Wednesday, February 20, 2008

19 February, 2008 - Harbouring Auf Wiedersehan thoughts

Brought some CNY goodies to work for Edwin and Sarah today. Sarah likes hei bee hiam and Edwin likes nuts so...Flu didn't go away cos of the yellow pill BUT i think it's going to be a wonderful day. (At least that was what i thought) Errm but gotta clear some more emails and i would be quite done with last Friday's stuff.

Was a pleasant day until evening...Sarah told me something and it bothers me. It's easy to allow someone you thought you like hurt you ya..I felt a sudden urge to walk out of the job now. One can't take it out on another person just cos one is stressed isn't it? Anyway, to vent my frustrations, i went home and updated my resume..and went to sleep smiling.

But Fenn is having it worst... mine pales in comparison. I hope she gets a new laptop and better job scope. Bless her. Some people are just one of a kind, wearing this all-important, know-it-all and long-suffering expression and asking ball-less boss to back one up. I hope she will be happy in her new work scope and not get bullied by psychotic bullies.

Sometimes i think all we is just to learn the gift of how to have a glib tongue as in 见人讲人话,见鬼讲鬼话。But this is way off too fake..and i think i have a lil' attitude problem to do that. I noticed how sometimes when you griped about stuff and some people will go "aiya, 我更惨,我有XXXXXXX" instead of just providing a listening ear.
My parting shot -> 对了对了,全世界你最惨了,这种东西我也不要赢你。

Hey Yan and Rubes, i need to talk to you balance me...i realised that work does not bother me, people does. Help!

Gosh, it's crap today, tomorrow is going to be a better day.

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