Sunday, August 12, 2007

12 August, 2007 - Kaizer's full month

Jialat, i feel the fire in me flicker slightly this morning...bored and kinda fed up. One of those days where things just feel bad. How can i finish reading the bible by this year...well i can if i really put my heart to what's the matter with me???

Kaiser's full month fast and Huay has already regained her svelte figure ;) Ate so much for lunch at Carlton that i almost could not breathe fwah Kaizer is soooo cute keke handsome little baby. Ah huay, i really salute you for being such a "full of TLC (tender loving care)" mother haha

Kaizer is such a handsome little boy :) looks like a gentle baby, like his mum and has the same 神情like his dad hmmm

现在的心情,好想坐在hotel lounge喝杯饮料,听听歌。。。hmmm 也想起了李大傻先生说做人要饮水思源 :)

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