. Meeting Edwin there for breakfast before going to 3M :)

Serangoon Gardens is so tranquil in the morning. As i sat outside Macdonald's waiting for Edwin, i noticed many retirees going about doing their business. Business meaant having breakfast leisurely at coffeeshops, bringing grandsons/granddaughter to pre-school, sipping kopi while reading the papers and sitting by the coffeeshop to hear birds chirping. MAN, this IS life.

In this coffeeshop that we had youtiao and nasi lemak (Rubes, Edwin ate the nasi lemak, not me keke but cos i ate youtiao, yam cake and ice milk tea..i was too full for more coffee) everyone was friendly. No stress makes one more smiley i guess. Imagine if one has to make many, many cups of kopi, tea or milo in the quickest manner at the shortest time, one would not be smiling so much. Having breakfast in a coffeeshop while it was raining is so cool it seems almost unreal that this is happening on a Thursday morning.

Next is to Agilent building to see 3M :) i am so excited that i am going to see Rubes and her workdesk as well as meet mr charming.

3M is very GLAM. I mean who else will have a mock up kitchen, a mock up workdesk full of post-its notes and scotch tapes, a mock up operations table, a mock up airplane seat, a mock up road, a mock up toilet and many other stuff. I AM IMPPRESSED lo..i feel like i just step into some typical american company. High ceiling, modern interior deco and spacious work desk. There is even a red (my favourite colour) retro looking wall as part of the discussion corner, complete with red arm chairs. My dream company :) i like the smell of their scotch tape.

The most magical thing is they have this tank full of liquid that looks like water but is not. It's non conductive and Yvonne submerge her handphone into the tank and we could still get through her phone!! There was "water" in her handphone after that but it evaporated in like 5 minutes!!! AMAZING!

Ok, i am being overly excited about this...but i can't help it.

Thank you :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

27 August, 2008 - Happy Day Part One

I was fidgety this morning..i kept staring at the clock cos when it's 10am, i am going downstairs to order mooncakes from Raffles Hotel YUMMY this is a good buy, 25% discount and free delivery :) Last year, i didn't take advantage of this good buy and went to Raffles Hotel to make my purchase for their champagne mooncakes. There was no discount and worst, they were OUT OF STOCK!!

Loo is here in Singapore and he is coming to our office for meeting and hala hala with our sales people. Halfway through the meeting, we got "recalled back" to supplier's factory in Tuas. Since there weren't much time to have lunch at some fanciful place, we had lunch in the canteen. Edwin brought me to the factory with him, listen to some feedbacks, and rushed to customer's place in Woodlands. This is so fun. So nice to see people talk and talk and talk. Different style, different view points, different situations.

Feels good to be out of the office, away from all the emails and all the "urgency" of every single issue. After the meet up at customer's, i had to leave for my bellydance class :) sad i can't join for dinner and witness some men's actions after dinner hohoho

Monday, August 25, 2008

23 August, 2008 - Fried Prawn Noodles

This afternoon, we went to Uncle Seng Hua & Auntie June's place for a family gathering. Uncle Seng Hua is going to fry his signature dish - Hokkien Char Hai Mee (mai seow seow) Somemore can special order, mai bang dao gay (don't add beansprouts)heehee

Auntie Mey prepared lotsa food for us..there was my favourite Kuey Pie Ti, fishballs, fried prawn mee, roast duck, jelly etc etc etc.. FATTENING DAY!

We played games on WII, ate, played pool, ate, jump on the jumping jack, ate, drank vodka peach with margarita, ate...OMG..ate and ate and ate. Jfk, Shaun, Wayne, Candice and me played a silly card game. Each of us get a stack of cards, and we were supposed to take turns to say "ace, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9..." as we throw out cards on the table. If whoever thows out a card which corresponds to the number being called out, the rest of the players have to put both hands onto the table in the center (like the game Heart Attack), and the winner will try to hit any hands not fast enough to "siam". The person who gets hit will be a "minus one". And those not being hit will be a "zero". Here's the silly part...if a "minus one" talks to a "zero" and the "zero" responds, "zero" will become a "minus one". Rule of the game is to talk to another player who is of the same status as you. If you are a "minus three", you will try ways and means to get the "zero", "minus one" and "minus two" to respond to you :) and "minus four" does the forfeit. Of drinking 10 glasses of vodka or doing push ups hahahahaha the game was silly but fun. We spent alot of time laughing and laughing :) good work out for the stomach keke

After dinner, dar surprised me with a chocolate cheese cake :) WOW, he ordered it online and had the guy sent the cake to Auntie June's place in the happy..dar has bought me two cheesecake for my birthday already.

Wayne and me doing the WII boxing game

Wayne doing his forfeit :)

22 August, 2008 - Pump Room/China One = Anticipation

We headed down to Pump room at Clark Quay this evening to celebrate Amy and my birthdays :) Sean and Desmond went there because we have made a reservation at 2pm. Edwin drove Sarah, Amy, Aising and me later..we were fashionably late :) But Chin was the last one to arrive keke

The food at Pump room is smashing! And pricey of cos...but it's paying good money for good food. Sean ordered a Malibu with pineapple juice for me which was BEST. I like found interest hahaha. The band played some really nice songs and after that, it was retro music. NICE. I wondered how would my life have been if i could sing really well and perform as a singer in pubs. I would most probably be keeping late nights, drinking lots and lots and smoking packs and packs of ciggies hahaha We stayed til almost 11pm..after the live band has sang a few songs before heading to China One. Never knew Desmond knew his way around Clark Quay so well :)

The zeh mo delicious cheesy garlic bread

The lagi more delicious fried chicken wings

At China One, the music was more hip hop, RnB style..and Desmond ordered a bottle of Chivas. He mixed three quarter of chivas with a quarter of mixer...bad news. I don't take well to hard liquer..i would be seeing stars and clouds later. Amy suggested posing as if we kiss but i think we did a peck on each other's lips...OMG We are now the official "les" in the group. Lucky both of us are straight..if we had knew each other in our twenties, i am sure we would have gone mad, wild and crap and we will probably be doing the silliest of things together. Lucky we are now rather ahem into our retrained thirties :) but once in a while, it's great to let your hair down and just have fun without constraint or restriant. Like i have mentioned before in a much earlier entry True to Oneself ...sometimes loud music and alcohol makes people lose their inhabitations... drinks + music = heady and natural :)

Wilson joined us with two friends and bought us another bottle of Chivas..which we finished quite fast..After all the drinks, i felt heady and sleepy.. but it was a fun time out together. Edwin sent Aising and me home.......sleepy..and i never bathe or remove my make up. I just went to sleep wearing whatever was on me oooooh bad news for the skin.

Counting my blessings for knowing so many friends :) thank you God for everything.

Work hard & parrrrrrrty hard :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

21 August, 2008 - Maine's Birthday hohoho

I feel very blessed today :) At midnight, i got a kiss from Jfk, received wishes from Edwin and Amy...and got many msn messages from Geraldine (all the way from Japan) Charles (who's back from Shenzhen), Rubes, Joyce, Desmond :) Jervoise, Jervis, Mum and Dad called and sms me as well haha mum must have taken ages to type that message. Auntie Mey sent me a picture of a roast pig and said that's my birthday present on Saturday hahaha

In the afternoon, i am busy typing "thank you" msgs on msn to Sarah, Catherine, SiewLin, Penny, Angeline Cho, AL Lee, Siew Hooi, Julie, Willie, CP, Doris, Sharon Ang, Yan, Angeline Poh, Duncan & Vivian, Hui, Lian..and oh dear..i forgot who else..the power of FB hahaha

We had lunch at Ajisen in PP today and i chose the volcano which would later cause my tummy to burn. I always thought i could handle this spicy little bowl of noodles..but my tummy always seem to be on fire after a few hours. This is my second attempt..i shall try again to prove that the chili is "小 case" heehee Edwin, Sean, Sarah, Fenn and HB got me vouchers from i can get more recipes books on pastries and feed em' :D if i can't slim down, i can at least make my friends fat hohoho Thank you very much for the gift :)

Right after lunch, i received a bouquet of flowers from Duncan & Vivian awwwwwh so sweet of them. Thank you very much, the flowers are pretty :)

Jervoise gave me a birthday kiss right after i stepped foot in the living room :)Dinner with my family at Mad Jack's. This place is over priced...but dar likes the burger so...anyway the dinner cost us about a hundred bucks for six expensive and the food is not fantastic. And the highlight of the dinner was tata

Waiter: Here's your soup, enjoy!
Mum to me: Why is the cream of mushroom soup so oily and so "liquid"?
Me: Dunno lei..
Jervoise: It's like that wan la, just drink la, not bad wat *glurp glurp glurp and finished the whole bowl.
Mum: I dunwan la, think something wrong, where got ang moh soup like that wan, you think like chinese soup??
Me to waiter: Hi, is the soup supposed to be this oily and this diluted?
Waiter: Oh..sorry mam, i dun think so, let me check
After five minutes, waiter returns with a new bowl. This time the cream of mushroom soup looked like how a cream of mushroom soup should look like. Thick and not oily.
Waiter: I am so sorry about that mam, the soup was not supposed to be so's a new bowl for you.
Jervoise: huh! NOT SUPPOSE TO BE LIKE THAT??!!
All of us: Laughter hahaha

Dar got me a rum and resin cheesecake from the cheesecake shop in Siglap. And i realised that no one likes cheesecake in my family. I ended up having the whole cake to myself :) HAPPY hohoho

Counting my blessings over and over again. Life is beautiful when we surround ourselves with people who matters :)

Happy birthday to myself smuakz :)

My rum and resin cheesecake from the Cheesecake shop in Siglap

The flowers from Duncan & Vivian

20 August, 2008 - August Babies

We had a cake to celebrate the August babies' birthday today but Any was on half day leave hmmm so only Chinyiang and me got to cut the cake. It is nice to have people celebrate one's hatchday together :)

I got to choose the August birthday cake hahaha :) i wished i could have baked a nice warm truffle chocolate cake decorated with M&M's chocolates..when i master the skill of baking a cake, maybe i can start to churn out birthday cakes for every month :D

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

17 August, 2008 - Cupcakes :)

I was late for church this morning...cos i wanted to watch the swimming competition :P fwah the swimming competitions were sensational.

Jervis, mum and me went to Cold Storage at PP to get ingredients for our cupcakes. Total cost of the ingredients is about eighty bucks...but hey, we can make many, many cupcakes.

Here are some pics of our hardwork :)

I just discovered that i like to bake :) i like the smell of baking flour mixed with Hersheys cocoa from the oven keke

Lian has ordered a box of cupcakes for me as my birthday gift :) it's from an online cupcakes shop.

Here's the link to check out the box of lovely cupcakes.

16 August, 2008 - Karaoke

Lunch with Hui, Penguin and the maid at Crystal Jade in Bishan. I think i ate too much dim sum...cos my shorts became tight after lunch :( I got a Anna Sui mascara and a limited edition purple tray (Anna Sui's signature flower carvings were on the tray)from Hui. Thank you very much :)

Meet up with Charles, Qianqian, Alar and Elaine in Tiong Bahru for dinner..and headed down to Party World in Chinatown. It has been so long since we go to Party World for a karaoke many new songs..i am really out of touch haha

Thursday, August 14, 2008

13 August, 2008 - Levi's

After our class, we went for retail therapy at Bugis. My agenda for today is to BUY A PAIR OF LEVI's JEANS yeah yeah :D

It took me only ten minutes to find a pair of rugged looking straight cut jeans oooooh i love it. Was admiring it when i found lil' holes on the jeans and asked the sales lady if she has another pair in the same cut but was told that's the design. That people actually cut up their jeans to get that kind of effect. And i am about to pay two hundred bucks for "holey" jeans..and join as a Levi's member :) Oh at least i got two complimentary leather belts with an interchangeable belt buckle for Jfk. Good deal for a pair of torn jeans hohoho

Hello Folks, i can get 10% discount off at Levi's, Aigner, Baby Addidas (duh) and Osh Kosh.

Unfortunately, i am not able to bring my jeans home tonight..i had to leave it at the shop to get it altered arrggghhh the inconvenience of being short not tall.

As usual, nothing could possibly irritate me tomorrow, i'll think of my jeans :) so much for retail therapy.

Last night, after slogging in the office til 9 plus, i had dinner with Sean in a tavern in Siglap. And because he just finished working out in the gym, he can't have i ordered mine and drank alone :) we ordered fried chicken and fries and i think that caused him to have fever...fried food with vanilla in cola is bad news..cos he is on sick leave today. Beer is a cooler :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

9 August, 2008 - Shaun's 21st Birthday lunch

We had lunch at Ah Yi Abalone in Turf city to celebate Shaun's 21st birthday this afternoon. Dim Sum mmmmm yummy

After lunch, we went to Shaun's place...for mahjong, National Day celebration and CHILL with tidbits and cola. Jervis and me drove to the Border's sale in Singapore Expo to check out books. Metro sale was going on in the next hall, gotta check that out too.

So many people, so little space...we had to squeeze past the crowd to get a decent spot to scour through piles after piles of books. But it was fun to be surrounded by so many books :)

By the time we got back to Shaun's place, it was almost dinnertime...and National Day parade starts. We could actually see fireworks from the living room waaaaah

Lazy Saturday...gone in a flash and i am so sleepy. And i am not in a writing mood..

8 August, 2008 - Grand Copthorne Dinner

I feel so very restless today. Because we are having dinner together at Grand Copthorne yippee yay We are using the funds that we won last year to finance this precious marketing dinner. After months of talking about doing something together as a team, WE ARE FINALLY DOING IT yay
Frederick has been nagging at Aising and me for organising the gathering without the sales team...i felt guilty..i really do hmmm but hey i have already allocated some time to feel bad about it...and the dinner has to go on :D Frederick is so cute when he is grumbling heehee Maybe next time, we shall collect like twenty bucks per pax and have a BBQ or's quite fun organising gatherings :)

Grand Copthorne actually serves durian, the fruit, as part of the buffet. BEST lo, some of us crowd around the patio and savour durians. This is such a happy scene...imagine us sitting around a table, some were squatting, chomping away on durians :) maciam we were at some roadside in Geylang keke

After dinner, it was almost 10plus..and we headed for drinks at a wine pub next to the hotel. Only Catherine, Aising, Jasmine, Sarah, Chin, Edwin, Sean, Edward and me went for the second round for drinks.

Can't wait for the next gathering already ;)
It's the opening ceremony for Olympics tonight lalalalala

Thursday, August 7, 2008

6 August, 2008 - Dinner at Hua Ting

This evening, we are having dinner with supplier at Orchard Parade Hotel, Hua Ting. The name sounded cheena-pok to me...actually it is la. has been almost a year since we had dinner with this supplier..last year's dinner was held on 14 Aug at Vivo City :) Two things disgust me of the guests seated at our table has a big globe of "dunno what" sticking out of his nose almost the whole night. Another disgusting thing was when Steven went out to make a call and another guest sat at his place to chat. While he was busy talking, he sprinkled saliva over Steven's plate of noodles. YUCKS..boy am i glad that's not my noodle heh heh

After the dinner, went to check out ahem Orchard Tower with Edwin. So many boobs and many sleazy massage parlours hmmmm wonder what is going on inside these parlours. Probably lotsa rubba rubba and sayang sayang keke

Last stop was beer at Muddy Murphy's, an Irish pub. Nice cosy place, good place to chill with friends and talk nonsense. Cool place to check out ang mohs :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

4 August, 2008 - Bougainvillea

These flowers caught my attention on my way to work this morning.

I think these are bougainvillea..the kinds we see adorning ECP leading to the airport. The flowers attracted me cos i noticed that there are three small white flowers in the center of the big purple flower, i mean the purple bougainvillea flower. Then there is a green dot in the center of the small white flower. I really do not know the exact term of the flower but i thought it was a pretty sight.

By the way, i found these flowers at the back of the bus stop :) Nature never seem to get a wrong, mismatched colour combination haha

Today shall be a wonderful day even though i am feeling unwell :) plus i have to try win the ping pong war game today.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

3 August, 2008 - Mum's Baptism

We had to be at BBTC by 10am this morning. Mum's getting baptised. Can you believe domineering mum who evoked so much rebelliousness in me by issuing me a warning that if i ever got baptised, i would have successfully got myself disowned as well. And mum is getting baptised today it is a big deal :) In fact, i suspected that i deliberately attended church and Sunday school when i was young just to spite her. I would be forgiven for such an act heehee blame it on the foolishness of youth.

She was so excited and all smiles :D Jervoise, Jervis, Elysia, Auntie Eugenia, Uncle Charlie, Auntie Molly, Grandma, Auntie Mey, Edric, Joanne, Daryl Sng and wifey, Mark and gf, Alex, Auntie SiewLan, Uncle Thomas, Qianqian, Uncle Buck, Auntie Mimi, Dad, old man, dad's friend, Jfk and me were all there to lend our support. Mum was smiling away when she was in the pool with pastor Jeffrey. Christianity has changed her. Comparing "mum now" with "mum then", i see peace in her. My relationship with mum has always been tumultuous but for the past one year, there is gentleness in her voice..and a softness in her face, a face that is truly happy from the unfamiliar sight to me in the past. Oh i am so happy for her :D

After the service, we had lunch together at this Chinese restaurant in Bedok. When we got home, Jervis, Elysia and me went to Reds in PP to get a haircut. Huge mistake for me cos i think he messed up my fringe. Eddie is the only perfect guy who can do wonders to my hair. For an instant, my hair felt violated and it's all my own fault for making a stupid decision :( shite i walked out of the salon feeling unattractive. This wouldn't have happened if i did my hair at Eddie's place.

Rubes, Yan, Gary and Edgar came over in the evening to discuss some details..and i was late cos Elysia was the last to do her hair and we still had to pump petrol and pump air to the tyres as well. So pai say...

The day ended with me eating three curry puffs for fattening and to think we had a heavy lunch.

Mum does not read my blog...nonetheless, i would like to say "i love you mummy" :)

2 August, 2008 - NATAS Fair Part Two

Rushed to Natas fair again this get the tickets. Finally, phew...Shall not elaborate on the bit about the lugguge thingy...cos it's just that lo..NATAS hahaha

Jfk's stomach is feeling queasy and we couldn't take a look at the Watson's fair and the Singapore food fair arrrggghhh

By the time we got home, it was 3.30pm and it was too late for me to go back to the office i booked a time slot for a much needed facial. Jfk had to send me there cos there was no car park near the MRT and illegal parking would cost me seventy bucks..not to mention i don't feel safe driving monster with only one quarter tank of petrol and i 踩油踩很多...especially when i change gear..aiyo why can't monster be an auto car...

After facial, i walked over to next door to get a pedicure :) sooooooo nice to be a woman. If i could get my hair cut at Eddie's, it would have been purrrrrfect hahaha

By the time i got home, i felt refreshed. So refreshed that i did all the laundry, sweep and mop the floor, packed the shoe cabinet, scrub the sink and iron the clothes. That's alot of housework cos i HATE doing housework. I am no domesticated housecat keke

As usual, we cooked instant noodles cos we were both too lazy to go buy our dinner.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

1 August, 2008 - NATAS Fair Part One

This afternoon, we had lunch at Serangoon :) the dou hua was cool stuff. Especially with gingko nuts mmmmm yummy this is THE much hyped about dou hua strongly recommended by Edwin :D it's selling at fifty cents per bowl and a dollar if we add gingko nuts...the bowl is the kind that grannies used in the 1970s..old school feel to it. It's unbelievable that one can get a bowl of dou hua at fifty cents :)

Met Kelvin there and he still looks the same keke

After work, dar and Jervis picked me to go to the Natas fair in Singapore expo. Meeting Yan and Rubes there to check out the prices of the air fare to Australia. It's hard to believe that the economy isn't doing well when i saw the crowd fwah it was packed!

Met Catherine and John from AVX, and a couple from FCBC...i forgot their names and it was so a day, i met five persons unexpectedly..Singapore is so small.

We finished collecting "data" after about two tired. Dinner at Mad Jack with Rubes, Yan, Gary, Jervis and Jfk. Rubes and me shared a pizza but they took so long to serve us the pizza that i am quite full by the time it was ready. Drats.