Saturday, April 5, 2008

4 April, 2008 - Chijmes

I could finally post all my blog entries for the last few days today..after getting the error message for so long wah lau..

Fenn, Amy, Sean, Sarah and me went to have lunch at the Korean restaurant on East Coast today. We had set lunch and it's worth every penny that we paid heehee so many vegetables hmmm but the "rubbish" rice is best. Looks just like the ones they show on those Korean drama :p Amy introduce the dishes to us in Korean, so fun :)

Such a heavy lunch and all of us felt sleepy when we got back to work. But when we got back to stare at the PC/laptop screen, no time to feel sleepy liao...all type furiously o reply the free flow of emails.

Left work at 7.30pm and headed to Funan for dinner at KFC. Sean had the KFC urge and after 2 chickens, i feel like puking. Sarah and Sean had the original flavoured chickens and Sean gave me his chicken skins. Aiyo so oily lo..i think i am over KFC and crispy chicken skins for only. Went to Chijmes to meet Edwin for drinks at a pub with live band. (Edwin is right, he always get bio-ed at by women hmm going to observe some more and find out why keke) two bands were playing tonight and they were good. If i have such a powerful voice, i will hold a night job and be a live wire singing in pubs heehee This is an enjoyable evening and happy night :)

Chijmes is a lovely place, so many ang mohs, so many eateries, so many pubs and so many people for me to do people watch heehee looks like a mini town on it's own.

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