Wednesday, June 25, 2008

24 June, 2008 - Identity Crisis

I went for cell group today and learnt that drinking is a no no. Apparently, if i am a Christian and i drink, there is a chance that i might cause a new believer or pre-believer to stumble.

Cell member 1: What are the things to change in our lifestyle to show more of God's love to others?
Cell member 2: Christians should not be drinking cos' it always start with one drink eg Margarita and then the second and the third and the fourth and we might get drunk. This does not reflect well on how a Christian should behave.
Me: Oh you mean Christians are not allowed to drink?
Cell member 2: Cos some people do not know their limits and just keep drinking til they are drunk. So it's best not to start at all.
Me: (having second thoughts about coming back to cell) OIC, oh alright (nice try)

I am prone to spewing vulgarities when i am pissed, capable of displaying my temper when i am angry, drinking to chill, absolutely no desire to even try to be forgiving to hypocrites and selfish people..i cannot think of any other "should not do but i did" list at this moment. But i am one such imperfect Christian. I only believe in that relationship with God...and as long as i don't harm or hurt others, i think i am doing ok. Only thing i am not doing ok is.....i am not sharing much sigh

Funny thing is how come people have misconceptions of how a Christian should behave. So perhaps in one's subconscious mind, a Christian should more or less be a perfect human being, incapable of any errant ways hahaha that is how powerful God is. People subconsciously equates GOODNESS with God and all Christians ought to behave accordingly :)

But after much reasoning on the Pros & Cons, i thought that perhaps if we do not start drinking, there is no risk of getting drunk. So it makes sense lo...but i also figure that a few rounds of beer as long as i don't get drunk is ok lo heehee

1 comment:

charles said...

Thank you for sharing.