Monday, September 17, 2007

17 September, 2007 - Finally...on board

Edwin is finally on board is a confident, smart, sensitive, analytical and abit of an egoistical man. But then again, there is a thin line between being confident and arrogant, he is confident...thanks to that sensitive side. Very typical Taurean traits indeed.
belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance


We need to set priorities in life in order to define ourself. Know what you want in life and go for it single mindedly. Why, then, do some people lose confidence in themselves? Why will anyone lose faith in oneself? Please don't let others bring you down...please believe in yourself...please understand that sometimes the fault does not always lie with you. Live for yourself.


Do you get it? i hope you are reading this...

1 comment:

charles said...

Thank you again for sharing.