Wednesday, April 4, 2007

4 April 2007 - Pain please go away

Feeling shitty today...the pain is back to haunt me and i am in misery now...well not exactly in misery but very much unhappy. WTF, damn pain killers are not working!!!

An aunt has got cancer of the nose and she is undergoing chemotherapy now. She epitomises that of a modern the ripe age of almost 60, she is still in her spaghetti top and tight jeans...not unlike that of an ah lian. Now she is just a shadow of her old self...heard that the chemotherapy is making her neck and face darker with more visible wrinkles...sigh and her kids are not sensible enough to be there as her pillar of strength. Sickness is a lonely journey...i supposed even wif the company of family and frens rallying around for moral support, you go through the pain and anguish of emotional struggle alone...alone because you yourself have to decide to be strong after listening to the comforting words of your family and there, it's a decision you make alone...


Just feeling so lost today...but i was thinking perhaps life's journey can be compared to driving. If you get lost while driving, you will still find your way home...just that it will take a longer time, that's all. Which means that if we feel lost in life, somehow, someday we will find our anchor too =)

"The indispensable 1st step to getting the things you want out of life is this; decide what you want. It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up again."

oki, i am gonna be walking on the sunny bright side, sunny bright side, SUNNY BRIGHT SIDE of life ;)

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