Wednesday, April 25, 2007

24 April 2007 - Quintessential City Cat

Just saw an entry in my bak bak sista's's it...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Life in the City

I was having a conversation with one of my bak bak sister on the topic of handphone last weekend. She was complaining to me how another of our bah bah sister complained that she dun pickup her handphone. Both of us were discussing the importance of handphone in our lives, and how our partners & friends become paranoid once they can't reach us on our mobile ...

I was reading the papers this morning about Singaporeans being ranked one of the last when it comes to the frequency of having sex, and the amount of time spent on making love. The article states that Singaporeans are behaving like "civil servant" when it comes to sex, as described by radio DJ Anna Lim. Many Singaporeans, she said, treated sex like "chores" that they performed "routinely"...

I have been thinking a lot about life in the city recently. The older i get, the more i dislike city life. People in this city are spending way too much time on work, and more & more is being focused on material life. A typical day in this city starts even before daybreaks, when people set off to work. Workday ends when the day darkens, when people rushed home to have dinner, watch tv for 2 hours and go to sleep. This is so city like, so Singapore, and how i so hate it! We are spending more time with our colleagues than with our spouse. It is no wonder why there are so many cases of married husband / wife having affairs with their colleagues. Having said that, i also understand that this is juz how our fast paced society works. Sometimes it is juz beyond our control when we have so much work to finish within a short frame of time. If we are not competant, we will be out. That's juz so pathetic.


I was the bak bak sista who complained that Rubs is always never answering her mobile keke and YES i am a super slave to my mobile phone *geez* I cannot be without my phone or else i feel like a total immobile gal...

Ermmm though i agree with you that the city could make a working person jaded, I am still attracted to city life... i love the neon lights brightening up the streets and the sparkling shop signs screaming "look at me". I really cannot imagine myself staying in the country side...minus all the city lights and all the high rise buildings... now and then i will escape to East Coast beach or Changi beach to take a get away from it all...but to be away from the city for long term is totally so foreign to me.

But sometimes amidst all the rushing to get as much done in a day, i do feel tired...and in the long run..suffer from a complete burnt out. Then i yearn to be a housecat. Maybe it will be the quintessential city cat taking a break by being a housecat to hibernate hahaha

Then i have this thing for my make up pouch...tho' i am not a fan of thick make up and i do go out sans make up sometimes, i feel that every item in my colourful and uber cool pouch is important to transform my face into whatever mask i wanna show the world...depending on my mood and how i am feeling. YES i can hear mumblings about being shalloooow, but hey, a gal gotta do wat a gal gotta do ma..Sometimes i just dunwan to show the world what's going on in my head...simply cos sometimes i just dunwan to be so real to the majority of the people out there who are so caught up with everyday life. So my make up reminds me that i gotta make some small talks, blend in and get going...

But if i am going Cambodia, i am more than willing to trade in my make up pouch, city life and hang around the little girls who never had a choice. Oh Father in heaven..lead me to where my heart hails

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