Monday, June 23, 2008

22 June, 2008 - Kungfu Panda

Woke up at 9 this morning and had breakfast in Burger King at Compasspoint back is aching from the belly dancing class yesterday...belly dancing makes me feel ladylike hahaha so i sign up for the class with Aising :D

Dar had a pair of complimentary movie tickets and we watched Kungfu Panda at West Mall yesterday evening. Dar chose West Mall because i have never been there before and the movie timing suits our schedule.

West Mall also got things to shop lo fwah and i bought a blusher and nail polish from Face shop. Damn...mistake.

Went Johor for supper after the show and also to get Monster a car wash :)

I learnt something from the movie...if we hanker after something desparately and make it our ultimate aim to happiness, we might end up losing even more. What's yours will be yours and contentment is important to have peace of times. Of cos, not so much contentment that it leads to complacency la

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