Thursday, May 28, 2015

28 May, 2015 - The case of the mysterious condom

Where i work, we have cubicles after cubicles of work stations. Which is a common sight, most offices comprise of cubicles, desks, chairs and computers, documents, files, stationeries and of cos human beings lol

In the middle of one cluster of cubicles, sits a condom in a little container. It is on top of the partitions that divide 4 co-workers. No one knew who it belongs to, perhaps no one knew it's a condom even, because it doesn't look like one. I knew, because the owner once sat in one of the cubicles and he told me.

I found in amusing cos the condom has been there year after year even after the owner has changed seats. Oh but someone tried to throw it away once and i stopped her...for old times sake.  Sometimes i do think if the 4 ladies sitting at these 4 cubicles have wonder who is the owner. It's like A thought it belongs to B, B thought it belongs to C and C thought it belongs to D and D thought it belongs to A.  There can be other combination like B thought it belongs to D, etc etc  

And i thought it's like life..we often wonder of so many possibilities but we are passive and we don't we will never find out the truth. And the truth can be quite simple sometimes.'s just a condom in a little container for now. 

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