Sunday, April 29, 2007

Proverbs 18: 24
A man of many companions may come to a ruin,
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 19: 2
It is not good to have zeal without knowledge,
nor to be hasty and miss the way.

Ecclesiastes 7: 21-22
Do not pay attention to every word people say,
or you may hear your servant cursing you - for you know in your heart
that many times you yourself have cursed others.

Friday, April 27, 2007

26 April, 2007 - Death of Tamagotchi

I think i am obsessed with blogging...cos this interest has lasted almost a month and i am still at it. This is absolutely amazing cos i can hardly sustain an interest in anything for more than a week...except the art of make up.

Rubs, by the way, err my Tamagotchi has conked off...i paused it for too long without giving him food, drinks, love and attention and it died on me keke that day i was about to un-pause him but was too late, all i see was a big X on the screen :( nevermind la, i will replace it wif a new battery and balik restart him.

It will live again cos it is a survival, just like me hahaha

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

24 April 2007 - Quintessential City Cat

Just saw an entry in my bak bak sista's's it...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Life in the City

I was having a conversation with one of my bak bak sister on the topic of handphone last weekend. She was complaining to me how another of our bah bah sister complained that she dun pickup her handphone. Both of us were discussing the importance of handphone in our lives, and how our partners & friends become paranoid once they can't reach us on our mobile ...

I was reading the papers this morning about Singaporeans being ranked one of the last when it comes to the frequency of having sex, and the amount of time spent on making love. The article states that Singaporeans are behaving like "civil servant" when it comes to sex, as described by radio DJ Anna Lim. Many Singaporeans, she said, treated sex like "chores" that they performed "routinely"...

I have been thinking a lot about life in the city recently. The older i get, the more i dislike city life. People in this city are spending way too much time on work, and more & more is being focused on material life. A typical day in this city starts even before daybreaks, when people set off to work. Workday ends when the day darkens, when people rushed home to have dinner, watch tv for 2 hours and go to sleep. This is so city like, so Singapore, and how i so hate it! We are spending more time with our colleagues than with our spouse. It is no wonder why there are so many cases of married husband / wife having affairs with their colleagues. Having said that, i also understand that this is juz how our fast paced society works. Sometimes it is juz beyond our control when we have so much work to finish within a short frame of time. If we are not competant, we will be out. That's juz so pathetic.


I was the bak bak sista who complained that Rubs is always never answering her mobile keke and YES i am a super slave to my mobile phone *geez* I cannot be without my phone or else i feel like a total immobile gal...

Ermmm though i agree with you that the city could make a working person jaded, I am still attracted to city life... i love the neon lights brightening up the streets and the sparkling shop signs screaming "look at me". I really cannot imagine myself staying in the country side...minus all the city lights and all the high rise buildings... now and then i will escape to East Coast beach or Changi beach to take a get away from it all...but to be away from the city for long term is totally so foreign to me.

But sometimes amidst all the rushing to get as much done in a day, i do feel tired...and in the long run..suffer from a complete burnt out. Then i yearn to be a housecat. Maybe it will be the quintessential city cat taking a break by being a housecat to hibernate hahaha

Then i have this thing for my make up pouch...tho' i am not a fan of thick make up and i do go out sans make up sometimes, i feel that every item in my colourful and uber cool pouch is important to transform my face into whatever mask i wanna show the world...depending on my mood and how i am feeling. YES i can hear mumblings about being shalloooow, but hey, a gal gotta do wat a gal gotta do ma..Sometimes i just dunwan to show the world what's going on in my head...simply cos sometimes i just dunwan to be so real to the majority of the people out there who are so caught up with everyday life. So my make up reminds me that i gotta make some small talks, blend in and get going...

But if i am going Cambodia, i am more than willing to trade in my make up pouch, city life and hang around the little girls who never had a choice. Oh Father in heaven..lead me to where my heart hails

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

24 April, 2007 - Jaded vs Child-like innocence

Excerpts from Sophie's World...

"The world itself has become a habit in no time at all. It seems as if in the process of growing up we lose the ability to wonder about the world. And in doing so, we lose something central-something philosophers try to restore. For somewhere inside ourselves, something tells us that life is a huge mystery. This is something we once experienced, long before we learned to think the thought.

To be more precise: Although philosophical questions concern us all, we do not all become philosophers. For various reasons most people get so caught up in everyday affairs that their astonishment at the world gets pushed into the background. (They crawl deep into the rabbit's fur, snuggle down comfortably, and stay there for the rest of their lives.)

To children, the world and everything in it is new, something that gives rise to astonishment. It is not like that for adults. Most adults accept the world as a matter of course.

This is precisely where philosophers are a notable exception. A philosopher never quite get used to the world. To him or her, the world continues to seem a bit unreasonable-bewildering, even enigmatic. Philosophers and small children thus have an important faculty in common. You might say a philosopher remains as thin-skinned as a child.

Are you a child who has not yet become world-weary? Or are you a philosopher who will vow never to become so? If you just shake your head, not recognising yourself as either a child or a philosopher, then you have gotten so used to the world that it no longer astonishes you. Watch out! You are on thin ice. Do not join the ranks of the apathetic and the indifferent. Have an inquiring mind."

How many of us have become so jaded in life that all that matters is to keep everything in place...get good grades, get a good job, get a good spouse, surround ourselves with frens, get a good car, get a good roof over our heads...almost everything revolves around me, myself and I. Is there more to life? Is there something not uncovered? Is it strange to want to find our "self"...if we have lost it unconsciously...or is it better and easier to just live life as it is...without questioning...without doubting...without challenging...

Anyway i think the essence of life is when you are doing something you are truly happy a matter of fact, sometimes serving others is a great source of happiness.

Waitress - Serving customers with a smile and getting back thanks is enough to bright up any dull day.

Voluntary work - Being of help to others makes us feel useful and seeing the smile on the faces of those in need of help warms our heart

Customer service - When your customers say thanks from the bottom of their heart and you feel they mean it

Everything that happens in life is a lesson to be long as we remain true to ourself and be in touch with our emotions. Then we will never lose sight of our dreams, our beliefs and ourselves ;)

Move it gal...i must not lose sight of my dreams!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

23 April, 2007 - 人生不就是如此。。。

... dedicated to a very much treasured and like-minded fren whom i know will find his way very patient...rushing it wun get you anywhere faster than you wish...

i obviously copied the above from a book hahaha since my mandarin sucks big time

1. to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, esp. to the accompaniment of music.
2. to leap, skip, etc., as from excitement or emotion; move nimbly or quickly: to dance with joy.
3. to bob up and down: The toy sailboats danced on the pond. –verb (used with object)
4. to perform or take part in (a dance): to dance a waltz.
5. to cause to dance: He danced her around the ballroom.
6. to cause to be in a specified condition by dancing: She danced her way to stardom. –noun
7. a successive group of rhythmical steps or bodily motions, or both, usually executed to music.
8. a piece of music suited in rhythm or style to a particular form of dancing

Am contemplating taking up pole dancing...wonder if i am too fleshy for the pole tho' hahaha
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God;
Difficult moments, seek God;
Quiet moments, worship God;
Painful moments, trust God;
Every moment, thank God...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

21 April, 2007 - I LOVE BAILEYS

Went Butter Factory and Zouk on Friday nite and danced my heart out, haven't been clubbing for a long while and the feeling was great just being on the dance floor. And dun i just love Baileys! Too bad we can't get ourselves wasted...Rubs is on a detox program..sigh... But dancing hard the whole nite is better than getting a hangover the next day from taking too much alcohol.

When the music is blaring in the background and your eyes are blurry, there is really nothing much that can go on inside your head...such a welcomed change...seeing so many people partying away hard beats being a couch potatoe anytime. Downing glasses after glasses of Baileys beats having instant noodles anytime, anywhere. I had great fun, thanks pals :) Ya and i know you were checking out all the cute guys when we are on the 2nd floor muahahaha and i think we have pretty much the same taste kekeke

Went shopping for cosmetics with Elysia this evening...she bought almost 300 bucks worth of cosmetics to pull her through the banker job interview keke Gosh and she finally got her ears pierced! They weren't symmetric to each other and it bothered her so much she is gona get it re-pierced next week! Gosh! Anyway, after so many hours of walking, we had dinner at Marmalade Pantry and the deserts were superb! Taking the first bite of that warm, sweet tasting red bead pie was va va voom..melts in your mouth and well, warms my heart as well hahaha but so very sinful hmmm Elysia was staring into the mirror throughout the whole meal, seeing red at the "badly" done pierced ears...said i was trying to delude her into believing they look fine hahaha


Housecats are but pets sitting at home silently sharpening their claws, waiting for their owners to come home and smolder them with love. Maybe it's better to be stray cats living in the wild, searching for whatever drives them, searching for all the answers and always venturing into the unknown...and meeting new cats ^_^

Thursday, April 19, 2007

19 April, 2007

The world is so big and it seems to be passing me by...
I belong here, yet it's like i'm neither here nor there
You go to work, get home, have dinner, sleep, wake up and it's the same cycle the next day...
I am always curious about the passer-bys i meet on the streets...what is their life like? Where are they rushing off to? What's their dream? What's going on in their head? If everyone has a destiny, what's mine? What's yours? What's theirs?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

18 April, 2007 - Beautiful, Sensuous and HOT

A woman and her body...women seem to be perpetually at some kind of diet. The thin ones wana be skinnier, the fatter ones naturally wana be slimmer. Well i am the fleshy and voluptuous type of gal. In fact i was kinda fat once and i went on a strict diet haha and it took me awhile to come to terms wif the fact that i am never gonna be skinny. So here i am, now neither skinny nor fat, but definitely fleshy.

I love my body, which is why i took up belly dancing...and got myself a navel stud just so that when i gyrate my hips, i can catch a bling bling sparkle woohoo Belly dancing teaches you how to dance's almost like your body making love to the music :p Every part of a woman's body is sensuous and women should celebrate their own body...celebrate it like it's hot keke

Sexy and piping hot is when a woman struts in looking quietly confident, a woman who knows what she wants in life, is not afraid of showing what and who she is really like...a woman who will not hesistate to speak her mind and stand up for her rights. The body is just a showcase for your soul and mind so sistas, let's enjoy our love handles, bellies, bony shoulders and whatever...just love ya body CHEERIOS

Well, let's see what makes a man charming...the type who will knock your socks off hmmm personally i find men who are confident, mature and who knows what they want in life extremely charming..confident yet not arrogant, witty,INTELLIGENT, kind, connect emotionally...kinda too perfect. Well, great eyes, broad shoulders and tight butts in that order keke

Bad boys type of guys are fun to hang around with when you are young and looking for fun. They are the types you wanna change and mother over and that's a great challenge...simply because we CANNOT change anyone to suit our needs.

So gals, be careful who you meet in clubs, and be very selective.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

17 April, 2007 - Insecurities

After a hard day's work, nothing beats a can of Stella Artois on one hand and chocolate cookies on the other, ZEH MOs hahaha

A new gal came on board yesterday and she is kinda nice and gentle. Somehow reminds me of a fren from long ago...think the name was Jianing hmm and this reminds me of an ex female boss and my ex fren cum colleague. Ex female boss was a big, fat, ugly, vindictive BITCH...sorry about the torrents of expletives but she is really one insecure, screwed up bitch. Imagine her getting jealous of the team when we are chatting over lunch, and her being a bloody 2 headed snake by bad mouthing others individually. F**k GOSSIPs and f**k GOSSIPERS. Seriously speaking, i think it all stems from feelings of insecurity and the need to have constant assurance. Insecurity makes people do funny things...and i have met my fair share of insecure women who will make themselves feel better at my expense. Ya i am such a bloody loser to allow it chey. Anyway, life is too beautiful to get upset by these keke

As for now, i am off to enjoy my Baileys ;)

Monday, April 16, 2007

16 April, 2007 - Fuck Buddy = No strings attached

Illicit affairs......was watching "Do not disturb" on arts central and the show got me thinking. With such a tagline -> colleagues during office hours, lovers during lunch...gosh i really gotta watch this episode. He is married for 12 years with no kids, she is married for 18 years with 2 kids, she is his legal assistant during office hours and great sex partner during lunch hmmm the affair just happened so naturally after a company dinner and dance..what was supposed to be a one night stand, become a week, a month, a year and holy shit, the act of the guy defacating in front of her actually brings the illicit relationship to an advanced level...would that be love? Or just plain, vain attachment?

Can you love 2 persons at the same time? Is it posible to be married and yet yearn to be with another person? Who is the one providing you with the emotional needs? Sexual needs? Is this the fuck buddy system/fren with benefits thingy? Can you really be cool with each other's family and continue having an undercover love affair in bed?

A lady colleague once told me that it's perfectly alright to have a fling with another man as long as her husband and kids dun find out about it. She was pretty sure her husband was having his own fair share of flings as well... And at the end of the day, she will never risk messing up the nuclear family that she has set up because she loves her kids. I could not really understand what she meant when she got her point to me..but i guess i do now. Thanks to Adrian Pang and Andre de Cruz's fantastic protayals in the show hahaha

After tonight's show, i am positive that there are plenty of such relationships...we condemn such relationships because our society conforms to a monogamy relationship. You are supposed to get your emotional needs, sexual needs and whatever other needs in one person that you have chosen to be with. But i believe in grey's really quite difficult to understand the human brain much less the heart... i guess everything and anything is possible..especially when you feel lonely and vulnerable. Like when you are not truly happy and contented, and there is a big gap to be filled by oh well sex, which ironically will lead to emotional estrangements which will then lead to more loneliness.

But then again, it's also possible that sex is the only transaction without the emotional strings attached. Like both Adrian Pang's and Andre de Cruz's characters in the show, both do not have any expectations in the relationship. It's almost like both are happily/unhappily married to their respective spouses, and the forbidden relationship that they have now is like the icing on the cake. They have both transcend beyond the emotional struggle in the earlier stage of the relationship to have come to terms with being cool about each other's marital status...hmmm i supposed this is's such a huge world out there and anyway, when you love, love with all your heart.

"One advantage of marriage is that when you fall out of love with him, or he falls out of love with you, it keeps you together until maybe you fall in again."

You choose the path that you want and you set your own rules.

Looking back -------> Going forward.......the transistion would be closure. To have closure is to make it easier to look forward

Family Mattars alot...ALOT

Went to pay our respects to my grandfather and my auntie in a temple in Paya Lebar, and it was so crowded today. Auntie Fiona said it shows that the number of the dead has increased just as the number of the living has increased hmmm

We had lunch at Quality hotel and wow the food was good. Cheap and good keke, and as usual, the oldies sat on one table and all the youngsters on another. Boy i love eating with my cousins ;) funny how we were never so close til recent years. Perhaps it's the age difference between me and when i was 21, Grace was only 10 and i wun have time or patience with a 10 year old kid :p Now she is all grown up and blossom to such a pretty gal, we can hang out and catch up on lost years. So has Sean, Wayne, Candice and Ryan...our next outing shall probably be at my place, to get the kiddos drunk hahaha

I have never really look forward to going Auntie Kwan's place for Christmas and I never bothered getting gifts for my cousins that mattered in the past. But in recent years, I enjoyed hanging out with them and did some serious shopping to get them their Christmas gifts. Family matters alot more to me as I grow older...maybe I should consider getting serious about learning mahjong so that I can start gambling with them hmmm

Yes, family keeps my both feet planted firmly on the ground.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

12 April, 2007 - Wonders of my handphone

My handphone...plays such an important part in my's almost like my only connection to my frens, my family and perhaps the world when i am alone at home or walking down the streets. So pathetic but i am a slave to my handphone... yea yea yea

I like scrolling down the contact list and delete away the numbers that no longer matters...or rather people that i wun be calling on anytime ;p it's like clearing the cluster in my life and most of all, to remind myself about the all the frens that i have. 3 things i cannot lose in my bag are my wallet, handphone and my house that order...choi

Anyway, today when i am all alone at home after a hard day's work, all i wana do is have a chat with someone about anything...cos the PMS wun go away...i miss my precious Jervoise and Jervis...meanwhile for now, i have to wait for JFK to come home before i can pester him.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

11 April, 2007 PMS sucks

PMS week ^_^" my hormones seemed to have gone hay wire from that antibiotics and boy am i feeling grouchy...

What would you do if you were a fish in a pond...or a whale in the deep, blue sea? Kinda daft to ask such a question...rite the notty, hormones went askew...drats and it doesn't help that i feel bloated...

Anyway, i was thinking about what makes life meaningful, what's it really all about hmmm if you spend 3/4 of your waking time slogging to earn money in order to sustain a preferred lifestyle, then wouldn't it be meaningless? So work has to be meaningful or rather work really does give a person some self a certain way...we need to feel that we are contributing to the company...or by large, society. So it also means that serving or contributing makes a happier person. It has been said that when we are serving others, like maybe charity work, we can feel truly happy hmmm aiyoh i am blabbing crappy stuff

I guess if i really were to be a housecat indefinitely, i wun be truly happy cos i probably wun treasure time at home and i probably wun take time off to smell the roses...since i would have all the time i want in the world hahaha i would probably be busy doing shopping and getting to be a fat housecat ya......which means that it is only when you are busy chasing the moolah, and getting stressed now and then, that you will truly treaure and enjoy time...and your weekends ;)

For now, i shall work real hard and then take time off to admire the world with tinted glasses to keep my sanity keke hey jfk and bak bak sistas, i wun mind if u wana send me flowers BUT i wan Roche(s) to be the errr flowers hahaha chocolotes mmm yummy..makes any day brighter

Oh by the way, please vote for Platinum -> send sms D7 to 32623 --- errr 60cents per msg okok i am sucker to support the telco company

Monday, April 9, 2007

Insights to learn from...

1) Never stop learning
Graduation doesn't mean the end of learning, it's just the beginning. The "real world" has so much to teach us - only if we are ready and willing to take notes.

2) Do what makes you happy
Whether it's choosing a career or decideing what charity to get involved with, the choice should come from your heart. Ultimately, you are the one who has to get up every morning and enjoy what you are doing, so make sure it matters to you.

3) Show your true colours
It's okay if you march to the beat of a different drummer - there are plenty of people who will enjoy the music you make. Don't be afraid to be unique or speak your mind because that's what makes you different from everyone else.

4) Don't give up
It's easy to throw in the towel when things aren't going your way. Nothing good comes without hard work. Be willing to invest the time and energy to achieve your goals.

5) Be honest
Talk is cheap. If you say you are going to do something, do it. Living your life with integrity and honesty is the only way to live. People will respect you and you'll respect yourself.

6) Don't sweat the small stuff
If every decision you make is life or death, you'll be dead a lot. Don't let the little problems become big obstacles.

7) Break out of your routine
Doing things the way you have always done them can only get you where you've always been. Don't be afraid to shake things up and try something new.

8) Always do your best
Be true to yourself and always give your best effort. If you try your best and don't reach your goal, you haven't failed. You've gained experience.

9) Live life to the fullest
Many times we focus on accomplishing our goals and don't take time to celebrate our achievements. Don't miss an opportunity to spend time with your family and friends - they're an important part of your life.

10) Believe in yourself
You have come this far, so have the courage to continue to learn and grow. If you believe in yourself, you can achieve all your goals.

..........Dave Thomas

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Here is the man who makes my fried bee hoon wif kong bak and mee sua hee :)

Here's the couple that always kena "bullied" by us kekeke Ah huay, i wana go your place for home cook food when you do cook, can you cook some salty vegetables dishes

My beloved family

8 April, 2007 - Nostalgic

The 2 provision shops, clinic and flower shop located at the void deck near my parents place have CLOSED DOWN!!! So sad cos i spend lotsa bonding time with my 2 bao bei brothers at the shelter near the shops after buying ice creams and drinks at the provision shops...

Me: Jervis, let's go downstairs buy ice cream later wan?
Jervis: The shops have already been gone.
Me: HUH?? When and how come??
Jervis: HDB has bought over the area and they have to re-locate, they are ALL gone.
Me: .......let's go Golden Bamboo in Shun Li.
Jervis: It's gone too.
Me: Oh sad...
Jervis: Ya, stop living in the past.
Me: Juz miss the good o'times wat, cannot meh...

A feeling of nostalgia for my Bedok Reservoir dreaming on the grass patch staring into the reservoir, trying my best to complete jogging one round the reservoir, taking the bus to Bedok interchange, so many things to do and so many good food in the East.

Jervoise, if you are reading this, please stop being obsessed with WOW and get a life! You have been at it for like 2 years? Stop pigging out on tidbits and giving me your full attention only to say bye when it's time for me to go home :(

Errrm i am going home regularly to pester both of you and you are to fetch me home to be pestered muahahahahaha

People come and go...i always have this analogy between the bus stop thingy and the people you meet in life. At every stage of life, there will always be a group of frens/acquaintances that seem to revolve around you all the we are on the same bus at the moment. Then when we reached the next bus stop, some frens/acquaintances get off the when errrm we graduate from school, move house, change job etc. Some of them you keep in contact with, some simply just disappear from your life either permanently or you change bus number completely or from being a regular passenger of this bus to an occassional passenger.

One thing is for sure, family and close frens will always be on the same bus in life's journey. ;)

Jervis, Jervoise and me

My family


7 April, 2007 Swaroski day

Learnt how to make those intricate, swaroski crystal bracelet today and darn, cost me almost 32 bucks to buy those beads. I dun even think i will wear em' cos i am not the colour crystal type of gal...worst, took me about 4 hours just to string it...

Supposed to meet my bak bak sistas to chill in a pub in Clark Quay but din go as the time to meet is way out........but had an impromptu meet up wif Anna and Mr. Big-fan-of-oyster [ ;p sorry anna haha] We had fun singing our hearts out in Kovan and filling our stomachs wif pratas and errr o-lua keke

Hey i went home, turned on the radio and wished we were on the dancefloor sweating our supper away hahaha Time really passes, i was thinking we always hang out at Hougang Mall Gelare and talked about those difficult times...and it's been like almost 4 months liao. Christmas, New Year, CNY came and went and we are almost in the middle of 2007...

People change...things change...situations fact everything changes...the only thing that is constant is change...

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

4 April 2007 - Pain please go away

Feeling shitty today...the pain is back to haunt me and i am in misery now...well not exactly in misery but very much unhappy. WTF, damn pain killers are not working!!!

An aunt has got cancer of the nose and she is undergoing chemotherapy now. She epitomises that of a modern the ripe age of almost 60, she is still in her spaghetti top and tight jeans...not unlike that of an ah lian. Now she is just a shadow of her old self...heard that the chemotherapy is making her neck and face darker with more visible wrinkles...sigh and her kids are not sensible enough to be there as her pillar of strength. Sickness is a lonely journey...i supposed even wif the company of family and frens rallying around for moral support, you go through the pain and anguish of emotional struggle alone...alone because you yourself have to decide to be strong after listening to the comforting words of your family and there, it's a decision you make alone...


Just feeling so lost today...but i was thinking perhaps life's journey can be compared to driving. If you get lost while driving, you will still find your way home...just that it will take a longer time, that's all. Which means that if we feel lost in life, somehow, someday we will find our anchor too =)

"The indispensable 1st step to getting the things you want out of life is this; decide what you want. It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up again."

oki, i am gonna be walking on the sunny bright side, sunny bright side, SUNNY BRIGHT SIDE of life ;)

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Treasures in Heaven

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy , and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, you whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other . You cannot serve both God and money.......Matthew 6: 19 to 24

So there, i should not be shallow or materialistic and change my manual car to auto or buy my Gucci tote cos these are worldly things keke

Wake up your idea you silly girl!!!!!!!

3 April, 2007 My 2nd day at work

Had some training on how to handle some of our products this morning and i was feeling so hungry i really miss my kopi break next to the vending machine wif Esther :( oh and the "so-da bia" in the pantry ahhhhhhh i shall have my breakfast tmr morning. Esther i MISS YOU!!!

There is this lady in my group who is really foxy and sexy. She had this really long, fluttering lashes and wears really low cut top to work and of cos wif long sexy wavy hair to match. I mean her boobs are great! Perky and fair (tho i wonder how come so round) and she screams loud wif expensive taste, a Chanel bag draps on her slim arms and a really expensive looking "i dunno watz the brand" watch on her slender wrist. But i think the make up is way too thick...hmmm half the time during lunch, i am admiring her (subtlely) and wondering watz beneath all the make up :p She said she is 35 so that makes her a really sophisticated, classy (actually i think dangerous) woman. I like looking at her cos she looked like she just jumped out of those Taiwanese sitcoms featuring those rich tai-tais and woa sitting opposite me hahahahaha oh ya man, i really enjoy looking at her

I was thinking i could fix on my falsies, show off my twin peaks in half glory, and DUN SMILE so much and i still wun be able to pull off this look. Think i am just a regular gal at heart and tho i honestly believe that a woman's wiles and sexuality can be turn on to make men errrr do everything and anything for them, that's just not me. I mean if i wan em' to do anything for me, i'll just say please...Anyway i dun have the foxy look drats keke and i prefer to be subtlely sensuous =) i mean i feel ackward showing half of my twin peaks anywhere else besides by the sea and the pool in my bikini.

Shucks am i becoming shallow or wat... oh and almost 3/4 of the my colleagues here drive wah i feel a compelling need to change my car to an auto one and start driving to work (",)
We had lunch at Siglap today...but well i have nothing to talk to em' abt cos i am just being me again..shy keke I saw Cassandra See wif her frens while we were having coffee after lunch! She is gorgeous, this is the style i prefer hmm one super hot mama yummy and i am reminded of my housecat days *sobz*

Monday, April 2, 2007

2 April, 2007 1st day as a working cat

Phew, finally my 1st day at work is over woo hoo The people were nice and friendly for a start and i think my bossy is quite a nice guy too...think he is the loud on the outside and a softie in the inside hmmmm like he kept swearing all the KNN, SMLJ, CB etc ahhh like the professional beng and he is kinda cute tho botak :D Oh and i am still the youngest in our group :p really amazing haha The rest of the colleagues were kinda nice and cos this is such a small industry my ex colleague knew someone here and he came up to me and say hi keke...met 3 such people today..meaning fren's fren.

We had lunch at Tung Lok East Coast today cos the PEMCO team hit target for last month woa lucky me, shiok sia (and i thot it was to welcome me keke) Feels kinda good to be back in Bedok, awwwww dun i just love Bedok

To think i was feeling all uptight and jittery last nite..and left my watch and lucky ring at home and Jeffrey, the hubby, was sweet enuff to go get it for me...rather buay gam buang BUT at least he did it la keke have to sulk cos i dunwan go to work wifout lucky ring.

But i guess i am gonna be busy soon hmm saw the amount of work but for now, i feel excited cos i can learn more...downside is get stressed in the electronics industry again... sigh after 10 years in this line, i wonder if there is any more areas to explore...seriously speaking, can't wait to get into the retail industry when the time is right. Or perhaps there is no right time? Perhaps now is the best time , so many perhaps no wonder i am so bloody restless most times!!!

Most of all, i wana thank you Father for being there when i needed you most...for speaking to me in your own way and thus i found my favourite verse:-

"For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord, " plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." .......Jeremiah 29: 11 to 13

Oh shucks...Father and i confessed that i went to the palmistry and fengshui master tonite...for peace of mind and some fengshui tips...yikes pleasssseee forgive me for being superstitious