Wednesday, September 10, 2008

9 September, 2008 - Men & Women

I was staring into my laptop, thinking what sites should i be surfing and whose blog to read when the word "gentlemen" popped into my mind. So being the typical curious cat, i asked my best friend, Mr. Google, on what exactly makes a perfect gentleman...and found out more than i bargained for :) (Rubes, i know i still owe you that "do men know?" thingy)

"People, like diamonds, have a basic market value, but it is only after they have been polished that the world will pay their real value."
- William Thourlby

Etiquette Of A Gentleman
Chivalry may be on life support, but it is not dead yet. Be one of the few to keep this flame burning for many years to come.

Always open doors
This is perhaps the most basic rule of male etiquette out there. It is also one of the easiest to follow so you have no reason to forget it. Whether she is about to enter your car, restaurant, club, or anyplace with a door, you should always hold it open. If there are many doors, then hold them open one after the other.

Put on her coat
Always help a lady put on her coat or overgarment. This is a simple but powerful action.

Help with her seat
If an unaccompanied lady is sitting next to you, it is important that you help her be seated by pulling her chair out for her and gently pushing it back into place, with the lady seated of course.

Give up your seat
If a lady arrives at the table and there are no available seats, you should stand up and offer yours to her.

Stand at attention
Always stand when a lady enters or exits the room. This rule has been somewhat relaxed, so you can stand upon entrance but remain seated upon exit. Nonetheless, if you can do both, you should.

Give her your arm
When escorting a lady (that you know) to and from social events, you should offer her your arm. This is a little more intimate, but serves well when walking on uneven ground -- especially if she's wearing high heels.

Ask if she needs anything
This is one that most guys already do, but helps complete the gentleman in all of us nevertheless. When at social events, make sure to ask the lady if you can get her something to drink (or eat, depending on the event). Show her that you care about her comfort and needs.

Gentlemen, if I may call you that, these are the rules of etiquette you should observe in everyday life. Elevate yourself above the rabble and display the mannerisms of a true gentleman. The world will appreciate such a rarity and your career will most definitely benefit from your good manners and savoir-faire .

Habits women love
Men might think that women are complicated creatures who cry for no reason and make nonsensical complaints out of boredom. The truth of the matter is, however, that women aren’t that difficult to figure out at all. All they want is a little attention. So to avoid those nasty “You never do anything romantic” arguments, there are a few habits women love that you can adopt to get on her good side.

Adopt these habits women love and you’ll never hear her complain again.

Getting compliments
More than anything, a woman wants to be appreciated. Whether she’s a self-assured diva or a shy sweetheart, she wants to know that her assets and abilities are recognized. If you can make her feel special, rest assured that you’ve made a good start with her.

The only catch is, however, that your compliments must sound sincere. Telling her she looks fabulous in that outfit after she complains about looking fat counts for something, but it was coaxed out of you. Instead, make your compliment sound genuine by catching her off-guard with an impromptu “You’re beautiful” or “I love your cooking” and she’ll be putty in your hands.

Receiving phone calls
Maybe you call just to say hello or perhaps you keep her informed if your plans have changed, or if you’re going to be late. The point is you make an effort to bend an elbow and put a phone to your ear. Calling is important for the health of a relationship and is one of the many habits women love. We’re not talking about hour-long heart-to-hearts here; just short “hello” phone calls are all that’s necessary to appease your lady. Women tend to be communicative creatures, and they also like to be in the know. So, when you call and let her know what you're up to, it stops her from wondering -- and trust us, she’ll wonder -- about what you’re doing.

Being a priority
You have the choice on any given evening to spend a quiet night enjoying your lady and her -- ahem -- home cooking or to play poker with the guys. Tough call. Whether you realize it or not, women appreciate this conundrum. They know you ache to spend some bonding time with the guys, which is all the more reason why your girl appreciates it when you choose her instead. When you set aside all other plans just so you can see her lovely face, you make her feel special and important, and there’s no better way for a girl to feel.

The thing to remember about this habit is that in order to really put her first, you need to do it willingly. Although it may be killing you to miss out on some boy time, it’s key to the whole process that you give all your attention to her when you're together. Just enjoy yourself!

Getting attention
You know that old cliché that women like a good listener? Here’s a tip: Most clichés come from truth. Although sensitive, devoted, brooding men can be dreadfully boring, it really is great if you can listen to what she has to say and actually care about it. Great listening skills are essential in getting to know one another. Listen, ask questions and remember what she’s said. You’ll find out so much more about her that you’ll be hooked and only want to know more.

Paying attention doesn’t only apply to listening either. It’s all the better if you notice her haircut, that she looks upset or that she’s stressed out. Paying attention means that you care about what’s going on with her, and there’s no bigger compliment than that.

Being surprised
Any woman who’s been dating for some time probably thinks she has you figured out because most men tend to exhibit the same traits. So, when you surprise her with an unexpected gift or cool date, she’ll feel like she’s found somebody really special. She will probably feel refreshed and lucky to be around you. A women can also be surprised by many seemingly benign things, like a spontaneous phone call.

Surprising somebody can seem like a tough thing to do, but it’s really not that difficult. Many women don’t expect all that much from you, and can be all too forgiving of mediocrity. So, try going out of your way to do something special just for her.

The habits women love are those that are considerate of their feelings. If you can be the guy to make her feel respected, cared for and special, she’s bound to stick around.
8 Male Behaviors She Secretly Loves
It’s hard to establish the exact characteristics that members of the opposite sex find attractive. While women fanatically ready themselves in anticipation for a date, men may drool over a sweaty gym bunny instead. Likewise, women aren’t always known for being the most straightforward when it comes to dishing on what they think is hot in a man. Most men have been nagged by girlfriends about some characteristic or another; but wouldn’t it be great to find out some of those behaviors are actually what keep your woman interested? Sometimes a woman can seem outwardly annoyed by a man’s behavior, but actually find it attractive. Confused?

Read on to find out if which of your “male” behaviors she secretly loves, and you may think twice about changing your ways.

1- Being a man’s man
Although it may seem like a woman wants a man who dresses up more than he acts up, sometimes a football-playing, nacho-eating, jersey-wearing guy can be more appealing than you‘d think. Now and again, she enjoys seeing you in your element getting to rescue her or fix stuff or goofing off with the guys.

A woman doesn’t date a man in order to have a competitor for prettiest hair or shoes; it’s likely that the differences between the two of you are what attracted her in the first place. It is true that when you go out to the ballet or to a nice dinner, she’d like you to dress well and act better, but what she doesn’t admit is that, for the most part, she appreciates your masculinity, no matter how unfinished it may be. You don’t always have to be dressing up or holding doors to have her hanging off your every word, just make sure your beer belches are kept well-timed and in the company of your buddies.

2- Saying no
Having a mind of your own is a good thing, even if it means making her angry now and again. Guys tend to think that women want a boyfriend they can lead around by the nose, and who will do whatever he’s told. While it would be a relief to know things would happen exactly how she planned them, being in a relationship like that could get really, well, boring. Women want a guy who has something to offer in terms of opinions and conversations. They also want a man with a personality. If a man’s entire life is his woman, he won’t have much else to talk about, and there will be few surprises left.

Also, women who enjoy being in power tend to enjoy being challenged once in a while (Read: A feisty argument can liven things up from time to time). So as much as she’ll have you believe that you should be under her control, don’t be fooled and don’t think that you need to be her pet boy to keep her hanging around. Keep your life and your habits, and just find ways to fit her in nicely.

3- Having a strong sexual appetite
While it’s true that anybody would feel used by a partner who only wants sex, it’s equally true that when a man can’t control his urges for a woman, she revels in every minute of it. It’s not often people get as much undivided attention as a man gives to a woman he wants to sleep with her. After a stressful day with coworkers, a woman can feel on top of the world with an attentive mate. If she’s in a high-powered or competitive job, she might even enjoy the switch of roles that comes with not having to make the first move in a sexual encounter. It allows her to sit back and enjoy herself.

4- Being independent
Women are notorious for nagging about their men being too busy or not paying them enough attention or spending too much time at work or with the guys. It is, of course, very important to treat a woman like a queen if you want her to stick around. However, you should recognize that if you have no other interests, hobbies or things to do, she will likely feel stifled in the relationship. Not only does your woman appreciate having space as much as you do, it is also sexy for a man to be independent and self-sufficient. A needy or unambitious mate is not attractive to most women. So, while you need to set aside time for your lady friend, making time for your career and hobbies can be just as important to a relationship.

5- Being jealous
Jealousy is a very powerful emotion. Although unchecked jealousy can easily get out of hand, a touch here or there can really fan the flames of attraction. If she thought you really didn’t care about the bartender who hit on her or her coworker who has a crush on her, she’d think you didn’t care about her at all, and she’d likely find somebody else who did. When you ask the intentions of her close-working coworker or probe into her relationship with her personal trainer, she may chide you for your overactive imagination, but it’s certain that she’s smiling on the inside. Remember: When it comes to jealousy, a little will go a long, long way, so use it very sparingly. Be aware of its power and allure: She can get really hot over a man who’s protective of her assets.

6- Showing occasional vulnerability
Everybody likes feeling needed sometimes, and since women aren’t often in the position where they can protect their boyfriends, it’s nice to see you need help in other ways. For instance, she may gripe that you need more socks or she’ll complain that you always forget to pick up your dry cleaning or that you always need help picking out your tie/shirt ensemble.

It may sound silly, but sometimes helping you out in these little ways can make a woman feel good and more attracted to you. It’s not that she wants to be your mommy, that’s likely the last thing on her mind. It’s just that if you need help and she can offer it, she’ll feel powerful, helpful and important. Men seem to think that they need to be an untouchable hero figure to be attractive to women, but that’s just not true. A little hint of helplessness makes you somewhat vulnerable, and most women can’t wait to sweep in and help.

7- Hiding your feelings
She may always complain that she doesn’t know what you’re thinking; she may ask to talk about your relationship or your day at work. It seems like she is always asking for you to pour your heart out so that she can know your innermost feelings. You know that women talk to their girlfriends about all their ups and downs, and especially about their worries. Likewise, it would probably be easier for her to know the score if you told her exactly how you were feeling.

Sometimes, however, the fact that you’re a little bit mysterious or elusive can be a major turn-on. Half the fun is figuring out how to crack the case. Women enjoy the challenge of figuring out what you’re thinking without having to be told. So keep it a mystery; share the important stuff, and don’t feel pressured to give it all up when she asks you to. She might not hate it as much as you think.

8- Occasionally objectifying her
Women want to be respected for their brains and abilities, just like men do. They also want a handshake for a job well done, and they want a promotion when it’s due. But if a woman’s looking smoking-hot, she wants some attention for it. Of course, this depends heavily on circumstance and the relationship with those attention-givers.

But when it comes to a man she digs, that woman will not mind having her assets checked out. Women enjoy a compliment, just like men do. When it comes to looks, there are few better compliments than a man whose gaze wanders south of a woman’s face or strays to watch her walk away. Even a crude compliment will go miles from a trusted source. So don’t think you have to be squeaky-clean or even upstanding to get her attention. If you notice her, she’ll be flattered, and flattery will get you everywhere.

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