Wednesday, February 27, 2008

27 February, 2008 - PEMCO lunch at Tung Lok

We had lunch at Tung Lok in East Coast. Lunch was on Shirley as a form of gesture to reward our PEMCO team. Somehow, i felt that the team spirit during lunch was present :) i think it's the first time that all of us (Edwin, Sean, Sarah, Shirley, HB and me) sat down together for lunch. We ordered so much food and boy am i glad i picked a not-so-tight skirt to wear this morning. The fish was really good, crispy and salty. The rest of the food was alright..not very tasty but still acceptable la. I think i like the fish and almond jelly best heehee

In such a big company, separated by different departments, different roles, different mindsets etc etc, there are bound to be red tapes and challenges. Plus everyone has their own idiosyncrasies and if there are more effective communication, differences would be lesser and gaps would be smaller.. Then again, if there are no "challenges" and difficult people, life might get a tad monotonous hahaha we do need some entertainment now and then. If there weren't so much process issues, time could be spent "smelling out" business's really gratifying when we get new sales leads and grow something out of nothing.

I will soon get 8 demerit points and slapped with 150 bucks for speeding. Sigh, gotta wait two years for a clean slate of record.

There is a mission trip to Cambodia in November..the application is open to TCC members..but i think i am not qualified to go for it. I realised that i need to accumulate enough hours spent doing courses in order to become a TCC member last Sunday. There would be a certificate given upon completetion. I guess the price of not attending care cell is ignorance. Apparently, there would be spiritual warfare (i have no idea what's that)in all mission trips and one needs to be spiritually strong and well versed in the Bible to fight this warfare.

Smile, cos it's a wonderful day :)

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