Saturday, June 28, 2008

28 June, 2008 - Internet Spree

Recently, i discovered the wonderful joy and convenience of internet shopping. Just select the items and add to shopping cart. Get details, read fine prints, transfer money, wait for about a week or two and viola...the goods arrived :) I am getting obsessed with it hahaha scouring through the web pages, relentless searching for cute little items to own heehee so far i have made two transactions to buy BB cream, shimmering eyeliner, stocking cream for Elysia, showercap and a Longchamp bag muahahaha Easy easy la

Attended the church service today :) thought it was 5.30pm and i ended up late for it...cos it started at 5pm arrrggghh

The theme was about family. Read an article about the miracles that God did to a family and i felt tears welled up in my eyes..shucks, that was embarrassing cos i was sitting alone in a corner in Hans looking silly with tears.

Jimmy was successful man who had taken many things for granted. He had a heck care attitude at home, at work and towards life. Then different things began to happen and he experienced all kinds of challenges.

- He had a punctured lung and almost lost his life. His doctor told him that his life is a bonus from then on.
- His business went bust and he was saddled with overwhelming debts and made a bankrupt.
- His marriage failed and the whole family fell apart. He has custody of one of his two sons.
- Son was diagnosed with last stage of brain cancer. Jimmy did everything he could to save his son. Yet after seven months and seven days, he lost his 10 year old son to cancer.

The turning point in Jimmy's life came when he recalled his son's last days in the hospital and the ordeal that they were going through. Jimmy was utterly helpless and deeply pained by the sufferings his son was going through, and asked him if he was afraid to die.

His son said,"No Dad.
Jimmy asked ,"Why?,"
His son replied,"If I die, Dad, I will be seeing Jesus."
(this was the part that touched my heart and made me sad)

Because of his son's hunger for Christ even to his last breath, the strength and peace that he demonstrated and all the significant signs that unfolded before Jimmy, he realised that there is indeed a God and He has a purpose for all that has happened in his life..

Jimmy surrendered his life to God and God did a great restoration work in his life.

Today, Jimmy is a happy man. With these blessings:-

- Blessed with great health
- Career has been restored
- Broken relationship with parents has been restored
- Married a wonderful and God-loving woman

I guess it takes more than just a few words to truly understand the testimonies of all these people but i honestly believe that if we hold on to our faith and trust, He will show us the way keke

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

24 June, 2008 - Identity Crisis

I went for cell group today and learnt that drinking is a no no. Apparently, if i am a Christian and i drink, there is a chance that i might cause a new believer or pre-believer to stumble.

Cell member 1: What are the things to change in our lifestyle to show more of God's love to others?
Cell member 2: Christians should not be drinking cos' it always start with one drink eg Margarita and then the second and the third and the fourth and we might get drunk. This does not reflect well on how a Christian should behave.
Me: Oh you mean Christians are not allowed to drink?
Cell member 2: Cos some people do not know their limits and just keep drinking til they are drunk. So it's best not to start at all.
Me: (having second thoughts about coming back to cell) OIC, oh alright (nice try)

I am prone to spewing vulgarities when i am pissed, capable of displaying my temper when i am angry, drinking to chill, absolutely no desire to even try to be forgiving to hypocrites and selfish people..i cannot think of any other "should not do but i did" list at this moment. But i am one such imperfect Christian. I only believe in that relationship with God...and as long as i don't harm or hurt others, i think i am doing ok. Only thing i am not doing ok is.....i am not sharing much sigh

Funny thing is how come people have misconceptions of how a Christian should behave. So perhaps in one's subconscious mind, a Christian should more or less be a perfect human being, incapable of any errant ways hahaha that is how powerful God is. People subconsciously equates GOODNESS with God and all Christians ought to behave accordingly :)

But after much reasoning on the Pros & Cons, i thought that perhaps if we do not start drinking, there is no risk of getting drunk. So it makes sense lo...but i also figure that a few rounds of beer as long as i don't get drunk is ok lo heehee

Monday, June 23, 2008

23 June, 2008 - Bastard

I have a splitting headache today...and there are so many emails. My mind is almost blank the whole day and i seemed to be floating on some clouds *yawn We had a discussion today..if we get two hundred emails per day, then in a working month of about twenty five days, that would amount to five thousand emails gosh!

Saw the mandarin drama on Ch 8 tonight at 9pm. Zoe Tay's character, Baoyu, was pleading with the husband not to divorce her. And take this, he was the one who had an affair. At this point of time, i wish to castrate him for her grrrrrrr She is an excellent wife and a devoted mum. He is such a bastard. He is not one bit sorry about what he did, instead blaming her for looking up his mistress (my blood is boiling and i wish to slap him) The sickening mistress happens to be Baoyu's friend. Anyway, he ought to be dumped by both women.

22 June, 2008 - Kungfu Panda

Woke up at 9 this morning and had breakfast in Burger King at Compasspoint back is aching from the belly dancing class yesterday...belly dancing makes me feel ladylike hahaha so i sign up for the class with Aising :D

Dar had a pair of complimentary movie tickets and we watched Kungfu Panda at West Mall yesterday evening. Dar chose West Mall because i have never been there before and the movie timing suits our schedule.

West Mall also got things to shop lo fwah and i bought a blusher and nail polish from Face shop. Damn...mistake.

Went Johor for supper after the show and also to get Monster a car wash :)

I learnt something from the movie...if we hanker after something desparately and make it our ultimate aim to happiness, we might end up losing even more. What's yours will be yours and contentment is important to have peace of times. Of cos, not so much contentment that it leads to complacency la

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

18 June, 2008 - Mum's bdae :)

It's mum's birthday today and we had dinner at Botak Jones at Mum's request hahaha We wanted to dine at an Indonesia restaurant but she wanted to try Botak Jones wah..didn't know she knew about Botak Jones lo..

Saw the energetic singer in La Barogue! Gosh, so strange to see her in Bedok haha so out of place. There is a new cute waiter in Botak Jones hahaha long lashes and thin pursed lips ahem handsome young thing muahahahah

Mum did not want a cake cake for us :( i guess it must be cos' Jervis is away from home tsk tsk

Monday, June 16, 2008

15 June, 2008 - Duncan & Vivian's ROM

Today is Duncan & Vivian's ROM and i am excited. The ceremony will be held in Secret Garden and Vivian has an appointment at Hollywood Secrets to get her make-up, hair, manicure and pedicure done :)

I had to get dar's phone fixed at Nokia before rushing off to meet Vivian at Paragon. OMG Nokia has a priority queue for all N95 customers...zeh mo saat lei
Duncan really loves Vivian heehee it's her birthday the following day and he got her a surprise cake :) never knew he was such a romantic guy..thought he was nerdy hahaha

Congratulations to both of you :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

12 June, 2008 - Desaru

Woke up at 7am this morning and got ready for Desaru :) Picked Shaun, Wayne and Auntie Veronica and we were on our way to Changi terminal.

Day 1, 12 June, Thursday
9am - Gather at Changi Terminal. Ate Grandma's bak chang for breakfast :)
10am - Board ferry (Grandma, Auntie Mey, Uncle Fook Choi, Auntie Fiona, Ryan, Auntie June, Uncle Seng Hua, Candice, Bernard aka Kit, Nicholas, Auntie Veronica, Shaun, Wayne, Jfk and me)
10.30am - Reached Malaysia
11am - Board a chartered bus to a provision shop to buy drinks and food, check out fruit garden
12.30pm - Had lunch at Mr Wong's restaurant...this is THE restaurant, lunch is a must here for every Desaru trip...everyone's photos were on the wall wow i realised that my family has been coming here almost every school holidays... i wished i had join in all the trips...
2pm - Ice cream time in another provision shop haha
2.30pm - Took a jeep to the bungalows
The bungalows are zeh mo big wah, so spacious :)
3pm - Played with three dogs - Fetch, Dodge and Jangtan :) oooh i love dogs
4pm - Golf lessons (more exciting)
6.30pm - Bathe and prepare for dinner in means a chinese restaurant.
7pm - Almost 45mins drive to "town"
7.45pm - Food!! heehee
There is a signboard with Adrian Pang's poster plus his signature WOW i almost went berserk hahaha
10pm - Got back to the bungalow and played cards game,Donkey, with all my cousins
12am - SLEEP :)

Day 2, 13 June, Friday
12pm - Uncle Fook Choi drove Auntie Mey, Auntie June, Candice, Shaun, Nicholas and me to buy lunch. Stopped over at Mary Brown and a chinese restaurant, haven't had Mary Brown for so long. Jeep broke down..stopped over at garage to get it fixed and Shaun was hungry SO WE ATE UP ALL THE FRIES hahaha and some fried chickens :D
1.30pm - stop over at Lucky Mango Farm keke buy Naz's preserved mangoes and i took a picture of the boss. It's THE mango farm in desaru and i stood at the billboard and read about the goodness of eating mangoes.
2.30pm - Feed everyone else in the bungalow
4pm - Golf time :) in the greens yay
( i am tanned (sun burnt actually), was sweaty and have fallen in love with golf)
7pm - Back to bungalow to wash up and drive to a fishing village for dinner. Grace and Tanny just got to Desaru and joined us for dinner :)
10pm - Played Donkey, Taboo and it was the batter between the two brothers-Shaun/Wayne and the two sisters-Grace/Candice hahahahaha
12.30am - Grace and Tanny slept with us in the isolated bungalow tonight :) gotta wake up at 8am tomorrow for breakfast in the clubhouse woohoo

Day 3, 13 June, Saturday
8.30am - Drve the buggy to the clubhouse for breakfast
10am - Golf lessons
12pm - Seaside yay yay yay
1pm - drove to town to have lunch at Mr Wong's restaurant again and went to the provision shop to buy some beach toys kekeke
2.30pm - Seaside time again yippee
4pm - Wash up and pack up.
5.30pm - Bus is here to pick us
6pm - Kopi at a fishing village
7pm - Board ferry home :)

Had so much fun with my cousins these three days. I only wished i had joined in all of the past trips...then i would never have missed out on the growing years of my cousins...but, everything happens for a reason, i know what gifts to get for each and evryone of them during Christmas :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

11 June, 2008 - The eve before Golf

Looking forward to the Desaru trip tomorrow :)

I half regretted that i agreed to go cos it sounded like a boring place infested with mosquitoes...but the thought of not having to clear emails for the next two days is more appealing haha and the thought over-rides the fear of boredom hurray order to feed my OCD needs to clear as much emails as possible, i worked late and feel darn cool about myself when i left the office hahaha

Threw a few tee-shirts and shorts into a lil' bag, packed some games and lotsa potatoe chips and i am done hohoho

So excited :D

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

10 June, 2008 - Rat Shifu

Went to meet Jervis for dinner after work tonight. Both of us had a set of nuggets meal at the Macdonald in Siglap...had to buy another kids' meal so that we are entitled to buy the Rat Shifu :D

Jervis is leaving for Melbourne tomorrow tsk tsk going to miss him...BUT he is going to see penguins haha

Dar picked us up at 10.30pm and send Jervis home. He gotta start packing and get ready for the flight tomorrow evening hmmm

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Words Women Use

1)Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means half an hour. "Five Minutes" is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with "Nothing" usually end in "Fine" (refer back to #1 for the meaning of "Fine".)

4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it!

5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here arguing with you about "Nothing". (refer back to #3 for the meaning of "Nothing".)

6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a woman can make to a man. "That's okay" means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you - do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome.

8) If you say so: Men, take note: this is a trick. This is THE statement that means the opposite of what it says. When a woman says,"If you so," she actually means,"you're and idiot; I can't believe I ever married you, and you better realise how lucky you are every day of your miserable life." She will then issue forth a loud sigh (see# 5), and assign you a task worthy of your limited intelligence (although you will NOT be given the "five minutes" as discussed in # 2).

9) Whatever: Is a woman's way of saying F@!K YOU!

10) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will result in a man asking "what's wrong", for the woman's response to be "nothing" (refer back to #3 for the meaning of "Nothing").

6 June, 2008 - Shopping Time

Blog much? NO haaaaa How come? Mental writers' block, that's why :D The current obsession is looking for the IT bag for me, myself and I. I have no idea what the IT bag should look like or how it should be "functionally" correct but my relentless search has began. I guess the IT bag should be really zeh mo, like in tune with its owner (that's me for this matter). I want it to be quirky, roomy, versatile and DURABLE. Then i read in some thrashy magazines that a woman is forever looking for that perfect bag, one that is uniqely hers and hers alone..and it's a constant process. The words "forever and constant" crashed my hopes of finding the IT bag that will measure up to MY expectations...sigh...this means even if i have found the IT bag for now, it is only temporary.

Anyway, the hours spent pouring over Coach (70%), LV (15%) and Gucci (15%) websites and the many trips to these boutiques is starting to make me bored and restless.

Went shopping in Orchard with Aising, Jasmine and Joyce this evening. There was actually a long queue outside Gucci arrrggghh no prize for guessing 90% of the people in the queue are women. The 10% of guys were probably being dragged there to pay for the purchases hahaha Jasmine bought a hobo bag and Aising bought a wallet. Next was to queue outside Coach, getting abit tired of Coach boutiques...oh no! Aising is the ultimate shopping queen hahaha

Went to Metro Paragon to check out shoes and ahem cosmetics. There is a new kid in town :) In the card, there is this dreamy discription..."In honour of the Enchanted Garden, the order of Rouge Bunny Rouge brings to you a collection that intertwines a Victorian fairytale, with mystery and a whispering sense of darkness. Open the gates of the Enchanted Garden and take a step into the magic..." Well i did, i bought a lipcolour pencil in a nude shade to show my support to this UK brand. I am such a sucker for cosmetics!! Cosmetics products make me every blusher, lipstick, lipgloss, eye shadow, foundation in any shades etc etc in their little boxes, waiting for someone to unravel the magic :) to use them to enhance one's features. Make up is an the cosmetics products are the tools DUH!

My new lipcolour pencil :)

My passions are people and the art of make-up. But today i entertained a brief thought on the banking industry. Banker sounds nice for once.

Got home by 11pm arrrghhhh so early and dar is not back yet, drinking with pals. And it's 3am now, and i am listening to my SATC cd and blogging.

Rubes, i hope your urge to dance last til my menses end. I would love to go dancing with you again. Ooooh can't wait for my bellydance class to start :)

Had fish soup with Sean and Fenn at the coffee shop opposite Botak Jones. After that, we went to Botak Jones to share a piece of oreo cheesecake and a serving of tiramasu...aiyo cannot make it lo sigh..Today, i discovered something. I realised that there are actually jokes written in the menu of Botak Jones! How interesting keke Bought some cakes for Liu Hong, the lady who cleans our toilet. So drama..she was cleaning the Gents so i asked Sean to pass it to her instead and he looked stunned. So the plan was both of us to go there together. I walked along the mini passage way to the Gents, passed her the cakes and ran off...while Sean is standing at the entrance to "看水". I hope she likes them...and i hope this makes her day. I also hope she likes Singaporeans :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

2 June, 2008 - No Sign Board

Sean is coming back to work on Wednesday hurray :)

I tried my best to clear my emails as fast as possible today so that i can leave work early heehee i am going to have dinner at No Sign Board at Vivo City to eat ahem crabs. But the emails just kept pouring in...damn

We ordered three white pepper crabs and man are they huge or what! Fwah the "gong" was bigger than my palm lo woohoo We also ordered fried squids, you tiao, veggies, sotong balls, noodle and i cannot remember what else. I am delighted at the sight of the crabs and the rest of the food pales in comparison and faded into the background already :D

We went to have ice creams at Haagen Daz. Oh "we" are Stephen, Elaine, Ryan, Ethan, Peter, Shawn, Patricia, Jfk and me.

The bright lights at Vivo seemed to be enticing me to shop shop shop. Used to come here and shop with JK hmmm the ATAS wannabe shopping mall.

I love Singapore hahaha

Sunday, June 1, 2008

1 June, 2008 - Joy

Today's topic in church was about "joy". All of us should have joy in our heart as it is from God. The pastor was from Melbourne and he told all of us that people joined Laugh Clubs in Melbourne because laughing is good for the soul. Everyone just gathers around and laugh for the sake of laughing. Sounds pretty ironical to me cos joy should come from the heart.

Just a thought, perhaps contentment is important...cos it affects one's view towards life in general. One could complain about how life is unfair, jobs suck, traffic sucks, people sucks, TV programs suck and the list could go on...but how many people actually count their blessings.......Anyway, up til today, i think i am still searching for that missing piece of jigsaw to complete the puzzle. That missing piece of jigsaw probably explains my restlessness.

Dar picked me up after service and we went to get our lunch. He has to work with Bahgay at his place in Simei. Pinky, Xavier and me went to Tampines to shop. I bought my SATC book and CD :) both were the last copy OMG! Am i lucky or what heehee

This has been a quiet weekend :)

31 May, 2008 - SATC - The movie

Sex and the City movie time with bak bak sistas tonight :D

Carrie is such fashion icon coupled with quirky thoughts about love. Samantha is one sexy, confident and loud woman that you wouldn't want to mess with. Charlotte and her dainty manners and structured thoughts about love...about life. Miranda, the one with her head firmly on her shoulder.

This has been a long awaited movie that the three of us have been looking forward to catch together. WORTH IT! I was so excited about the movie, i kept thinking about the movie the whole day haha At the Coach store, i imagine what kind of a bag would the gals choose if they were here (obsession)lalala.

The importance of friendship...this is what i felt throughout the movie. A gal needs love, care and attention not just from that special someone, she needs galpals. Galpals are people who:-
-will hold your hands and tell you everything is going to be alright when things are going all wrong
-will hug you and cry together when we need a good emotional boost
-will tell you that the guy you are seeing is a bastard or for keeps
-will be absolutely honest with you without any malice or intention to hurt
-will bother to spend time bonding over wine or even nothing (the whole idea is just to be with each other)

Ahhhhh friends...what will i do without them :)

Bak bak sista practically gel over over many, many episodes of SATC. When Rubes is back from Australia for a few days, those were the days where we catch episodes after episodes of SATC and joke, laugh, talk and gossip about men over food and wine. We didn't get to spend most of our twenties together...we will spend most of out thirties together, afterall, thirties is the new twenties :) hurray

30 May, 2008 - C & M's 32 years

Dar and Jervis picked me up from work today, we're going to Uncle Charlie and Auntie Molly's place for a surprise party for both of them. I never realised that their house is so near my workplace...just 5 minutes if i stay here, i'll be able to walk to work and be trim and slim hahaha

Edric organised this party for his parents today to celebrate their 32 years of marriage. Agape love - a love that is unconditional :)

29 May, 2008 - Supplier's factory :)

Dar dropped me at Edwin's place this morning at 8.15am..i was late as we did not anticipate the horrid traffic jam.

So excited that i can get a training in supplier's place today :) yippee hurray

The new connector brand sounded interesting to me as the presenter talked about solenoid valves and pneumatics wooo my favourite subject in school keke i like the "psssst" sound that the valves make when there is air, somehow, pneumatics helps me be in touched with the logical side of myself...since half the time i am an emotional person muahahaha

Left Tuas at 7pm and went to Great World to meet Alex for dinner at Kenny Rogers. Been a long since i ate at Kenny Rogers. Next round was drinks at Escalibur, beer is always so nice when drank with great company :)

Today has been exciting for me, nothing was done routinely and i like the feeling of being "work not in routine mode" and hala-ing heehee