Sunday, February 24, 2008

24 February, 2008 - Brainiest Scholar...hitched

Attended Daryl's church wedding yesterday morning at 10am. So romantic to say one's marriage vows in a church. The church was in ACS compound and dar brought me around his school :) I love ACS! (side track, when i was a teenager, i would bio-ed guys from ACS cos i thought they were so cool that i wanted an ACS boy as a boyfriend hahaha) Daryl is our family's ingenious scholar. When we were kids, all the cousins would be playing blackjet but he would sit in a corner reading his encyclopedia. And he was Singapore's brainiest scholar haha Both he and Evelyn met each other at a gathering for scholars. Duh. After the ceremony was over, we rushed home to attend Andrew and Susan's first month baby shower. Baby is so cute, i have come into contact with so many babies recently.

Afer hala-ing with our neighbours, we went home to sleep...and overslept for the wedding dinner arrrggghhh By the time we got to Raffles hotel, Daryl and Evelyn have already marched in. Damn jialat lo..but i was really exhausted, not enough sleep hmm

Raffles hotel is so antic, everything and every corner of the hotel seem to tell of a history. Anyway, the food wasn't so fantastic and the service was so so only. When we went out with Alex and Edric for a smoke, i saw a pub right opposite the hotel...Shanghai Jazz. I think i am going to check out that place..wonder if this pub is like the ones in Shanghai located in 新天地. I miss Shanghai...


I hadn't been shopping for a while and i went to Compasspoint after church today. Walked into Ness and bought a tight flowery skirt. I love the skirt..the prints are so very English and the best part is i bought it at a discount of 40% haha Seeing the skirt made me smile too heehee it's worth all forty bucks that i paid for.

Have not recover from my flu and now i have a sore throat..voice sounds weird again. Took four painkillers today but my whole body is still aching. Age is catching up sigh.

Life is still beautiful :)

1 comment:

charles said...

Weddings are so romantic because that is where memories are made. I'm sure you look great in your flowery skirt. drink plenty of vitamin c as well as water, rest and take your prescriptions and you should be on your way back to feeling fine. I wish you good health and thank you for sharing as always.