Monday, August 6, 2007

6 August, 2007 - Solitary, therapeutic shopping

The plan was to go home, write out all the prayers and make two pairs of ear rings but instead i found myself wandering to City Hall. Wanted to get some worship CDs but there weren't any Christian shops around haiz

Impulse buy is when you walk by a little shop playing an alluring, classy French(ie) type of music tempting you to walk in, pick up a make up pouch on the pretext of buying when all you wana do is enjoy the music, but by now the sales lady has walked over to promote enthusiastically about why you should buy the pouch, and you say "ok, i'll take it" just to get her to shut up. Then you gingerly ask her what's the CD title and get disappointed when she says she has no idea cos' someone else "burn" this CD. So you are set back by 20 bucks and none the wiser about the song title. Damn.

Anyway, mood is bad and i know it's due to PMS. Seriously speaking, dun i just hate it. Bought a Garfield toy wearing a T-shirt with the words "I don't do perky" splashed across it's chest, it shall sit on my desk tomorrow morning. Today is one of those days whereby i wish i have a fren walking around the mall with me and then enjoy a drink in a hotel lounge with a live band. Sickening disgusting but i suddenly wondered how is Baoyu doing...cos' i walked past a shop that she always frequent. City Hall was the last place that we went together...more than 2 years ago. This time, there are no more tears except curiosities, forgive but did not forget..just as bad hmmm but i cannot forget just in case i get idiotic, call to say hi and get her back into my life again. Then i will really be damned

For the first time in my life, the thought of migrating clouded my mind. I wish i was staying in UK so i get to see all the museums and churches as much as i like. And i will sip tea from little flowery tea cups sitting in a side-walk cafe. Best of all, i will be surrounded by ang mohs. Sipping tea, smelling roses, watching people walk by and most of all, just living life...the way i think it should be. Unlike what i was doing this evening...trying to get out of the way of people walking hurriedly in City Hall. Just plain bad mood. Period.

Grace is back from her three months trip :) and the whole Chan clan had lunch at a chinese restaurant in Haw Par Villa yesterday to celebrate Granny's birthday, wah i am surprised that this place is still open to public. There was a little musuem behind the restaurant and we did a mini tour. There were pictures of Samsui women, Amahs, comfort women and coolies dormitory. Interesting.

Tune onto Arts central and miss "Do not disturb" ... la la la la la la la

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