Monday, February 25, 2008

25 February, 2008 - Happy birthday Dad

It is dad's birthday today and we had dinner together. As usual, we ordered so much food that i felt we ate too much. This is bad, at this rate i am going, i am never gonna be successful with my diet plans lo. But the fried prawns in cereal was really good..i mean the cereal was really good hahaha desert was "Or Nee", this yammy paste with pumpkin. I didn't like it cos it was way too sweet and i do not have a sweet tooth...anyway the cute part is, the yam paste came with kungfu tea. Kung fu tea was really just a small cup, the kind of cups we see in martial arts movies where heroes could fly about, of very bitter tea. I supposed the bitterness was to neutralise the sweetness of the yam paste. Hey that brought me to think about the law of life. Ok at least my life. We all have our sweet moments as well as bitter moments. If life is all sweetness, then we might all get diabetes hahaha kidding..without the bitterness in life, we will never learn to appreciate the sweetness. Everything happens for a reason..corny as it sounds but it's true ain't it? Every experience will mould our character and we can either choose to grow or shrivel. Wah zeh mo cheem lei, i am impressed with myself muahahaha

We got dad a chocolate cake from Bengawan Solo and sang him a birthday song :) well he had to make a wish before blowing out the candles. Don't i just love my family heehee i really wish i was staying in Kembangan. 可是嫁出去的女儿就是泼出去的水。。。才怪lo!

This morning, Sean surprised me when he walked up to me and say "i am so sick of work" hmmm usually he would keep to himself and just go on working and working and go home when his brain switched off for the day. During lunch, both of us quickly finished our food, which meant we did no small talk to the CSRs, and left the room to sto-ine outside. I guess it's one of those Monday he had training in the afternoon. Glad he shared, bottling things up is's a silent time bomb which could just explode..i should know best heehee

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