Sunday, May 17, 2015

16 May, 2015 - "Sorry, it's raining"

We had a company event bowling yesterday and my whole body is aching..gosh..i wish i didn't have a slip disc. Edwin sent me to church to pick Samuel from school and i am really grateful as it is difficult to get a cab on Friday evenings, it was really very kind of him as he was actually sending some colleagues from finance instead.

The bowling was fun, i like it when the whole company have fun. No politics, just everyone getting together and having fun. I read through some of my past blog entries and realised i had really enjoyed working here, i like my colleagues. We used to hang out after work, celebrate birthdays as a marketing team, there was no 你家, 我家.. Marketing-Pemco was a great place to be back then, we were more friends than colleagues. It's quite different now but i feel that it's because no one bothers to get everyone together and work as a team, instead, people at the middle management have their own personal agendas, hence the great divide. That's office politics when there is a diverse bunch of characters but there are always angels lurking around at every corners :)

Jfk brought us to a small coffeeshop in Serangoon for lunch. This coffeeshop has a stall that sells great char kuey tiao. Me and Samuel chose wanton mee instead, and sat at the table near the pavement of the coffeeshop. Halfway through our meal, it started to drizzle and then it started pouring. Our table was near the pavement so the roller blinds could only shelter half of the table. An elderly gentleman, i presumed is the coffeeshop owner, came over to us and asked if we wanted to shift to a table inside the coffeeshop. But we were almost done so we rejected his offer politely. He kept apologising to us as the rain pelted the table. He had already apologised when it was almost like he was really sorry the rain disrupted our lunch. I thought what a gracious person he must be, saying sorry for something that is not even his fault. If he really had to feel sorry, he could only feel sorry that the roller blinds were not adequate in shielding his customers from the rain. But i think even that is not his fault as he is not liable to provide a shelter on the pavement as that is public property.

I wonder about the word "sorry".. and the word "thank you".  Both words have to come from the bottom of our hearts, we have to really mean it and be sincere about it. Not all the time i guess...things happen and that's life.

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