Saturday, July 7, 2007

6 July, 2007 - Memories and Experiences

I overslept for work today..opened my eyes, wondered if it's a Friday or Saturday, saw my weekday handbag and i jumped out of bed. Shit lo, woke up at 10! Then cannot find my jeans damn it! Lucky i was able to take time off since i got to work at 11 and not waste my annual leaves..As if not suay enough, i accidentally kicked the printer on the floor and my poor toe bled profusely! :( And i am so freaking busy today..Friday is not supposed to be so busy ahhhhhhh

Saw Chin Yang's mini copper for the 1st time, damn chio lo...cost him about 100k for it but it's really damn "zhan", sporty yellow 2 door seater and so COOL. Suits his image, he has got nice features, fit, smart and well travelled...kinda like Adrian Pang..i mean the "smarts"

Had dinner at some Korean restaurant (which i dun really fancy) in Thomson area with Jeremy, Joanne, Melissa, Bernard and Darren to celebrate Bernard's birthday which falls on Sunday. But a pity i couldn't stay long cos i need to rush to meet Tina and Sunny in Orchard...i would have love to stay and catch up hmmm...Frenzied Friday...
Have not seen Sunny for almost 3 years hmm he is Zhou Xing Chi lookalike keke 3 years ago i had breakfast wif Sunny and David (both Taiwanese) on my left, Yang Zhihong and Shi Hongjian (both Chinese) on my right in Shanghai...and think to myself 台湾和中国不能和解一国两治,我在上海和台湾人,中国人同在一桌吃早餐。。just being bo liao when i was thinking about that..but that morning, i was really fascinated wif the breakfast.

Regional marketing..maybe i should consider this is if i can get an overseas job...since i like the exposure and i always believe that the tougher the environment, the stronger you become..wah i should ask my fren to look out for me...just in case he has lobang overseas..i will send him my resume. I miss those times working in China and Taiwan..sometimes you really lose some and win some. I learnt so much 生意上的邪门之道和关系 wif's like she opened my eyes to ways that i never imagined is possible and since then, i learnt that many things are quite possible as long as one is not rigid. Flexible..something i am darn good at. That was the place where i learnt the most and stretched my mind to the max. Cecilia once told me "i cannot please everyone so just please myself"..i stick by this rule now but i modified it to something not so self centered. Try to accomodate at times too. Anyway meeting Tina and Sunny, my ex disty turned frens, brought back memories...

1 comment:

charles said...

Some days are good and some days are bad it all averages out at the end of the day. Thank you for sharing I love reading about your most interesting times.