Monday, September 10, 2007

10 September, 2007 - Faith Inducing Incident

Drove to church for the first time yesterday...and got lost :( supposed to exit PIE but exited Simei/Tampines instead... Pray hard that i would get there on time cos i was supposed to be meeting Mark at 8.45. Anyway this is going to sound a little clich'e to a cynic's ears but somehow, He see brought me out of the "mess" hahaha i am a total road idiot so it's amazing how i got there by looking at the signs and listening to the small voice in my head :) and got there right on time, yup, even with the time taken to park..i am absolutely lousy with parking haiz

I have mixed feelings this Sunday..cos i am actually going to bade my church friends going to another church for more spiritual gain more bible knowledge and to start spreading His goodness and words...and possibly mission works.

I am really grateful to Him for all that He has done in my life :) Everytime i compare my life in this workplace to all the others before, i feel so blessed. Daryl still calls now and then to encourage me, Sarah is always a listening ear, Edwin is also such a sweetie to message me not to stay late keke I know all these would not have happpened without my Father watching over me. I am really thankful and appreciative of all the people i met...even my suppliers are nice people. Amen

Only things are my temper and emotions. I can be too emotional for my own good...and i am only human, so i have to learn curb my temper. To a dearest sista..Christians are also humans with failings..we are not perfect..i chose to steer clear of church activities many years ago cos i saw the unnerving acts of mortal ways. And i thought to myself "you call yourself a Christian and yet you are doing this." I thought it was just way to much hypocrisy for me to stomach and i said bye and welcomed Buddhism, temple, trance praying and seeking divination. Buddhism is also pure in its teachings...that's where my grey areas come in. If a religion teaches one to be good, it is acceptable but "idolotary" is not allowed. In fact i am trying to get a copy of the Koran. Anyway, my point is, there are always black sheeps in everything. I was a blind follower of Christ til recently when He has touched my life and let me felt peace...something that has been lacking in my life for a long while. Friends sometimes disappoint us, people fail us, family sometimes hurt us but God never forsake us.

Matthew 6:33-34
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Errr for some strange reason, i miss dancing sigh...not the drinks tho...maybe i should jio some gal pals and hit Zouk for old times sake keke i know who i should call :)) do some calories burning stunts on the dance floor or up on the stage heehee cannot lose my fun loving self even though i am trying to be pious..

Hey spiritual mentor, dancing with gal pals and never get drunk is ok right? keke

Faith faith faith faith faith :) beliving in Him is the best thing that has ever happened to housecat :)

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