Friday, February 29, 2008

28 February, 2008 - Dim Sum Dollies

The theme of Dim Sum dollies was - the history of Singapore. The play was rather hilarious, using singlish, hokkien,cantonese etc etc

I saw Adrian Pang at the esplanade and my heart beat so fast i think i blushed! Darn it, no chance to take a picture with him :( he looked "dirty"..i mean his sense of fashion for today was probably like in the sixties grunge look. Dark hair with goatee and side burns complete with a pair of tight jeans and fitting shirt. He isn't exactly handsome but there is just something about it charisma? Something deep, dark and intelligent looking eyes.

After the play, we had dim sum at 挽到食 (read in Cantonese) in Geylang.

I realised that inside the esplanade, you can see yourself in every piece of glass panel and i like it to see myself on all of them hahaha i am a narcistic person :p

Thursday, February 28, 2008

27 February, 2008 - The Edison saga

We had lunch at the coffeeshop at Shun Li Industrial park today. Feels strange to be having lunch there..

Frankly speaking, this Edison & "the women he slept with" saga is grossly overhyped. I have this strange feeling that people are suckers for such news because it makes one feels good that even movie stars are not perfect. I am not a fan of Edison. He has this "bad boy" look which is not appealing to me..i mean he has this guai lan look but i feel he is not tough looking. He probably knows he has mesmorising eyes and nice lips..and goes around flirting with all these women. Drats. I wonder if he can talk well too hmmm i also wonder if he has got his heart broken badly by his first love thus explaining the errm bastard acts of taking pictures of all the women he has conquered.

Media should just give these people a break..especially Cecilia Cheung. Seems that her marriage to Nicholas Tse is on the rocks after her "indecent" pictures were splashed all over the internet, papers and magazines. For goodness sake, the couple just had a baby, give them a break.

I guess it's refreshing to hear such news and see such pictures to add spices to everyone else's boring and mundane lives.

Can't wait to watch "The leap years" ^_^

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I finally found my bluetooth device :) here are all the pics that i had meant to upload :))

Candy Empire in T3

Four Men & a Mahjong set

Lang Sai yippee

Rick and his "blow budget wish" oranges formation

Yu Sheng with supplier *YUMMY*

Cousins playing blackjet

Monster getting a bathe in JB

CNY karaoke session

See see, i am the sober one with the camera snapping all these hahaha

27 February, 2008 - PEMCO lunch at Tung Lok

We had lunch at Tung Lok in East Coast. Lunch was on Shirley as a form of gesture to reward our PEMCO team. Somehow, i felt that the team spirit during lunch was present :) i think it's the first time that all of us (Edwin, Sean, Sarah, Shirley, HB and me) sat down together for lunch. We ordered so much food and boy am i glad i picked a not-so-tight skirt to wear this morning. The fish was really good, crispy and salty. The rest of the food was alright..not very tasty but still acceptable la. I think i like the fish and almond jelly best heehee

In such a big company, separated by different departments, different roles, different mindsets etc etc, there are bound to be red tapes and challenges. Plus everyone has their own idiosyncrasies and if there are more effective communication, differences would be lesser and gaps would be smaller.. Then again, if there are no "challenges" and difficult people, life might get a tad monotonous hahaha we do need some entertainment now and then. If there weren't so much process issues, time could be spent "smelling out" business's really gratifying when we get new sales leads and grow something out of nothing.

I will soon get 8 demerit points and slapped with 150 bucks for speeding. Sigh, gotta wait two years for a clean slate of record.

There is a mission trip to Cambodia in November..the application is open to TCC members..but i think i am not qualified to go for it. I realised that i need to accumulate enough hours spent doing courses in order to become a TCC member last Sunday. There would be a certificate given upon completetion. I guess the price of not attending care cell is ignorance. Apparently, there would be spiritual warfare (i have no idea what's that)in all mission trips and one needs to be spiritually strong and well versed in the Bible to fight this warfare.

Smile, cos it's a wonderful day :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008 advised by my best pal -> the internet

If in doing a report, one has to cut and paste from all over to consolidate into an excel spreadsheet, then it is a bad system. Reports should be done at a click of the fingertip. Maybe one of the major lowlights in our company is that we do not have a powerful data management software and all the PMs are spending way too much time manually doing all these reports inefficiently. In times of poor business and slow moving inventories, management wants all these reports to study and understand market trends. Therefore, shouldn't management also incorporate better software platform to reduce unwanted stress to employees? Gosh am i whining??

This B***** needs so much reports and i am thinking isn't it best if they understand what are the reports that our company does monthly and both parties come to a consensus and alignment regarding all these dumbass reports. I mean like we improvised the existing reports that we already have and send them a copy instead of doing whatever they prevent duplication and spoon feeding them with whatever info they need. I would like to think that there must be a reason why we are allowed to do all these EMS customers. Perhaps they themselves do not have hub capabilities to serve all these customers with VMI requirements. And parking the blame on us for not stocking up on inventories is easier and more convenient to get their own ass kicked by customers.

This is a relative informative website about the electronics industry..


Sales Management Process
The four phase-model of Management Process:-
This model is cyclical, so it is a constant/continuous process!

Sales Planning
Unfortunately, when the business is growing, customers need more products, service and customization, this individual activity oriented approach can become a barrier for sales to grow because unfocused and uncoordinated activity decreases effectiveness. Your sales department must be reorganized, and sales people should specialize and co-operate with each other as well as other departments of your company. Poor team sales management leads to loosing orders and customers so it is better to introduce a sales planning system as soon as possible. Appropriate software will help sales team leader to set sales goals which will motivate sales personnel (estimated sales volumes should grow steadily from period to period despite the seasonal variations of demand because decreasing estimated sales volumes discourages sales managers).

After setting sales goals, salespersons’ activities should be planned by regions, clients, channels, managers, products etc. Sales team leader or sales department head should choose volume and operational metrics to evaluate sales managers' effectiveness and to motivate them from achieved result. While planning it is important to consider market potential and structure, company's strength and weaks, customer relations history, etc. that's why sales planning software must be able to store all sales-related information and allow a flexible searching, filtering, grouping and showing statistics (i.e. flexible customer, task and order forms, calculated fields, tables, schedules and charts). It is a good practice to let sales managers describe how he or she will execute assigned sales tasks to check his or her motivation to get things done. So the software for sales planning should allow breaking a task down into to do items with possibility to set such parameters as time, resources and measured results. It enables tracking intermediate and final results, sales force effectiveness and sales plans accomplishment.

Sales Tracking
Sales tracking is an integral part of sales management. Without tracking sales tasks it is hard to find out if everything goes right and estimated intermediate results are achieved in time and in the limits of expected resources. If anything is out of expected range, you can analyze the details, talk to a sales manager responsible for this task and take corrective actions.

Sales Tracking tracks selling activities as opposed to Revenue Tracking which focuses on tracking the progress of forecasted opportunities. The most difficult part of tracking selling activities is knowing if the activities will actually lead to sales. Management must have a method of knowing if sales reps are correctly engaging in enough of the right activities to produce revenue in the future. This leads to three key metrics: the right activities, the right way, the right amount. An individual sale is a stepwise process and key activities, or “Transitional Milestones”, must be achieved along the way. Sales Management must collect data on how the sales function as a whole is progressing through these “Transitional Milestones” to determine the likelihood of future revenue.[1]

Software used for sales tracking should allow sales team leaders to control sales tasks completion by using reminders and notifications, highlighting overdue tasks, analyzing task history, etc.

If your sales task management system is really great and duly implemented, you are informed about all details of your company’s sales process in real time and know who does what, when, and how.

Sales Reporting
The sales reporting includes the key performance indicators of the sales force.

The KPI indicate whether or not the sales process achieves the results as set forth in the sales planning and enables the sales managers to take corrective action in time in case the indicators deviate from the projected values.

More process than result related is information on the sales funnel and the hit rate.

In addition, sales reporting is a source for motivating sales managers, because awarding best managers without accurate and reliable sales reports is not objective.

Also, sales reports are made not only for internal use or top management. If other divisions’ compensation plan depends on final results, it’s needed to present results of sales department’s work to other departments.

Finally, sales reports are required for investors, partners and government, so the sales management system should have advanced reporting capabilities to satisfy needs of different target audiences and help sales force to be more effective and make more sales.

Actual Sales Management Challenges
Managing sales is not difficult while a company is small, customer count and sales persons count are limited, and sales process is simple and transparent. However, when sales start to grow, companies understand that it is very hard to manage enlarged sales workflow as effectively as they did before. Managing increased sales volumes is more difficult because sales management process becomes more complicated and sales department has to deal with all aspects of the process. Not only the number of sales tasks grows but also grows the number of regions, customers and products. It is almost impossible for salespersons to handle with sales grows without a special system for planning, tracking, analyzing, reporting, and controlling all aspects of sales activity, projects and tasks.

Effective Sales Management Solutions
Sales management system helps sales departments to organize sales process details, find potential bottlenecks, discover new opportunities and strategic advantages, save cost and time, etc. The system should provide clear vision of what salespersons did yesterday, what they are doing now and what they will do tomorrow. Many companies have already implemented sales project and task management on the basis of appropriate software. Now it’s time to benchmark their best practice for all the rest organizations.

Sales Management Software
Sales project and task management software helps sales departments develop comprehensive, prioritized sales plans, track their completion and create real-time reports. Implementing a centralized sales data management leads to better understanding of sales tasks and how they rely on sales strategy, their priorities and status, new ways of sales growth and new sources of motivation from achieved results.

Monday, February 25, 2008

25 February, 2008 - Happy birthday Dad

It is dad's birthday today and we had dinner together. As usual, we ordered so much food that i felt we ate too much. This is bad, at this rate i am going, i am never gonna be successful with my diet plans lo. But the fried prawns in cereal was really good..i mean the cereal was really good hahaha desert was "Or Nee", this yammy paste with pumpkin. I didn't like it cos it was way too sweet and i do not have a sweet tooth...anyway the cute part is, the yam paste came with kungfu tea. Kung fu tea was really just a small cup, the kind of cups we see in martial arts movies where heroes could fly about, of very bitter tea. I supposed the bitterness was to neutralise the sweetness of the yam paste. Hey that brought me to think about the law of life. Ok at least my life. We all have our sweet moments as well as bitter moments. If life is all sweetness, then we might all get diabetes hahaha kidding..without the bitterness in life, we will never learn to appreciate the sweetness. Everything happens for a reason..corny as it sounds but it's true ain't it? Every experience will mould our character and we can either choose to grow or shrivel. Wah zeh mo cheem lei, i am impressed with myself muahahaha

We got dad a chocolate cake from Bengawan Solo and sang him a birthday song :) well he had to make a wish before blowing out the candles. Don't i just love my family heehee i really wish i was staying in Kembangan. 可是嫁出去的女儿就是泼出去的水。。。才怪lo!

This morning, Sean surprised me when he walked up to me and say "i am so sick of work" hmmm usually he would keep to himself and just go on working and working and go home when his brain switched off for the day. During lunch, both of us quickly finished our food, which meant we did no small talk to the CSRs, and left the room to sto-ine outside. I guess it's one of those Monday he had training in the afternoon. Glad he shared, bottling things up is's a silent time bomb which could just explode..i should know best heehee

Sunday, February 24, 2008

24 February, 2008 - Brainiest Scholar...hitched

Attended Daryl's church wedding yesterday morning at 10am. So romantic to say one's marriage vows in a church. The church was in ACS compound and dar brought me around his school :) I love ACS! (side track, when i was a teenager, i would bio-ed guys from ACS cos i thought they were so cool that i wanted an ACS boy as a boyfriend hahaha) Daryl is our family's ingenious scholar. When we were kids, all the cousins would be playing blackjet but he would sit in a corner reading his encyclopedia. And he was Singapore's brainiest scholar haha Both he and Evelyn met each other at a gathering for scholars. Duh. After the ceremony was over, we rushed home to attend Andrew and Susan's first month baby shower. Baby is so cute, i have come into contact with so many babies recently.

Afer hala-ing with our neighbours, we went home to sleep...and overslept for the wedding dinner arrrggghhh By the time we got to Raffles hotel, Daryl and Evelyn have already marched in. Damn jialat lo..but i was really exhausted, not enough sleep hmm

Raffles hotel is so antic, everything and every corner of the hotel seem to tell of a history. Anyway, the food wasn't so fantastic and the service was so so only. When we went out with Alex and Edric for a smoke, i saw a pub right opposite the hotel...Shanghai Jazz. I think i am going to check out that place..wonder if this pub is like the ones in Shanghai located in 新天地. I miss Shanghai...


I hadn't been shopping for a while and i went to Compasspoint after church today. Walked into Ness and bought a tight flowery skirt. I love the skirt..the prints are so very English and the best part is i bought it at a discount of 40% haha Seeing the skirt made me smile too heehee it's worth all forty bucks that i paid for.

Have not recover from my flu and now i have a sore throat..voice sounds weird again. Took four painkillers today but my whole body is still aching. Age is catching up sigh.

Life is still beautiful :)

22 February, 2008 - Gallery Bar

Vincent Chan, our supplier, was here for a meeting this morning. We went for lunch at Terminal One cos he had to catch the 4pm flight back to Hong Kong. Sarah told me she was very stressed this week so...anyway, i tried to imagine myself being stressed with all these reports and a "pleaser" boss..and i got it. I supposed it's ok to let her vent it out once it long as i remember to put myself in her shoes when she is "taking it out" on me.

Went to see Glenda at East Shore hospital with Edwin, Yoke Yeng, Nazri and Eileen after 6pm today. Glenda looked pale..i think she said it hurts alot. Baby gave a resounding cry when he tried to open his eyes and wah it's LOUD lo. His lips were quivering as he was crying and i am amazed by it. Such a puny baby with a loud cry. Certainly maked me change my mind about being a mother. I think can just forget it for now, i am just not maternally ready.

Had dinner with them at a little restaurant. Food was great, salty and tasty. Went back to work at 9pm plus..did some work and went off to St James to join the rest.

This drinking session was organised by Desmond..didn't feel like going cos i am tired but a promise is a promise. Lucky we all had fun :) At some point of time, someone discovered my navel stud..shucks and i don't anyhow show people wan lo tsk tsk
Amy is just as crazy when we get together. Fellow ditzy leos haha wah we really let our hair down..think both of us are sheer madness together. The work week ended off quite nicely afterall :)

Got home at 4am plus and i am beat but happy. Dancing is therapeutic.

21 February, 2008 - Bala :)

Asked Edwin to the pantry for some coffee and Sean walked by for tea so the three of us ended up "duang-ing" for a couple of minutes..actually it's about 45mins la hahaha it feels good to have your favourite people around after being busy with crappo stuff :p I have nice colleagues cum this is very aligned with my priorities in a company heehee

Went to Bala with Edwin and Amanda tonite. Bala has been renovated, the sofas were all gone and replaced by high stools. The beer was good but it made me feel heady cos drank with empty stomach :)

Got to know Amanda's friend, Angeline. She is pretty, forthright and kinda loud. But i like her. Amanda's equally nice, unpretentious and warm. My honour to have been impromptu-ly invited for drinks by Amanda. This hadn't been a week that i enjoyed and some chill out time seemed pretty welcoming to me..after all the tears tsk tsk

It felt good to hang around like minded people. Wonderful evening :)

Edwin sent me home after drinks and i would like to say a big thank you to my beloved PM ;)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

19 February, 2008 - Harbouring Auf Wiedersehan thoughts

Brought some CNY goodies to work for Edwin and Sarah today. Sarah likes hei bee hiam and Edwin likes nuts so...Flu didn't go away cos of the yellow pill BUT i think it's going to be a wonderful day. (At least that was what i thought) Errm but gotta clear some more emails and i would be quite done with last Friday's stuff.

Was a pleasant day until evening...Sarah told me something and it bothers me. It's easy to allow someone you thought you like hurt you ya..I felt a sudden urge to walk out of the job now. One can't take it out on another person just cos one is stressed isn't it? Anyway, to vent my frustrations, i went home and updated my resume..and went to sleep smiling.

But Fenn is having it worst... mine pales in comparison. I hope she gets a new laptop and better job scope. Bless her. Some people are just one of a kind, wearing this all-important, know-it-all and long-suffering expression and asking ball-less boss to back one up. I hope she will be happy in her new work scope and not get bullied by psychotic bullies.

Sometimes i think all we is just to learn the gift of how to have a glib tongue as in 见人讲人话,见鬼讲鬼话。But this is way off too fake..and i think i have a lil' attitude problem to do that. I noticed how sometimes when you griped about stuff and some people will go "aiya, 我更惨,我有XXXXXXX" instead of just providing a listening ear.
My parting shot -> 对了对了,全世界你最惨了,这种东西我也不要赢你。

Hey Yan and Rubes, i need to talk to you balance me...i realised that work does not bother me, people does. Help!

Gosh, it's crap today, tomorrow is going to be a better day.

Monday, February 18, 2008

18 February, 2008 - Sick monster

Today is very special ah, i have been waiting for this day for so long...lang sai day yay yay yay it's not everyday that you see a "lion" dancing around our office and this is so surreal. This lang sai thingy never fails to fascinate me...dancing around, peeling mandarin oranges, throwing cabbages and giving out 4D numbers.

*pics to be uploaded

We had lunch aka lou hei session with Tuck Meng, Pearline, NY, Jessie, Keng Wai and Esther at a chinese restaurant in Bukit Merah. The food was real good, tasty though the ambience was typically cheena. Tuck Meng is a nice guy, he is real at the very least. Straight forward and no pretense..even goofy at times and i think he sucks at small talks :) I like them...even though they complain sooooooo much. Missed Mae though. I am working for a trusty gentleman, i've got Sean and Fenn as trusted friends here, life is kinda beautiful.

Oh but i fell sick today. Woke up feeling under the weather with a bad sore throat, followed by sneezes in the afternoon. The sneezes are "connected" to the throat..cos my throat hurts with every sneeze. Why ah..i just recovered from three months of coughing not too long ago arrrggghhh time for some more hoarse voice again meh?? Please don't let this be long...please please please. Jfk is sick too, so sick that he had to visit a doctor after clearing some work.

Sean is so nice, he sent me a message at night to remind me not to stay up late to watch drama serial and sleep flu will go away heehee

Dar made me noodles for dinner and passed me THE small yellow pill for flu. This is no ordinary pill to me simply because of it's ability to knock "hyperactive" me out completely. Actually, i am quite terrified of this pill..and am also wondering if i would be able to wake up in time for work tomorrow. But bo bian, flu sucks and i just gotta take this pill.

Thank you dar *smuackz*

17 February, 2008 - Bonding time

Jervoise picked me up after church and both of us went to Tampines for 小笼包 :) Chatted for awhile found our that he is "seeing" Denise, nothing is firm but at least he is seeing someone. Denise was "recruited" by him in one of the WOW raidings and she is kinda good looking hurray...i hope this will take his mind off Wileen...afterall, it's been almost three years now.

We dabao 小笼包 and egg tarts for Jervis...with lotsa ginger. The three of us wanted to go for foot reflexology BUT ALL FULLY BOOKED LO! wah never knew this was such good business hmmm idea lei

Since we had nothing to do til dinner time, we went shopping for tidbits at Cold Storage hahaha gluttons

Had dinner with Auntie Peck and this Rabbit restaurant in Joo Chiat. Another session of lou yu sheng. I am not a great fan of this yu sheng thingy but it's only in CNY that we do this so...anyway the vegetables with plum sauce taste great minus the raw fish :D

16 February, 2008 - Family gathering at Punggol :)

I did not go for community work this morning cos my family is coming over for lunch :)

Auntie Mei, Mak Mak, Ryan, Auntie Kwan, Uncle Seng Hua, Grace and Candice were the first few to turn up.......with lotsa food *yummy

Mum, dad and Jervoise, 二叔,二嫂, Shaun and Wayne were next. Jervis was the last hmmm...he took the north east train for the first time and he was amazed by the greenary that greeted him the moment he stepped out of Punggol Mrt :)

Auntie Mei made so much food today, we had home made yu sheng heehee

What's CNY without gambling...Jervoise took lead to play blackjet and played banker to Grace, Candice, Shaun, Wayne and Ryan keke

Cheerios to family life

Saturday, February 16, 2008

15 February, 2008 - Johor Bahru

Took leave today to go JB with Jfk.

A break is nice once in awhile :)

Went to Sean's housewarming in Pasir Ris in the evening...This is the second time that i am going for his housewarming. The first time was probably three or four years ago..when he and Kilyn first got their matrimonial place in Woodlands. We attended their ROM, went out together as couples, planned for the ROM and everything...but they got divorced. So i stood by Kilyn throughout the whole ordeal, did whatever i could to ease the pain..and dislike Sean for a long while.

Jeff called Jfk..he and Karine might be getting hitched. Jeff and Alicia divorced three years ago, we were their best couple friend. We went Batam when we were 18years old, did so many things all youngsters would do in our twenties, planned for their ROM, wedding, house reno and they got divorced due to irreconcilable differences. So..i stood by Alicia and made sure she was alright after the divorce.

Alex did not attend Sean's housewarming. Perhaps he is not comfortable with his status yet. He and Anna just signed the separation papers last January. We planned for their ROM, wedding, house reno and they divorced.

Are we jinxing couples or what??

Anyway, all of them have move on with their life and have found a better half. This is mind me thinking hard about whatever's happened to through thick and thin, for better or for worst.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Random Thoughts about.......

The Airport
There is someting about the airport that attracts me. It is a cold, clean place. The moment you step past the sliding door of the entrance, it is a sharp contrast to the bustlings of the busy city of Singapore. And you see people from all over the world walking around in their garbs...the fashion in their country :) A place where people from all walks of life "gather". To me, an airport is like a big gate to a country.

Good Bosses
What are the characteristics of a good boss? Leadership, charismatic, good management skills, high EQ, sincere, guiding, visonary, understanding and the list goes on. Unfortunately, people who has most of the above characteristics do not fill up all the management posts available. (perhaps due to scarcity of such people) Sometimes, people who are "workers" types..the type who could get their scope of work done occupy that management post. They can also get the work done, but no strong support from their staff...because they are a "yes-person" to management. But that does not make them "bad" people...just bad managers. I believe that at the end of the day, no matter what type of bosses you get, you just have to work around that boss and fit in to get things done. Of cos if the boss is abusive, then slap him/her and leave. (Like a formal boss..who was abusive to all his stuff in China by scolding them stupid like pigs..and most people left his company due to his lack of respect)

"Complain Kings and Queens"
Complaining and lamenting about how stressed out one is, how bogged down by crap one is bla bla bla and it's all because of XXX's fault. Well, it surely is easier to blame others for one's own inadequacies ya ;)
So..we just have to be patient and be a good listening ear :)

Valentine's day
A day where food & flowers are over priced and expressions of love are overstated.

Mind F. conversations
Are conversations that inspire one to think deep about life issues and it is addictive.

It has got to be genuine.

Seems elusive only if we do not appreciate the good side of everything. Learn the art of contentment without shortchanging oneself from it intellectually or emotionally.

Homo Sapiens
Are complex beings because we have senses, temperaments...and insecurities.

The Leap Years
A movie i am going to watch with Rubes hahaha

14 February, 2008 - Happy Valentine's Day to All

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:-

Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14. In North America and Europe, it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery. The holiday is named after two among the numerous Early Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

13 February, 2008 - Housewives

As i was working today, i remembered this conversation that i had with Jfk's cousin, whose name is incidentally also Grace, and Marvin about stay home mums. Marvin was sharing with us about how his friend might have to give up buying his dream car because his new wife wanted to quit her job, stay at home and be a tai tai. Marvin's take is that a tai tai is different from a housewife. If one is a housewife, one stays home to take care of the family aka kids and hubby. If one is a tai tai, one leads a life equivalent to that of a socialite living the high life. Unless of cos', can also be HDB tai tai la. Oh, Marvin's friend's new wife is only in her mid twenties. Seriously speaking, i think she just need a break from work at IBM..not quit from the workforce.

Grace reckons that if she is a housewife, she is going to be will i. In the end, the conclusion was... ->we are both selfish hahaha we both did not want kids in our lives because then our lives will revolve around them. And we want so much of "me" time. She said she couldn't understand why don't her girlfriends ever want to come out as often (just dump the kid to mother lo) as before and dinner will never be eaten in peace as long as baby is around...since you have to feed the baby and make sure he/she is comfortably sleeping in the stroller. Well, it's maternal instincts that mothers do not dump kids/babies to their own mothers in order to go out. Can't relate to that now...

Marvin felt that it's a character issue. If you are a homely type of gal, you will have no problem staying at home looking after kids. If you are outgoing and easily bored, you gotta go out to the marketplace and work. Agreed. I cannot imagine staying at home people too much to be confined to four walls, seventeen storeys up in the sky muahahaha

Jfk's mum told me once that she felt a woman who loves her family and children will stay home to care for the whole family. *pengz (means i dun love family enuff? since this has never cross my mind :p )

Hey but if you are a socialite, it's a whole different ball game. Imagine being Mrs Donald Trump, Mrs Rockefella etc. With that kind of moolah, you can do charity work, travel whole year round...or do whatever the heart wishes to do. It's probably never going to be boring heehee

Anyway, it means Grace and me are still having fun with "me" time and happy being "selfish" hahaha

Heaven - Bryan Adams

Oh - thinkin' about all our younger years
There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free

Now nothin' can take you away from me
We been down that road before
But that's over now
You keep me comin' back for more

Baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven

Oh - once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around
Bring you up when you're feelin' down

Ya - nothin' could change what you mean to me
Oh there's lots that I could say
But just hold me now
Cause our love will light the way

N' baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven

I've been waitin' for so long
For something to arrive
For love to come along

Now our dreams are comin' true
Through the good times and the bad
Ya - I'll be standin' there by you

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


This is very interesting...i could actually read it...can you? :p

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

Monday, February 11, 2008

11 February, 2008 - First day of work of Lunar New Year

XIAN is the word best used to describe today. CNY holidays are gone in a flash *sob sob and now it's back to reality again. No more holidays to look forward to for more festive season til errmm dunno which month.

Right, so much for CNY holidays. Gambatte

Sunday, February 10, 2008

11 February, 2008 - Babies everywhere

Gareth and Ivy were the first to arrive with Xavier and Issac. Next were Royston, Tenghui and Kaiser. Yan, Rubes and Zhenyu arrived, followed by Alex, William, Duncan. Then Geraldine, sister, Jyoji and June. Last to arrive were Shaun, Pat and Zhuoming. Can you imagine the number of kids crawling around..gosh ;)

Number of kids who could walk:-

Number of kids babies crawling:-
Issac (10 kg)
Kaiser (8kg)
Zhenyu (11 kg)
June (10 kg)
Zhuoming (12 kg)

By the way, i can feel my muscles aching from all the carrying heehee

It's like Punggol child care center hahaha babies are cute but it's kind of overwhelming to see so many kids all at the same time hmmm It's terrible being a child care teacher :p

There were so much food (like what's new) Pizzas, fried chickens, fish curry, chicken curry, bread, spaghetti, nuggets, mashed potatoes, salad and plenty of CNY goodies goodies. CNY = Fat = Bad = Skirts becoming tighter around the waist = Spending money on more new clothes muahahaha

Anyway, it's refreshing to see your friends lugging kids around. It makes one feel old and all grown up...though i think i am secretly in a "grown up" denial mode. There is something about youth that makes one want to hold on to it dearly. Something reckless and carefree about it.

Babies cry when they wanna eat, cry when they wanna sleep, cry when they wanna get attention, laugh when being tickled and are a curious bunch. what i think of for anyone below 1 year old.

Cheers to all the mums out there

Saturday, February 9, 2008

9 February, 2008 - 初三

Thought i could get some rest today. No more vistings but just rest. I was wrong. Woke up at 12pm and Jfk said we had to go Ronnie's place for lunch. I thought i could get some rest after Ronnie's place but we have to go Yishun for gathering. Last minute thingy.

Did some housework before leaving our house..cos we had guests tomorrow. The house has to be spanking clean cos there are going to be kids oh babies around. On the way to Yishun, Jfk said "i don't know what can you do at my place." Well, i could be left alone with the newspapers, laptop with internet connections, TV or magazines. Anyway, do not know what else to do.

Cleaning the house could result in disastrous reaction.

8 February, 2008 - 初二 and Karaoke

Today is off to Yishun for visiting. Stayed there til 4pm cos Jfk has to send his brother and family to his in-laws place. Got to mum's place at 5pm..and all my aunties and uncles were there playing mahjong.

Jervoise was still feeling sick today..and we suspect he had mumps cos we checked the internet for the defination of mumps and he seemed to have all the symtoms stated on the internet hahaha Jervoise, Jervis and me went for some bonding time over ice-cream waffles at Gelare before dinner time starts. We both tried to assure him that it was just a normal infection..and told him not to be worried til the check up tomorrow.

Went to Ma Ma's place to meet Grace, Candice, Samantha, Mark, Ryan and Auntie Fiona for karaoke session in K-ster :) Grace ordered a bottle of Remy Martin and 8 other alcoholic drinks hmmm Grace and Samantha got high and tipsy. Both of them jumped around, singing, shouting, dancing and falling all over the places hahaha Left the place at 3am, sent Jervis, Grace and Candice the time i went to bed, it was 5am again...tired but very happy

*pics to be uploaded

Been a long time since i saw alcohol served in karaoke rooms...kinda miss those days

Friday, February 8, 2008

7 February, 2008 - 初一 & CJ7

Woke up late today..past the perfect time to go visiting haiz Wore my turquoise bubble dress and i suspected that i looked like i was preggers hmmm

Visited Jfk's grandparents at Hollang Village..stayed there for lunch, give ang pows, watch TV, play with Benji and left at around 5pm. Next round was my grandmother's place at Bedok Reservoir. Ma Ma (in cantonese) want to eat my 红鸡蛋!! Told her okok, two more years (bluff her wan)...wah lau kena pressured lei
Ate plenty of wu-ha *yummy my favourite CNY goody goody, Cantonese style :) Shaun and Wayne were there so Jfk started a poker session with the kids heehee

Got to mum's place at 8pm...and was too full to eat my favourite kuey pie ti ahhhhh CNY is always so full of tantalising food :)

Booked movie tickets to CJ7 at Great World City...watching this much awaited movie with Alex, Elysia, Jervis and Jfk. The show starts at 1.20am..cos all the earlier time slots for this movie were sold out. But we have been catching movies on 初一 for the past few years so...

This was a lousy movie. It wasn't as funny as i thought it would be and the story line wasn't strong. Such a disappointment.

By the time we sent Elysia and Jervis home, it was 4am. Slept at almost more beauty sleep

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

6 February, 2008 - Reunion lunch & dinner

We get to knock off early from work this afternoon in lieu of CNY :) Jfk was caught up with work and left the office late..and because his customer need "whatever" to roll out on Monday, his CNY is basically burnt...damn

The atmosphere in the office is cheery today, full of anticipation and CNY mood is in the air. While waiting for Jfk to arrive, i did a mini area cleaning around my desk. Edwin is nice to stay in the office so that i won't be the last person to leave..i would love to say "thank you dude".

Reached Yishun around 3pm to have our re-union lunch..jialat..late lunch and in a few hours after lunch would be re-union dinner with my to eat??

Got to mum's place at 7pm...just nice for the BBQ. Thank God it wasn't raining this evening..cos it rained both times when we held a BBQ here. Auntie Mei made mango agar agar heehee We had three bottles of red wine for the evening and Jervis's face turned lobster red at just one cup. Wah talk about very good blood circulation.

*Pics to be uploaded

Jervoise had fever on and off...there wasn't any 24hours clinic around our area so Jfk, Jervis and me drove him to Raffles hospital. The doctor suspected that he might had contacted dengue and he had to take a blood test. The result would not be ready til two hours later so we walked over to Bugis for some fries and drinks at Macdonald's. By the time we got back to the hospital, it was 11pm and he had to take yet another blood test...Jervis lamented that "aiyah we will spend the first hour of CNY in a hospital". So when we walked to the car park, we were very kancheong about the time. We drove past the hospital's carpark gantry at 2359hrs and Bugis was just right in front of technically, we spent the Lunar New Year in Bugi heehee

Monday, February 4, 2008

3 February, 2008 - Re-union dinner @ Sakura

Today, the Chan clan gathered at Sakura in Tampines Safra at 6pm for our reunion dinner, buffet style :) Reunion dinner is something that i learnt to relish over the years..cos i have never been a family orientated gal. Always must be with friends..can die without friends lo..BUT family takes centerstage in my life now.

Anyway, Jfk, Jervis and me were queueing for all the "cheap" food...damn bo hua lo but bo bian..I DON'T EAT SEAFOOD except fishes and crabs. But eating all the chicken wings, otah, nuggets, fish and bak kut teh was just as filling. To make the "$30 per head" worth every penny, i ate lotsa dessert *smirk grin* of cos which i regretted big time after dinner...cos my shorts felt so tight that i could hardly breathe..

Grace, Wayne and Ryan are still the best eaters in our family. Don't understand how come Grace still can be so skinny heehee she has a voracious appetite for a girl :D Wayne is so sweet, he got drinks for everyone on the table...he is going to be a perfect gentleman just like ge-ge Shaun. Dar was so mean to him..calling him an retarded idiot for being in Raffles Institution. This RI vs ACS rivalry sigh

Cheers to Family and gong hei fatt choy to all aunties, uncles and cousins

Sunday, February 3, 2008

2 February, 2008 - SPA mani & pedi

Did some spring cleaning this afternoon..clear away all the clutters lying around the house. Throwing away stuff is very therapeutic..something i just discovered. I am actually quite a hoarder..i always keep things and tell myself that i might need them one day. But NO, that "one day" seldom comes. And i ended up with pieces of junks and many white elephants lying around at some forgotten corners. SO THROW THROW THROW ahhhhhhh feels good ;)

Fwah i discovered SPA manicure and Pedicure this Saturday, damn shiok man!

Steps to a rejuvenating manicure & manicure
Step One - Scub and massage hand
Step Two - Remove scrub bead, file nails to ideal shape
Step Three - Lather on hands mask (the peel-off type)
Step Four - Apply cuticle oil on nails and soak in warm water
Step Five - Peel off mask, apply moisturiser and massage
Step Six - Apply base coat on nails, apply desired colour
Step Seven - Apply quick drying top coat
Step Eight - Put hands under dryer to dry nails
Repeat steps for the other hand

Step One - Soak feet in warm water (in a little "jacuzzi tub")
Step Two - Scrub and massage feet
Step Three - Remove scrub bead, file nails to ideal shape
Step Four - File away dead skin and callouses on feet
Step Five - Apply cuticle oil on nails and soak feet
Step Six - Apply mask and wrap in cellophane
Step Seven - Remove mask, apply moisturiser and massage
Step Eight - Apply base coat on nails, apply desired colour with nail art
Step Nine - Apply quick drying top coat
Step Ten - Put feet under dryer to dry nails
Repeat steps for the other foot

After i was done with the manicure and pedicure session, i walked over to the room next door for facial. This felt really good and pampering. Have to repeat, I LOVE BEING A WOMAN hahaha At the end of the pampering seesion, my hands and feet felt so smooth and looked so fair, my face felt so clean hahaha maybe it's a mental thing but i don't care la, i felt good and that's all that matters hee

This shop is located near my neighbourhood so the charges are quite reasonable. 50 bucks for the SPA mani/pedi, 25 bucks for the facial, 3 bucks for the eyebrow trimming. Anyway, i made my appointment for next month already.