Wednesday, April 23, 2008

22 April, 2008 - CPI training

Had CPI training the whole morning and to think i was almost late phew! Supposed to "chopped" seats for Edwin and Sarah but i got there later than pai say. Anyway, all three of us managed to get the back seats :)

Today, i learnt about the "real misunderstanding" between three persons. Oh and i am part of the three persons supposingly. How does one help another to unearth issues that happened ions ago and move on? A friend once told me, "to unknot a 心结 is pick up from where you left." And i did the unimaginable, i messaged 1/3 of the misuderstood group...the one who had apparently caused all the woes. But changed my mind when he called because it would be strange...cos it really does not matter to me anymore since like more than a year ago. I wonder why i bothered since this is not an issue i cared about or even remembered and it got unearthed over an innocuous greeting. Damn, bad move. As i think about the exchanges, i felt tired. Getting involved in something that i have neither interest nor time makes me angry with myself for allowing it to happen. Oh yeah, i have moved on long ago and i should be firm and just stick by my guns.

I reinforce my beliefs today as well. People who matters to you will not misunderstand, people who misunderstand you do not matter. Thank God i remembered this mantra, kept my sanity and be cool again.

Then something for me to ponder and reflect on today.. i may have been direct in my blog about my feelings and thoughts but then again, this is my blog and if i am not honest and truthful in conveying what i think and feel, i would be the ultimate hypocrite and biggest loser. At the very least, i have the guts to face my flaws, my emotions and the truth. And i am proud to say being honest means i have got nothing to hide, no mask, nothing...oh except make-up for vanity's sake la..

Hmm life is too short to sweat the small stuff :) and i am so blessed to be surrounded by so much love and like-minded people in a place that God has brought me to.

Life is beautiful lalalalalalala

1 comment:

charles said...

Your mantra is on target. Thank you for keeping it real. Being true to yourself is where inner beauty and strength lies. Thank you for your blogs.