Wednesday, September 5, 2007

4 September 2007 - Elijah - Winning When The Whole World is Falling Apart

It's only Tuesday and i am starting to feel stressed many issues this week and i feel kinda overwhelmed by all the emails. I stayed in the office to clear my work and left only at think i skipped lunch today just to clear emails and yet i still cannot finish work earlier. But i really thank Him for giving me strength and courage to plough on. I prayed for mental strength to be able to work smartly and He answered my prayer :) cos though i had to stay late to clear my work, at least by the time i left, it's more or less under control keke

I was late for church on Sunday and had to sit outside for the service. Good cos' somehow, i was more attentive. Topic today is "Winning When The Whole World is Falling Apart". Elijah suffered from emotional burnout..something that all humans do.

1) Release your burden
God can carry them better than you

2) Re-tune to God's voice
God is speaking to you

3) Return to God's calling
God wants to give you a new beginning

4 channels in our life:-
1) Devil's voice
2) Other people's voice
3) My own voice
4) God's voice

How to tune to God's words:-
1) Availability
2) Obedience (something i find so difficult..i am guai lan...)
3) Everytime God has words for you, submit it to your leaders or spiritual parents for advise (i need to fine tune my hearing!!!)
4) Be careful about the company/people i gather around with (yes f**k insecure women for eg hahaha)

Had beer with Daryl at Brewerks last night, and made some confessions..and saying them made me feel free...releasing my from bondages and healing is done. I am really trying to be as obedient as possible and forget about the "I", the nominative singular pronoun, used by a speaker in referring to himself or herself. It's all about Him can it slip my mind at times???

Anyway, i have to thank Him for allowing me to be myself without being judgmental and so forgiving and accepting of all the flaws i have.

Jeremiah 32:27
"Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?" (i cannot help smiling when i read this verse heehee)

Daryl said to pray for directions and career. Can even give Him a list of where i want the job to be at, how much i want my pay to be bla bla bla. If He thinks it's time, He will open doors *wondering*

I think i know which church i should attend now. Need a cell group and bible lessons.

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