Sunday, February 24, 2008

21 February, 2008 - Bala :)

Asked Edwin to the pantry for some coffee and Sean walked by for tea so the three of us ended up "duang-ing" for a couple of minutes..actually it's about 45mins la hahaha it feels good to have your favourite people around after being busy with crappo stuff :p I have nice colleagues cum this is very aligned with my priorities in a company heehee

Went to Bala with Edwin and Amanda tonite. Bala has been renovated, the sofas were all gone and replaced by high stools. The beer was good but it made me feel heady cos drank with empty stomach :)

Got to know Amanda's friend, Angeline. She is pretty, forthright and kinda loud. But i like her. Amanda's equally nice, unpretentious and warm. My honour to have been impromptu-ly invited for drinks by Amanda. This hadn't been a week that i enjoyed and some chill out time seemed pretty welcoming to me..after all the tears tsk tsk

It felt good to hang around like minded people. Wonderful evening :)

Edwin sent me home after drinks and i would like to say a big thank you to my beloved PM ;)

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