Monday, April 28, 2008

27 April, 2008 - Forbidden Kingdom

To become an immortel, one has to learn not to be attached to others and desires...this was the only line that i could remember from the movie..otherwise the movie was crap. Lucky we didn't have to pay for the tickets, Alar had free tickets :D

The gongfu scene between Jet Li and Jackie Chan was good...real good. But having an ang moh as the guy who deliver monkey god's magical stick is really crap and strange. Anyway we watched the movie in Bishan. Now, i must highlight that i don't hang out in Bishan...i think i have not been to that place for almost a year or two. And this weekend, we were here on Saturday and Sunday. Very strange cos we noticed that 一个地方不去就很久没去,一去就一直去 Bishan haha

Sunday, April 27, 2008

26 April, 2008 - Botak Jones :)

Had dinner with dar in Botak Jones. Such a long queue arrghhh but i satisfy my urge for some jalepeno stuffed cheese :) actually after eating two pieces, i couldn't really stomach the rest of it haiz...dar's face was black as charcoal because he had to queue half an hour just to make his order hahaha but i know he is doing it for me :)

Shopped at Bishan Junction 8 and bought a pair of pearl shell ear ring, eyeliner, night dress and a Bourjois 3D lipgloss heehee this is a special 3D lipgloss, it has got so much glitter and i think that's the reason why it makes one's lips look pouty. Bad news is, i read on the net later that evening that lipgloss may cause cancer..damn. The glittering stuff apparently attracts the sun rays to shine on our lips and thus caused harmful effects arrrggghhh i paid 25 bucks for the gloss i am still going to use it..bochup first la...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

24 April, 2008 - Bar Celona

Tomorrow is Edwin's birthday and Amanda jio-ed to go have some sangria :) Sangria *slurpz

We "slog" til 8 plus..need to wait for Ed to finish his many reports and Sean to finish his dinner at home haha

Think this was the same pub that Jfk and me asked Yan to go for Gary many years ago ;) sitting at the corner next to the pool table, we asked her to ask him out, go for it hahaha and the rest is history. Anyway, this pub is closing down on sad..guess the more happening place in town now is Clark Quay.

When the clock struck 12, we shook hands with the birthday boy ;) good company is pretty much important to have decent intelligent conversations over drinks i guess heehee but we talked abit about ghosts and this kinda freaked me out...when i got home at 1plus, the leaves were rustling and there was a gentle breeze AND I RAN INTO THE LIFT and my imagination hahaha

Edwin's birthday present

25 April, 2008 - Karaoke bonding time

I was wondering what to eat for breakfast when i work up this morning and Nazri messaged me that he has bought "hei bia" hurray :) no need to fret about breakfast hahaha so sweet of him.

Emails are surprisingly manageable today, which is good cos we are going out tonight and i can't work late.

We left work at 7pm and Jasmine and me took Chinyiang's car. Had a karaoke session with Aising, Willie, Catherine, Chinyiang, Jasmine, Joyce, Desmond, Chee Peng, Ling Chun, Edward, Weng Seng and Isabelle in K-box in Marina Square after dinner at Asian Kitchen. We ordered honey lemon and a jug of *yikes long island tea...We have many zeh mo singers here :D Singing bonding session finished at 12.30am and Ling Chun sent Aising and me home. He is a cute guy, a pragmatic ex-commando ;)

Waited for dar to get home and we drove to JB for supper and a car wash. Fwah by the time we got home, it was 4am and i am beat...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

23 April, 2008 - Celebrate today just for fun & laughter, peace & joy

It's not an exciting day today but everything is wonderful :) and i would like to just applaud today hahahahahaha boliao

Oh and i finally get to share a cab home with Aising after work tonight.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

22 April, 2008 - CPI training

Had CPI training the whole morning and to think i was almost late phew! Supposed to "chopped" seats for Edwin and Sarah but i got there later than pai say. Anyway, all three of us managed to get the back seats :)

Today, i learnt about the "real misunderstanding" between three persons. Oh and i am part of the three persons supposingly. How does one help another to unearth issues that happened ions ago and move on? A friend once told me, "to unknot a 心结 is pick up from where you left." And i did the unimaginable, i messaged 1/3 of the misuderstood group...the one who had apparently caused all the woes. But changed my mind when he called because it would be strange...cos it really does not matter to me anymore since like more than a year ago. I wonder why i bothered since this is not an issue i cared about or even remembered and it got unearthed over an innocuous greeting. Damn, bad move. As i think about the exchanges, i felt tired. Getting involved in something that i have neither interest nor time makes me angry with myself for allowing it to happen. Oh yeah, i have moved on long ago and i should be firm and just stick by my guns.

I reinforce my beliefs today as well. People who matters to you will not misunderstand, people who misunderstand you do not matter. Thank God i remembered this mantra, kept my sanity and be cool again.

Then something for me to ponder and reflect on today.. i may have been direct in my blog about my feelings and thoughts but then again, this is my blog and if i am not honest and truthful in conveying what i think and feel, i would be the ultimate hypocrite and biggest loser. At the very least, i have the guts to face my flaws, my emotions and the truth. And i am proud to say being honest means i have got nothing to hide, no mask, nothing...oh except make-up for vanity's sake la..

Hmm life is too short to sweat the small stuff :) and i am so blessed to be surrounded by so much love and like-minded people in a place that God has brought me to.

Life is beautiful lalalalalalala

Monday, April 21, 2008

21 April, 2008 - Fenn's pre-bdae lunch & No time

Fenn's birthday is tomorrow and we had lunch with her at Waruku in East Coast. "We" included Sarah, Sean, Edwin, Nazri, Eileen and Shirley Ding :) In a workplace, climbing the corporate ladder is not the only satisfaction,happiness and success. It's about establishing and maintaining relationships with everyone keke If all of us has our own support group and understanding colleagues, it's definitely a major plus factor.

Lately i have been wondering how is it that i cannot seem to allocate time to do a major spring cleaning and clear out the clutter that has been bothering me. I came up with numerous reasons such as the need to find God, the demands of work, the obligations to family and friends...and realised that relationships seem to suck up so much of our time...ironically, relationships are the one thing that people look for when they die...since no one will asks for their millions of dollars, properties or their certificates on their deathbed. Perhaps some people look for God, but seeking God is a relationship as well.

It occurred to me today that wasting time on the internet, clicking away at random sites contributed to my lack of time. Time split between connecting with God versus surfing the net? Net time has to go! sigh...But ultimately, if I could just make a little more time for the important people in my life, time would be considered well spent.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

20 April, 2008 - Anorexia

Finally changed the key pad of my Sony phone in Wisma phew it is in perfect conditions now yay!

I came across this picture on one of my online shopping therapy...and i wonder why would women want to starve themselves to become so thin. (not that i am being a sour grape since i have long accepted that i am the bak bak type and am never ever going to be stick thin keke)

Diet, diet, diet...this word seems to be always on the lips of women more so than the men's...As a woman, i prefer men with biceps, triceps and a bit of built. If i were to be a man, i would like to think that a bit of flesh on a woman is good...ya? i look fat next to Jfk sigh...

To top it all, i bought a skirt online in medium size but i think they delivered the skirt to me in small size instead. Ha great, i cannot fit in and i have to DIET in order to fit into the skirt or give it away. I am choosing the second choice, i am gonna give it to a skinny slim friend lo.

Ok i also need to join in the diet fad and slim down abit heehee just abit so that i can still continue my love affair with food :D

I guess i will have to don my running shoes and get my act together woohoo

Web tests

Web test Number 1
I took a little test based on my birthday and oooh my number is a "7"

Having a 7 Life Path makes you a seeker of truth and knowledge. You enjoying exploring the mysteries in life and strive to find answers to the unknown. You are an analytical thinker and enjoy spending time alone with your thoughts. Avoid letting the isolation go to extremes.

Great, my favourite number is 21 and 7 is a factor of 21 :)

Web test Number 2
How creative are you?
My result is: The open minded.
You see things in ways that are impossible to others. Your day goes by while you think of new and creative things to lighten your surroundings. Ever thought of a creative line of work?

Web test Number 3
What's Your Best Quality?
My result is: Out-Going
Your best quality is out-going! People like you because you are fun to be around and no one ever knows what you will do next. Also you are not afraid to say or do whatever you want

Web test Number 4
Are you a great lover?
I'm adventurous
You're quinstessential natural-yet-naughty chick. You're extremely confident, and you love celebrating your body. That way you're being playful, and when it comes to being fun, fearless, and frisky, you discover new natural sexual position. You are creative lover.

Web test Number 5
What fruit are you?
I'm Apple
You are an extravagant, impulsive and outspoken person; often with a bit of a temper. You are good at taking initiative and make a great team leader. You can take quick action in most situations. You enjoy travel immensely. You blosom with charm in presence of your partner.

Web test Number 6
What colour is your heart?
Your heart colour is red.
A person with a Red Heart is a passionate person. Such people are usually flirty, make blissful lovers and are prone to speeding tickets. They are full of zeal and can think & act quickly.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

18 April, 2008 - Bak bak sistas's quiet evening

Went to Boat Quay to meet Yan and Rubes for dinner and drinks after work today. The wanton and char siew noodle stall was still opened and we had dinner there. The char siew is superb here. I don't like char siew but this is one stall that cooks the char siew so crispy that it tasted like bak i like lo heehee

After dinner, we had beer and fries at a pub, Penny Lane. I ordered a plate of horrible cheese platter. We also discovered a great Irish pub..which unfortunately was too crowded and there were no tables available.

Yan & Rubes

The expensive but horrible cheese platter

Rubes is very good with nail art, judging from what i see on her toes :)

Highlight of our conversation:
I hope that all three of us will age gracefully and beautifully. We did all the crazy stuff in our we celebrate our thirties.

It's so good to have friends cum sistas from secondary school.. i love you both.

Friday, April 18, 2008

17 April, 2008 - Dreams R Risky & Botak Jones

Damn, i woke up at 9am this morning...late for work. I must have been dreaming tsk tsk. Spent another 10mins to decide if i should just go to work on take half day off...and decided on the later choice haha heck it la, go back and catch more sleep.

Was msn-ing someone who "made" things difficult for me in the previous company. Asked me how was work and tell me she is "xian" and feeling low morale. Went on to tell me that if i had stayed on in the same company, our "relationship" would have went either two ways.

"1) We would have become very, very close and stay together to fight against pig. Just like Corrine and me now, we are very close (pig was our boss and he has been quite nice to me,i have never considered him as a pig)


2) You would have misunderstand me and it would have all been because of pig."

I really wonder how come she kept harping on the misunderstanding..since it has already been so long ago and i am not even thinking about it when i say "hi". I just took it that she was insecure to do what she did..or maybe i did something to antagonise her. Now that she is telling me all these misunderstandings (think she meant it as i misunderstood her), i search my memory to think about what kind of misunderstandings she really meant. Things such as excluding me in all gatherings citing "i do not want to spoil your relationship with the pig" as reason...the rest of the gals were really nice to me but whenever she is around, gossips are abundant too. I think i remembered her saying that i am "wild"..cos i party hard. Even in Phuket, i had no one to share a room cos she only told me who were going at the last minute,lucky i have always been friendly and i made friends with the guys and gals from the other group...and i got company in Phuket. All these plus screening my emails to see what have i been communicating with my boss and saying he is protective towards me cos i am busty, dragging me into meeting room to lecture me about why i did not put her on copy for emails etc etc. Fwah, the more i think about it the more i feel these are not misunderstandings lo...think there were other stuff but i cannot remember.. All these "misunderstandings" are conveniently tagged to the "pig's" fault. This could be true but since i have always felt caught in-between the both of i get the brunt from both of them as well. I still think she is a nice person and honestly speaking, i should thank her for all the crap things that she did...cos it made me a stronger and better person and in the process, i made more friends cos 人品好,人缘也自然好 keke To conclude, i still like her as a person minus the insecurities.

Left work at around 9pm and went to have dinner with Edwin at Botak Jones in Toa Payoh. Wah i like this place :) there is a stall selling brownies and lotsa other nice chocolates wah i am attracted to this store heehee another stall sells pizzas but most important of all, it sells tiramisu fwah!! YUMMY! We ordered mozzarella cheese filled jalepeno, buffalo wings and sausage set plus beer oooooooh i am a happy gal. Ed, i like our "life chats" session :)

Jfk and brother came over to pick me after their seminar.. so nice of him haha such a surprise since he had asked me to go home on my own cos he was busy.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

15 April, 2008 - Shirley's bdae

It's Shirley's birthday and we had lunch at Waraku in East Coast. Managed to get Fenn to help me get a cake...lucky..

This is one of those days where i feel like turning into a hermit cat. i don't feel like interacting today. I feel tired weary, restless, fed up and frustrated. The mundane everyday stuff is getting into me, in fact, i feel like i am being sucked into a big hole. Someone once said,"there is light at the end of the tunnel, question is, how long is the tunnel." YES, just how long is the fucking tunnel???

Today, now, this moment i wish i could disappear for a long while just to be alone. Don't start lecturing me about how i am feeling restless and empty cos i do not know what my heart wants, i betcha half the population don't. I trust Him and that He has plans for me, but for now, i am restless. I still consider myself blessed but how do you contain a restless heart. It's so bad i don't even feel like going to cell and start doing those share share stuff. I must just get irritated and swear off cell forever. Great, now i also have a rebellious streak. I just wana spill it all out instead of going back to drinking and loud music..though the temptation is there. Maybe i should get drinks to get that heady feeling back and go dance all i want.

If life can get so tiring, then death is the eternal rest. No wonder people kill themselves. (don't worry friends,no suicidal thoughts here haha) WTF am i thinking of??

This is a beautiful day marred by horrendous thoughts and mood...but hey menses just went away so whats happening??? I am crap today and talking nonsense...but then again, talking nonsense is my speciality hahaha

Sunday, April 13, 2008

13 April, 2008 - Act of paying respects

We need to be at the temple at 11.30am this pay our respects to Grandpa and Auntie Wan. I didn't go to church this morning as i couldn't wake up for the 8.30am service...oh dear

Offering incense to pay my that wrong? Not sure but i did it. Simply cos Grandma was there and to me, the equation was simple. Me + incense = pay respects to Grandpa and Auntie Wan. No other intentions such as placing any idols above of God, disobeying the ten commandments or whatever. It's just an act to pay respects to my ancestors for goodness sake but Mum wants me to go to a quiet corner and pray for forgiveness. DUH! As i think about this issue, i think maybe my cell leader and Daryl will say i am being individualistic. I may follow the flow but i set my own rules. But all these does not affect my relationship with God or lessen my respect and love for Him.

Once, a friend once told me about how her friend refused to offer joss sticks to his grandma. His mum had to beg him to do so but he refused. To me, this sounded like a grey area. As his mum, she should not force him to offer joss sticks knowing that he is a Christian. As a son, he should not have to let his mum beg him to offer joss sticks as a form of paying respect to his grandma. I would assume (my own assumptions only) that if a non Christian were to see this scene, they might misunderstand that becoming a Christian means becoming unfillial as well. A lot of times, i hear people say "aiya, see la, she/he is Christian, still like that." Hmmm so there is a high standard set for believers of Christ?

After that, all of us went to have lunch buffet at Quality hotel. Wah this weekend is nothing but food haiz...

I believe in God but i am not a perfect person. :)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

12 April, 2008 - Festive day

Happy Event number 1, 11am - Jessie's baby son first month celebration
Jessie invited us to Serangoon Country club to celebrate baby's first month old. Fenn and hubby, Edwin, Glenda, Sarah and daughters, Queeny, Claudia, Shirley and Wilson heehee i feel honoured to have been invited to her party. There were so many babies and kids running around, it's wow. Haa i made a new friend, Claudia jio-ed me to go Karaoke next time :)

Crystal and me

Edwin, baby and Chelsea

Crystal, Chelsea and me

Happy Event number 2, 3pm - JJ's baby son first month celebration
Sean and wife, Angeline and Angel were there when we got to the club house of Carrissa condo in Pasir Ris. Sean's wife was three months pregnant wow. The clubhouse was full of babies and toddlers running around hmmm

Happy Event number 3, 5pm - Esther's ROM :)
Esther invited me and Jfk to her ROM dinner buffet in Changi Cottage. She finally agreed to marry Gary after so long. Happy for the both of them :)
There were also many toddlers running around in the playground.

Three buffet in a day wow and the common dish in all three buffet is the sweet & sour fish :) Oh and kids everywhere haha

11 April, 2008 - Babies or Wives?

We had lunch at Sakae Sushi in Hougang to meet up with Glenda. She shared some of the things that her hubby did didn't do. He did not ask if she had taken her lunch/dinner. Did not ask what she did the whole day..and this got me thinking.

For a newly wed, there would be much passion and lovey dovey stuff. Couple does everything together. Baby comes. Wife spends more time on baby than hubby. Hubby shows more care for baby than wifey. Hmmm let's talk about the recuperating bit..of the wife after delivering baby. She cannot go out,cannot eat whatever she wants to eat,cannot fit into pre-pregnancy clothes errrmmm cannot bathe and wash her hair for a month, have to wake up in the middle of the night to feed baby...and i do not know what else there is..

Hubby comes home after a hard day at work. But he did not have to go through the pain of child birth, he hasn't become fat, life has not change much except having a new member to the family hmmm so he could and should spare more TLC (tender loving care) to wifey. She might be suffering from post natal blues...

How should a man show TLC to his wife during the first month after child birth? A woman's basic emotional needs are simple i guess..attention, care, love and more love. And be very sensitive to ALL her needs. :D You've got the child, don't neglect the mother of your child.

For now, i am obsessed with this Korean drama, GET KARL OH SOO JUNG ..look at the biceps, the soulful eyes, the tall and handsome, madly in love Karl...waaaaaah 男人过了三十真的很有魅力.. better keep an eye on jfk heh heh

Friday, April 11, 2008

10 April, 2008 - The merger meeting

This morning, I-Jiun came up to my desk and told me excitedly that the management from Achieva is here for a meeting. I saw Mavis, Soh Koon, Mark Soh, Lee Yong, Gary Oh, Chris Ang and Yew Li. The feeling is so strange and if felt so warm hee..So glad to see all of them again. Mark was all smiles and held my hand for so long i think i blushed :p

Never thought that this would happened. Mark once told us this in one of the QBRs "if you don't go out there and grab the business, those big guys (meaning Arrow, Future and Avnet) will get a bigger share in the market."

Full circle.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

8 April, 2008 - Off the ship


Edwin tendered his resignation today.

Mental dreadful.

David Tao 陶喆




Sunday, April 6, 2008

6 April, 2008 - Chinatown escapade

Brought mum to do her facial in Chinatown this afternoon after church. While she is doing her facial, i went for a foot massage. I think he did it a lil' too hard, my soles are bruised..bruised ..bruised :(

Shopped around Pearl Center and mum bought walnut powder, oatmeat and cloths to sew pillow cases lei ;) mum always knows best and she always seem to be able to cook the best food etc etc

I bought Meiji Amino callagen :) hip hip hurray callagen, this is going to improve my skin elasticity and everything else after taking it for 28 days yay!

5 April, 2008 - Secret Garden & Chijmes

Did some housework today and meet up with Duncan, Vivian, Mandy, Sharon, Jackson, BG, Pinky and baby Xavier for dinner at Secret garden. Never knew such a place existed :) the restaurant is hidden in a corner of Bencoolen street and they serve good food.

After dinner, BG, Pinky and baby went home while the rest of us headed off to Chijmes-Le Barogue. Oooh it's the same place that i went on Friday night..this place must be popular.

Holly was there with the rest of her band and she remembered my name! So sweet of her keke

Saturday, April 5, 2008

4 April, 2008 - Chijmes

I could finally post all my blog entries for the last few days today..after getting the error message for so long wah lau..

Fenn, Amy, Sean, Sarah and me went to have lunch at the Korean restaurant on East Coast today. We had set lunch and it's worth every penny that we paid heehee so many vegetables hmmm but the "rubbish" rice is best. Looks just like the ones they show on those Korean drama :p Amy introduce the dishes to us in Korean, so fun :)

Such a heavy lunch and all of us felt sleepy when we got back to work. But when we got back to stare at the PC/laptop screen, no time to feel sleepy liao...all type furiously o reply the free flow of emails.

Left work at 7.30pm and headed to Funan for dinner at KFC. Sean had the KFC urge and after 2 chickens, i feel like puking. Sarah and Sean had the original flavoured chickens and Sean gave me his chicken skins. Aiyo so oily lo..i think i am over KFC and crispy chicken skins for only. Went to Chijmes to meet Edwin for drinks at a pub with live band. (Edwin is right, he always get bio-ed at by women hmm going to observe some more and find out why keke) two bands were playing tonight and they were good. If i have such a powerful voice, i will hold a night job and be a live wire singing in pubs heehee This is an enjoyable evening and happy night :)

Chijmes is a lovely place, so many ang mohs, so many eateries, so many pubs and so many people for me to do people watch heehee looks like a mini town on it's own.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

1 April, 2008 - April's day

Almost the whole of marketing team went to the wake of our HR manager this afternoon. Her two sons were still so young. The elder boy drew a card and left it on the altar table. It says "i love you mummy, i really, joy, joy" He seemed to be in denial mode..perhaps his young mind is unable to apprehend whatever was going on in the wake. The verse on one of the blankets was "For i know the plans i have for you..." There was sadness in the air..her dad was tearing while telling us about his daughter. Someone has lost a daughter, a wife, a mother and a friend. Do not know understand God's ways sometimes but i guess we just had to hold on to His promise.

Life is so fragile, in death, nothing else matters. No more happiness, no more sadness, no more frustrations, no more anger etc etc. So it's a good thing not to sweat the small stuff in life because you never know what's going to happen. What do you want your eulogy to be after death? I know it's pointless to care about what others will think after death but the thing is, have you made a difference during your lifetime? Have you reach out to touch lives? Or just busy persuing happiness?

During lunch, Chin Yiang suggested that we do an event for marketing. Like we organise some activities and not just another "eat, drink" session. Ideas like fishing, outward bound, kelong, cycling in Pulau Ubin, beach games etc etc came up. This is such a great idea :) just hope it happens fast to boost morale or rather, just hope it even happens.

Met Lynn for a quick dinner this evening and we went to get a pedicure done at Simei. Oh i love the flower that the lady drew on both my lovely BUT, i think she did not do a good job in the "skin peeling" department..well you win some and you lose some, it is really good being a woman. At 38 and a mother of two, Lynn still looks like a school girl :p

31 March, 2008 - Sean's 27th bdae

We had lunch at Jack's place this celebrate Sean's birthday. There were Sean, Anthea, Jasmine, Yanti, Fenn, Heidi, Andrew, Chin Yiang, Shirley, Edward, Sarah, Amy and me. This feels very good, like marketing is such a fun team. Fenn and me sneaked off to buy a mango cake from Four Leaves :) and she spent 95 bucks to get some Biotherm products. She is a spendthrift just like me keke

At 4pm, Fenn and me "chop-ped" one of the meeting rooms to get the cake ready. I drew a big balloon with wordings on the whiteboard and ChinYiang said this felt like we were back to secondary school days heehee. Once everything was set up, we asked the rest to come in and off the lights. Next was to get the birthday boy into the room hohoho He had to blow out the candles standing a distance from the cake :) This is so fun, marketing is a united and fun team...even if we missed our budgets now and then and there are prickly people sometimes. If i do leave, i will miss the people most. People are all that matters because they make up my environment.

Sean must be a happy boy man today. It's nice that everyone gets to eat together once in's bonding time :)