Friday, April 11, 2008

10 April, 2008 - The merger meeting

This morning, I-Jiun came up to my desk and told me excitedly that the management from Achieva is here for a meeting. I saw Mavis, Soh Koon, Mark Soh, Lee Yong, Gary Oh, Chris Ang and Yew Li. The feeling is so strange and if felt so warm hee..So glad to see all of them again. Mark was all smiles and held my hand for so long i think i blushed :p

Never thought that this would happened. Mark once told us this in one of the QBRs "if you don't go out there and grab the business, those big guys (meaning Arrow, Future and Avnet) will get a bigger share in the market."

Full circle.

1 comment:

charles said...

Thank you for sharing as always.