Monday, February 18, 2008

18 February, 2008 - Sick monster

Today is very special ah, i have been waiting for this day for so long...lang sai day yay yay yay it's not everyday that you see a "lion" dancing around our office and this is so surreal. This lang sai thingy never fails to fascinate me...dancing around, peeling mandarin oranges, throwing cabbages and giving out 4D numbers.

*pics to be uploaded

We had lunch aka lou hei session with Tuck Meng, Pearline, NY, Jessie, Keng Wai and Esther at a chinese restaurant in Bukit Merah. The food was real good, tasty though the ambience was typically cheena. Tuck Meng is a nice guy, he is real at the very least. Straight forward and no pretense..even goofy at times and i think he sucks at small talks :) I like them...even though they complain sooooooo much. Missed Mae though. I am working for a trusty gentleman, i've got Sean and Fenn as trusted friends here, life is kinda beautiful.

Oh but i fell sick today. Woke up feeling under the weather with a bad sore throat, followed by sneezes in the afternoon. The sneezes are "connected" to the throat..cos my throat hurts with every sneeze. Why ah..i just recovered from three months of coughing not too long ago arrrggghhh time for some more hoarse voice again meh?? Please don't let this be long...please please please. Jfk is sick too, so sick that he had to visit a doctor after clearing some work.

Sean is so nice, he sent me a message at night to remind me not to stay up late to watch drama serial and sleep flu will go away heehee

Dar made me noodles for dinner and passed me THE small yellow pill for flu. This is no ordinary pill to me simply because of it's ability to knock "hyperactive" me out completely. Actually, i am quite terrified of this pill..and am also wondering if i would be able to wake up in time for work tomorrow. But bo bian, flu sucks and i just gotta take this pill.

Thank you dar *smuackz*

1 comment:

charles said...

As always thank you for sharing.