Thursday, July 5, 2007

4 July, 2007 - The SIGN

Today is Cindy's last day...i feel sad but i wished her happiness...she likes the purple crystal ear rings that i made for her :)

I found a book "The Man God Uses" on my table yesterday morning.. KH wants me to read it and remember not to lose faith and trust in Him.

Chapter 2 of the book is about how God shapes a man...and just beneath this title is my favourite verse, Jeremiah 29:11..."I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Excerpts from chapter 2..
God can use each life experience to shape a man. He can use experiences to equip us for ministry to others. God will bring circumstances to mind that will allow us to encourage others as we share how God was faithful through our struggles and victories. Each situation we face in life develops our character.

Character is not only shaped by crisis; it is revealed in crisis. When crisis occur, you can discover more about yourself as you listen to the words that come out of your mouth, as you see what actions you take, and as you monitor your attitude and evaluate how Christlike it is.

This book strikes a chord in my heart...i backslided for a few years, thinking i do not need Him in my life because i can handle whatever comes my way alone. and ironically, it was during these backslided years that i was never truly happy..many things happened and i have always been lucky so things always turn out i am sure He must have been there to see me through all the "bad" stuff that has happened...unrelentlessly pursuing me with His love. This year, i am truly touched by Him..never felt such strong urge to know more about the bible and strong hunger for knowledge. If i hadn't join this current company, i would never have met KH and Sean, who constantly remind me to keep that faith and plough on cos He has plans for each and everyone of us. If not for Jessica, who prayed for me on whether i should take up the offer in this current company. God answered that pray with my favourite verse. If not for JK who sent me a message, below, just when I was on my way to sign the appointment letter. He is a non believer so this message is like wah, confirm lo..
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise God;
Difficult moments, seek God;
Quiet moments, worship God;
Painful moments, trust God;
Every moment, thank God...

It's not easy to work here..the workload is unimaginable, the pace is very fast..and in an MNC, there are red tapes to work around and there are too many names to remember and interact smartly with..(and i am bad with names), i have to deal with high turnover rate etc...but not once did the thought of leaving cross my least maybe not yet. I am fitting in and everyone is really nice and caring, i feel appreciated in a way. I know it's God's way of showing His love for me:) When i feel down yesterday, i got an email of encouragement from the guy who intro me this job..His work. I am being myself here ->frank, goofy, klutz watever and i am being accepted :) no need to pretend. No pet peeves, meaning insecure women, hovering around me. He is really with me :)

Everything happens for a reason..i am going to sign up for bible classes and prepare for baptism. Thank you Father

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