Thursday, July 12, 2007

11 July, 2007 - Superbowl and curry rice

Spent some time chatting wif KH this afternoon just before lunch...he said to continue to pray and ask God to show me the meaning of the verse that always seem to pop up. There must be something that God wants me to learn here and be a better person. Work is going to get busier and he told me the only way to keep our sanity is to sometimes just let go. Understand that we cannot do everything perfectly and we cannot always live up to expectations imposed upon us by colleagues. As long as we have done our best and we are not against our conscience, we should not be bothered about "disappointing" others. Disappointments are part and parcel of life and only God can judge us. Anyway, Sarah thinks i am a happy-go-lucky sort of gal who is just a wee bit emotional and a little wee bit more straight forward. Rite, so i am too frank sometimes. (TONE DOWN please) Maybe i am here to help Sarah..dunno in wat ways but somehow i feel that if she leaves, i will lose interest soon..somehow she just evokes that urge to protect her..but aiyo chou who am i to do so lo hee

Had curry rice at Marina South sedap lei keke
KH, Sarah, Shirley, Rayson, Wilson (beng beng ex bossy), Alvin, Alicia, Pauline, Van, David, Edward, BY, Karen all went :) Bowling at Superbowl wah and me top form today keke
So much laughter and fun at the bowling center, i really enjoyed their company. The laughter makes all the stress i had in the day time disappear heehee the guys are all jokers, especially Wilson and Van (half chai according to Wilson). Guys are just so much more fun and easy to hang around wif :D can talk cock yet get competitive and laugh and more laughter. The gals here are also so garang, i like it. Best is can say "yellow" jokes and no one gets offended hee i feel so accepted here though like i said, the workload is just too freaking heavy and my stress tolerance also have to be higher. Side track..Sarah and me thinks 男人过了三十最有魅力。。。我绝对同意 haha come to think of it, men in their 30s are really most charming and attractive...must be smart also hee..just look at Adrian Pang, Tay Ping Hui and Daniel Wu keke oh everyone who went bowling today is of this age group hahaha no hang ups, no issues and totally confident.

I prayed so hard to God last night to show me what are His plans for me and He showed me the same verse that lead me to this company. "Jeremiah 29:12" Just when i was feeling sad about seeing my kakis leave one by one, He reminded me that if He leads me here, He will see me through. This evening, i feel that if people are nice, it could only gets better...and i realised that i am actually already growing my network of frens in this industry when i received Sean's email to remember to keep in contact. Renewed faith in His plans, Amen

Chew on this:-

There are 2 reasons why God told the Israelites to be courageous:
- They were going where they had never been before. There was no road map, no beaten track. Similarly when we cross over into the new season of God for our lives we are going where we have not been before. It can be intimidating. We need to be bold and courageous.

- The battles ahead would be different - Likewise, our battles for our inheritance will be great but with great battles will come great victories.

Joshua 1: 6-7
"Be strong and of good courage...only be strong and very courageous"

Without courage, you will become paralysed and immobilised and will stay on the bank of yesterday.

- If the mind says "yes", but the heart and might say "no", we will not be convicted nor eager to see victory.
- If the heart says "yes", but the mind and might say "no", then we will not understand the importance of victory.
- If our might says "yes", but the heart and mind say "no", then we become half hearted.

When our heart, mind and might are in alignment, there will be conviction, understanding, wholeheartedness and perseverance that will poise us for victory.

1 comment:

charles said...

Your friend is very wise indeed, his advice is absolutely correct for you. I am glad that you had a good time at bowling, laughter is good for the soul. Thanks for the verse from Jeremiah and the other helpful verses. Thank you so very much for your bloggings.