Tuesday, September 2, 2008

31 August, 2008 - Health

The blood vessal in Dad's left eye burst and his eye was bloodied internally. Gosh how dreadful, we had to bring him to the A & E in Changi hospital. We got there at 6.30pm and left the hospital at almost 11pm. I even get to catch Super Returns on HBO! Gosh...i don't like hospitals. There is always a strong medical smell lingering on the air and sounds of coughs, sneeze, and tired looks all around. Quite frightening to think that if one is injured, sick or unconscious, one has to be admitted to the hospital.

Health is so important, yet, it is the one thing that all of us take for granted. Without a healthy body, we would not be able to think about spiritual or emotional health.

I imagine it must be every girl's dream to have a guy like Superman hahaha strong, invincible, devoted and totally in love with the woman he set his heart and mind on.

Later in the night, we watched 少年杨家将 and my eyes got teary. 杨七郎 and 杨业 died in this episode. 杨大郎,杨二郎 and 杨三郎 died in the previous episode. 杨四郎 went missing and 杨五郎 is depressed. But the worst is the scene where the mother had to clean the bodies of her sons before buriel. OMG and suffer in pain that the body of her husband has been captured by the enemy. Damn, as i was watching it, i wish i could kill that shithead 潘仁美. I imagined that he ought to be tied up and all his joints are severed and he is being blinded. Then he would die a slow and painful death for causing the deaths of the whole of the 杨 army. Jfk added that his flesh should be cut opened and be sprinkled with salt. My my aren't the both of us cruel tsk tsk

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