Thursday, September 13, 2007

13 September, 2007 - Pressured but not crushed

I was kinda pissed today..cos there was a file that has been created after a big hassle and today, i received an email that the file has to be changed. F**k lo, what can i say! Such an absolute waste of time...but when my rational left brain kicked in, i accept that this is just so very i will have to re-do the whole damn thing. This is not the first time such things happened with this super duper big supplier and i am getting pretty sick and tired of all these cos i am wasting my time, being unproductive, getting stressed all for nothing. Really can't wait for Edwin to come soon and set things right. Enough of sussing him..i think he is someone who is firm and not afraid to speak his mind..GREAT, i need someone like that to send powerful emails out...i think behind that tough demeanor is a sensitive,observant and gentle soul. Thank God for such a guy haha Edwin impressed me today when he said something about "it's not so much about religion but your relationship with God" and even more so impressed when he gave a background about the Jews and Muslims. Can have intelligent conversation with him i guess..this inspired me to get serious and get into bible classes asap.

Anyway, this evening, Daryl said i am my worst enemy...i am too hard and critical of i push myself hard. Funny thing is, i am not an ambitious or competitive type of gal...pushing myself is a personal satisfaction...cos i want to meet my own standards = stress = headache/backache...this is bad? I need a pint of jolly good'o beer :) Thank God for sending such an angel keke thank you Daryl

Another chapter that i read tonite...

Happiness is learning how to deal with the inevitable disappointments of life. When we are troubled, God stands ready and willing to protect us. Our responsibility, of course, is to ask Him for protection. When we call upon Him in heartfelt prayer, He will answer - in His own time and in accordance with His own perfect plan.

Life is often challenging, but we must not be afraid. God loves us, and He will protect us. In times of hardship, He will comfort us;in times of sorrow, He will dry our tears. When we are troubled or weak or sorrowful, God is always with us. We must build our lives on the rock that cannot be shaken: we must trust in God. And then, we must get on with the hard work of tackling our problems...because if we don't, who will? Or should?

Recently I've been learning that life comes down to this: God is in everything. Regardless of what difficulties i am experiencing at the moment, or what things aren't as i would like them to be, i look at the circumstances and say, "Lord, what are you trying to teach me?"

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

James 1: 2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Focus on your work, not your worries: Worry is never a valid substitute for work. So get out there, do your best, and leave the rest up to God

Today, He makes my day brighter and proved to me that His plans for me are good and in accordance to His big plans :)) i keep reciting the above sentence in my head the whole day today...somehow, the phone calls are less and the emails are not free flow today heh heh THANK YOU FATHER for all that You have done

1 comment:

charles said...

Very good blog. Thank you so very much for sharing.