Sunday, April 8, 2007

8 April, 2007 - Nostalgic

The 2 provision shops, clinic and flower shop located at the void deck near my parents place have CLOSED DOWN!!! So sad cos i spend lotsa bonding time with my 2 bao bei brothers at the shelter near the shops after buying ice creams and drinks at the provision shops...

Me: Jervis, let's go downstairs buy ice cream later wan?
Jervis: The shops have already been gone.
Me: HUH?? When and how come??
Jervis: HDB has bought over the area and they have to re-locate, they are ALL gone.
Me: .......let's go Golden Bamboo in Shun Li.
Jervis: It's gone too.
Me: Oh sad...
Jervis: Ya, stop living in the past.
Me: Juz miss the good o'times wat, cannot meh...

A feeling of nostalgia for my Bedok Reservoir dreaming on the grass patch staring into the reservoir, trying my best to complete jogging one round the reservoir, taking the bus to Bedok interchange, so many things to do and so many good food in the East.

Jervoise, if you are reading this, please stop being obsessed with WOW and get a life! You have been at it for like 2 years? Stop pigging out on tidbits and giving me your full attention only to say bye when it's time for me to go home :(

Errrm i am going home regularly to pester both of you and you are to fetch me home to be pestered muahahahahaha

People come and go...i always have this analogy between the bus stop thingy and the people you meet in life. At every stage of life, there will always be a group of frens/acquaintances that seem to revolve around you all the we are on the same bus at the moment. Then when we reached the next bus stop, some frens/acquaintances get off the when errrm we graduate from school, move house, change job etc. Some of them you keep in contact with, some simply just disappear from your life either permanently or you change bus number completely or from being a regular passenger of this bus to an occassional passenger.

One thing is for sure, family and close frens will always be on the same bus in life's journey. ;)

Jervis, Jervoise and me

My family


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