Sunday, August 3, 2008

2 August, 2008 - NATAS Fair Part Two

Rushed to Natas fair again this get the tickets. Finally, phew...Shall not elaborate on the bit about the lugguge thingy...cos it's just that lo..NATAS hahaha

Jfk's stomach is feeling queasy and we couldn't take a look at the Watson's fair and the Singapore food fair arrrggghhh

By the time we got home, it was 3.30pm and it was too late for me to go back to the office i booked a time slot for a much needed facial. Jfk had to send me there cos there was no car park near the MRT and illegal parking would cost me seventy bucks..not to mention i don't feel safe driving monster with only one quarter tank of petrol and i 踩油踩很多...especially when i change gear..aiyo why can't monster be an auto car...

After facial, i walked over to next door to get a pedicure :) sooooooo nice to be a woman. If i could get my hair cut at Eddie's, it would have been purrrrrfect hahaha

By the time i got home, i felt refreshed. So refreshed that i did all the laundry, sweep and mop the floor, packed the shoe cabinet, scrub the sink and iron the clothes. That's alot of housework cos i HATE doing housework. I am no domesticated housecat keke

As usual, we cooked instant noodles cos we were both too lazy to go buy our dinner.

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