Monday, September 29, 2008

29 September, 2009 - 家教

This afternoon during lunch, Jessie was telling us about a nasty colleague. He makes her pay for most of their lunches despite driving her car out for lunches. Mind you, HE drives her car on the pretext that his car is too big to get a parking lot. He makes fun of her by saying that she is fat and round so can roll out quickly for lunch. There were other complaints from her...which i cannot remember but amidst the conversation, "oh dear and some more he is a Christian" popped up. I wonder why the majority of people are so critical and quick to pick on Christians. The only consolation i got is, God is a perfect Father. And so is Jesus. Christians have some very high standards to follow, thus the criticisms.

Been thinking long and hard about this...should there be a direct link between inappropriate behaviours to one's religion? Surely this equation cannot be fair and just. Religion teaches one to be a good person..or a better person basically. But if one's behaviour, thoughts and speech are "contaminated", should we blame religion? NO la! I feel that if we have to blame anyone, we blame parents. Why? Because parents are the ones who should have inculcated values, morales or whatever makes an honest person into a child's mind. It's call 家教.

Last Friday, at the bowling center, a mother allowed her two kids to run around the lanes. I mean ran around the lanes as in obstructing the bowlers' games. Then this particular mother was wearing a thigh length skirt and she was very fat. (i have nothing against fat girls). She sat opposite a group of young guys with her legs spread open...yes, in her thigh length tight skirt. And i could see she was wearing red undies. This is very bad. If she thinks it is ok to sit with your legs "open big big" while wearing a tight skirt, bless her daughter. I hope when she grows up, some one will tell her it is not right for a girl to sit like that while wearing skirt. When i was a little girl, if i put my feet on the table, my mum will shoot me a dangerous glare and i will be caned when all the uncles and aunties have left. So now, as a young lady, i know it is unladylike to do that. That's 家教.

Dar and me saw a packet of drink in the lift. Someone littered. Someone who finished the drink and left the empty packet on the floor. So...the culprit could be a Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim. But it doesn't matter, because the fact is, he/she littered and it is regardless of religion. It is character and it is directly link to 家教..or rather, the lack of it.

家教 and EQ is what moulds a child into a perfect gentleman or a prim n proper lady..both should have impeccable manners and be a considerate person.

Dar says,"at the end of the day, we should be considerate and think of others in whatever we do. Be it driving, having your meals outside, taking public transport etc. We need to have basic consideration for others."

clap clap clap :) here is a man who will clear his tray after having his meals at fast food joints, who will wait for everyone to get out from the MRT trains and also let others enter before being the last to enter the train, who will bother to write to town council to inform them that we have a faulty light bulb in the car park (civic minded), who will drive or "cab&pay" his friends or colleagues home after an outing even if they don't stay near our place, who will offer to help the tourist who looked lost in the streets. The only thing that he cannot compromise is...cannot eat vegetables hahaha

Oh the wife has to die in the event of a fire because the man has to make sure everyone else is safe before saving the wife. If she is the wife, she will understand his intentions and if she dies, she will go in peace and understanding. Something that the wife cannot comprehend but has grown to understand and accept..because the man lives by the rule 我为人人,人人为我. The wife is not part of the 人人, she is part of the man hahahahaha

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