Saturday, September 1, 2007

1 September, 2007 - Vivian & Duncan

Had BBQ at Andrew Hallsworth's place last night. Combined efforts of the Marketing and Sales team. Great team bonding time. Sarah brought her 2 daughters cute..tick-tock, my biological clock ticking away hmmm if so how come i don't feel ready at all...but at least it's ticking abit now

Edwin was such a sweetie, he bbq-ed marshmallow for me cos' i burnt mine til it melted into the pit..and it was the best marshmallow, soft inside n short fantastic feeling. Then he bbq-ed hotdogs for me as well, my favourite food :) building relationship? hmmm but i guess i kinda like him, he is also a nice guy, just cynical. Great time chatting with him and Alex over Heineken.

Went to Shawn and Pinky's place after bbq..saw their son for the first time and gosh, he sure is a plump baby boy keke Vivian is here this weekend :))

Supposed to wake up early today to go to the tailor to alter my skirts and pants but haiz...overslept as usual lo (really wonder how come i always cannot wake up...) hang around Orchard with Haibiao, Duncan and Vivien. Had dinner at Ding Tai Fung and YES ate my favourite 小笼包..take a small bite on the skin, drink the soup and chew the whole piece yummy. Wah i ate at Ding Tai Fung for the third time this week...getting addicted to the 小笼包 liao

Vivian and Duncan are getting on fine and i think they will are a great couple. Love is as such...sweet and bitter, space and longing...and the list goes on

Life is beautiful and thank God for everything :)

Hey Rubs, the Lipscription from Benefit is really damn good! My lips is so smooth and so damn kissable too i think keke anyway lipstick glides on them now :)) Maybe we should go check out the face scrub heehee
But can't say the same for the face balm thingy that promises FLAWLESS skin lo..i still need blotters..women...suckers for such marketing gimmicks. Oh and the cheeks tint, can't seem to get them right...doesn't look balanced on my face lei

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