Tuesday, April 17, 2007

17 April, 2007 - Insecurities

After a hard day's work, nothing beats a can of Stella Artois on one hand and chocolate cookies on the other, ZEH MOs hahaha

A new gal came on board yesterday and she is kinda nice and gentle. Somehow reminds me of a fren from long ago...think the name was Jianing hmm and this reminds me of an ex female boss and my ex fren cum colleague. Ex female boss was a big, fat, ugly, vindictive BITCH...sorry about the torrents of expletives but she is really one insecure, screwed up bitch. Imagine her getting jealous of the team when we are chatting over lunch, and her being a bloody 2 headed snake by bad mouthing others individually. F**k GOSSIPs and f**k GOSSIPERS. Seriously speaking, i think it all stems from feelings of insecurity and the need to have constant assurance. Insecurity makes people do funny things...and i have met my fair share of insecure women who will make themselves feel better at my expense. Ya i am such a bloody loser to allow it chey. Anyway, life is too beautiful to get upset by these keke

As for now, i am off to enjoy my Baileys ;)

1 comment:

BETO said...

people get married for a lot of different reasons. if you happy with the marriage i dont think you'd be happy living a double lifes. and you will find different reasons to justify whatever wrong thing you do.