Tuesday, September 11, 2007

11 September, 2007 - Miss SPG lurvesssss English

My backache is acting up again..wah last week was tightness in the chest..so bad that i could not breathe properly..then followed by headache and then felt like vomiting...symtoms of stress for me...working late is starting to take it's toil on me ah??

Had dinner dinner with Sarah after work this evening :) she is really like a child, can't tell her age and that she is a mother of 2 pretty gals keke meet up with Jeff Toh and gang after dinner :))

English...i realised that for every new acquaintances that i meet, if i can share private jokes in English, it's almost like auto, we click :) Edwin and Alex both speak to me in English only and i think i can gel well with them. Edwin is the typical ang mo pah...who thinks anything China is LC hahaha like how i coined the term cheena pok :p so very bad of me. I am SPG??? I like to be able to converse effectively in English and Mandarin switching effortlessly between the 2 languages hmmm but most times, i express myself better in English...but i hate slangs..especially those fake American accents believed to have been acquired after living a few years abroad..total bullshit i guess...or people trying to slang it like ang moh, Singlish sounds better. Then again, i cannot tahan Jervis's insistence on using proper English, meaning grammatically correct and no short forms,in all mobile text messages haiz that's just so anal retentive of him.

Like he got irritated and all uptight when i text the below:-

Me and my short forms: "Hey didi, i will b late. can u go up 1st? c u in 5"
Jervis's anal retentive reply: "It's alright then, i will go up to the book store myself. Call me when you are here"
Jervoise's even shorter text: "Sis, me wun b gg 2 ur plce. Hv to fetch mum aft work, eatg wif her."

Now i am very careful when i have to text Jervis...i make sure i spell out everything in full and in proper English that he will not disapprove of sigh...

Today as i was typing away...i really missed dancing on the dance floor with the loud music blaring in the background...i miss Zouk!!!!!!! Comtemplating forcing hubby to drive up to KL to check out the Zouk there...just to make sure i am not missing out on anything cool and happening. Most of all to EAT hahaha ;) I guess i had enough invasion of babies for the time being...while i can now feel my clock, i am still resistant to the idea. I can see kids EVERYWHERE!! In the magazines, malls, food courts, church etc..kinda freaking me out now. Is this the sign that i should get one now? Guess my maternal instincts are just never that strong...or is it just fear...

Chilling out...Alicia is jio-ing..so i shall do just that...haven't seen her for awhile now..and it's time to catch up.

I must be feeling damn stressed...cos i feel i am sprouting nonsense now..

Help, God

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