Monday, April 2, 2007

2 April, 2007 1st day as a working cat

Phew, finally my 1st day at work is over woo hoo The people were nice and friendly for a start and i think my bossy is quite a nice guy too...think he is the loud on the outside and a softie in the inside hmmmm like he kept swearing all the KNN, SMLJ, CB etc ahhh like the professional beng and he is kinda cute tho botak :D Oh and i am still the youngest in our group :p really amazing haha The rest of the colleagues were kinda nice and cos this is such a small industry my ex colleague knew someone here and he came up to me and say hi keke...met 3 such people today..meaning fren's fren.

We had lunch at Tung Lok East Coast today cos the PEMCO team hit target for last month woa lucky me, shiok sia (and i thot it was to welcome me keke) Feels kinda good to be back in Bedok, awwwww dun i just love Bedok

To think i was feeling all uptight and jittery last nite..and left my watch and lucky ring at home and Jeffrey, the hubby, was sweet enuff to go get it for me...rather buay gam buang BUT at least he did it la keke have to sulk cos i dunwan go to work wifout lucky ring.

But i guess i am gonna be busy soon hmm saw the amount of work but for now, i feel excited cos i can learn more...downside is get stressed in the electronics industry again... sigh after 10 years in this line, i wonder if there is any more areas to explore...seriously speaking, can't wait to get into the retail industry when the time is right. Or perhaps there is no right time? Perhaps now is the best time , so many perhaps no wonder i am so bloody restless most times!!!

Most of all, i wana thank you Father for being there when i needed you most...for speaking to me in your own way and thus i found my favourite verse:-

"For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord, " plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." .......Jeremiah 29: 11 to 13

Oh shucks...Father and i confessed that i went to the palmistry and fengshui master tonite...for peace of mind and some fengshui tips...yikes pleasssseee forgive me for being superstitious

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