Saturday, February 9, 2008

8 February, 2008 - 初二 and Karaoke

Today is off to Yishun for visiting. Stayed there til 4pm cos Jfk has to send his brother and family to his in-laws place. Got to mum's place at 5pm..and all my aunties and uncles were there playing mahjong.

Jervoise was still feeling sick today..and we suspect he had mumps cos we checked the internet for the defination of mumps and he seemed to have all the symtoms stated on the internet hahaha Jervoise, Jervis and me went for some bonding time over ice-cream waffles at Gelare before dinner time starts. We both tried to assure him that it was just a normal infection..and told him not to be worried til the check up tomorrow.

Went to Ma Ma's place to meet Grace, Candice, Samantha, Mark, Ryan and Auntie Fiona for karaoke session in K-ster :) Grace ordered a bottle of Remy Martin and 8 other alcoholic drinks hmmm Grace and Samantha got high and tipsy. Both of them jumped around, singing, shouting, dancing and falling all over the places hahaha Left the place at 3am, sent Jervis, Grace and Candice the time i went to bed, it was 5am again...tired but very happy

*pics to be uploaded

Been a long time since i saw alcohol served in karaoke rooms...kinda miss those days

1 comment:

charles said...

Thank you for sharing. As always keep up the good work of blogging. It is a pleasure.