Wednesday, January 30, 2008

30 January, 2008 - Terminal Three :)

This is the first time i got kinda excited about lunch, cos Edwin, Sean, Fenn, Sarah and me went to Terminal Three today haha It's the first time i step foot in Terminal Three and the whole morning was filled with anticipation...maybe only i felt this way. There is a food court, NTUC and some other retail shops AND CANDY EMPIRE fwah! Zeh mo exciting

Got a message from Wendy today, a friend i made while drinking coffee and hanging around with the guys smoking by the vending machine next to the stairs, to invite me to her ROM in August :) I met her in 2006 as we were both working in the same building in Macpherson. We always smiled at each other whenever we see each other by the carpark..and officially became friends when she asked me what was the brand of perfume that i was using heehee then barely a few months after our friendship started, i left that building. I saved her name in my handphone as "Wendy-Staircase friend" hahaha You really never know what life has got to offer...the kind of people you will meet somewhere, somehow in life...this is the beautiful thing about life. JK, you are right, there should be nothing to hold me back here as there are a whole lot of other people for me to meet out there.

I asked Marvin this evening if he was an emotional person or a logical person. And what is the distinct difference in these two personalities.

Here was his reply.
Emotional person is someone who reacts based on his/her feelings.
Logical person is someone who reacts based on logics and facts.

If something happens that will affect both Mr Emotional and Mr Logical in a devastating way, Mr Emotional will show whatever he is feeling on his face and everyone can tell how he is feeling. Mr Logical will also feel affected but he goes about doing whatever that he is supposed to do for the day...without any betrayal of emotions on his face. Marvin's theory is, if you are a logical person, you will stay on track and complete whatever is needed to be done regardless of how you are feeling at the moment. JFK's conclusion: Marvin is just a hypocritical, cold and heartless bastard :P

If an emotional person and a logical person both get hit by a bad news, both are still able to get through the day to complete the necessary work. Except that the emotional one will not hide his feelings. The logical one might and probably will. Anyway the population of this world is so huge, you need a mixture of every type of personalities to make life more interesting and also to complement each other.

There are some people who just live life as it is, not questioning, not being in touch with their emotions, just living it. There are some people who question and stay connected to their emotions as well as the world in different ways. It's just how well you hide it.

Think about it.

Yes i am searching for many answers, it's an unrelentless search to ask and find out and to discover. I believe in Him but i am also so very human and so very imperfect, holding onto my worldly thoughts, behaviour etc. While i am sorting out my thoughts and start going back to cell, i will love Him in my own way i guess..til i see the rainbow..

Monday, January 28, 2008

28 January, 2008 - Errrmmm

I am writing this for the sake of writing only. Today had been a busy day. Period.

So busy that i was looking forward to lunch with the two of em' for some getaway time and switch to daydream mode :)

Most interesting thing today was to go down to the lift lobby to meet Daniel and pass him the bak gua...AND met Andy there too haha he was here to deliver more CNY cookies. I-Jiun is still working as his antenna as the both of them went to have tea break together keke

Align Your Perspectives

Pastor Dominic Yeo spoke about aligning our perspectives today.

Matthew 7: 3-5
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, "Let me take the speck out of your eye," when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

What are the planks that have blurred your perspective causing you to be a "Fault Finder"?
- Jealousy (inability to handle other people's success)
- Insecurities (insatiable need to always be right and to win even when at fault)
- Inferiority (always manifest in a state of superiority, eg, always knowing so and so important and making sure others know about it)

How can we remove the planks so that we have the right perspectives?
- Honest Evaluation
- Ask God to help you remove the plank

How can we have the right perspective to remove the specks in others?
- Be secure in God
- Be motivated to build people

27, 2008 - Chinatown

Went to mum's place after church today to meet Jervis for some shopping. His Nokia N95 8megapixels phone arrived this afternoon. That's the convenience of buying a phone online, you save 30 bucks (special discount for buying online)and the phone is delievered to you at no charge. This is a cool looking phone in black and it's so light despite it's size.

This Sunday, JFK chose to go back to his mum's place so...

Mum wanted to go Chinatown so Dad, Auntie Eugenia, Jervis and me went along lo.. It's like a yearly ritual to go Chinatown together before CNY. Every year we would say we will not be coming Chinatown next year but every year we will be there and get squeezed to bits. Someone stepped on my pedicured nails and i feel so frustrated to be there tsk tsk

Bought myself another Fossil watch, a striking gold colour bracelet watch :) wah fell in love with it at first sight...i am a closet ah lian too hee ang moh lian
There is a pair of Addidas sneakers in a cool gold that i wanted to buy too but i shall think about it for a few more days...if i am still thinking about it after a week, i shall go back and get it hahaha

I really love being at my parents' much so that i wish i was still staying at home. I will always have Jervoise and Jervis to argue with, share food & tidbits, have supper, talk cock, share CDs and every other things. And now there is a pool and lovely garden to sit around and day dream too.

We had dinner at Yum Cha and we ate so much i could barely walk after all the food...We passed by this shop "I-Stone" and i am shocked. This shop sells all kinds of crystals and jade pieces...Zhihong once got me a purple & clear crystal bracelet years ago..and the brand was I-Stone. I-Stone is a popular jewellery shop in China and there is a branch here now too. Wow

One typical conversation with both my darling brothers would be like this..

Me: Jervis, i think i dunwan to go liao la, i want to sleep.
Jervis: (tickle my feet) NOoooo, 你不可以不去,你不可以让我自己跟他们去。。他们加起来有几百岁了。。
Me: Ok la ok la 去啦去啦。我们问哥哥要不要去。
Me: Boy, want to go Chinatown?
Jervoise: 不要不要, 没有空,我要玩game, 要raid了

Here is Jervis and me grinning under red lanterns lighted up for CNY :)

Here is Dad, mum, Auntie Eugenia and Jervis ;)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

26 January, 2008 - Mascara craze

I was late for CCSS this morning...cos i spent more than a little wee bit of time trying to glue the fake lashes to my eyelids and missed the time...ya ya so irresponsible
Anyway the first half of the session today was to do some excercises with the elderly but i skipped this part since i am hungry and how can a hungry cat work out hahaha

Had dinner in Bugis and spent money on more hair products and mascara...i am really such a sucker for mascaras! This one is supposed to be drama drama, volume and curling power and all the way from Japan..and i buy lo...cos will be out of stock fast. Bought a set of shampoo & conditioner for permed hair, cheaper to buy a set so...such a good deal lalala (i know too much checmicals go into my head and i become DUH)

Wanted to do some major spring cleaning but by the time we got home, i am too tired haiz i hate just not a domesticated cat *meowz* only did some ironing...something i hate doing most.

Saturday nights used to be so much more happening in the past..clubbings, shoppings, midnight movies, supper and even Lancer club all i can think of is the housework hahaha that's when i wished i can be a teenager again..or at least back to my early twenties...

25 January, 2008 - Farewell lunch

Today is David's last day. He was my interviewer 10 months ago and the person who made this place sounds rosy and wonderful. Well he is right about the people here. They are a great bunch. He asked me what was my first impression of him when i met him for the interview...on Feb 8 last year hahaha he is a gentleman, patient and quiet. I gotta go figure out face be added as a friend :)

Lunch was at Laguna in Ghim Moh (never knew that place was Ghim Moh til David said so today) with Sean, Shirley and HB. About 8 months ago, on my second day of work, we had a celebration lunch at Tung Lok for hitting some budget. On that table were Wilson, Sean, Shirley, Sarah, Daryl and me. And i was still confused about who's who..all i knew was this is PEMCO team and i don't even know what the heck is PEMCO. And the picture painted to me was lagi best. Today, it hit upon me that the people who went to that lunch is gone one by one. OMG

The new PM is a weirdo. I think he is an insensitive 粗心大意 type of guy. He works and keeps to himself. I realised he is really focused on eating as well. So focused that he makes sure his plate always has food and is oblivious to whether the person next to him, that is Sean, can reach for the egg. And i am kinda irritated when he kept insisting that i finish the plate of cereal with the prawns just because she asked me to eat it...already said i am full ma, still keep saying "eat la" irritated that i snap at him..this gal also funny, cannot take no for an answer..scoop the cereal and dump it on my bowl! Anyway, i refused to eat it. You wana see guai lan i show you guai lan. What's up with these people. I wish i was seated next to Sean. At least he was normal...and gentleman enuff to help me with the hor fun. There were so many awkward silence i wish i could just disappear. Anyway, i supposed he might be a nice guy afterall...shucks forgive me for being so judgmental when i barely even know him. Must be the crankiness from the cereal thingy hee

There might be a reason for Shirley to be a workaholic and be tough. She was telling us today that there was once when she told her boss about how a fault in our system hampers a backlog inventory report. The reply she got was "you are a manager, you should solve it." I guess such things and family issues made her independant...everything adds up to fan her desire to be tougher for self protection and be as self reliant as possible. She is just like Cecilia..except that she is nicer. Can understand why Sarah is grumbling about her nowadays...but then again, under good or bad bosses, you learn different things. If you have to do whatever your boss is supposed to do, you learn how to do a new thing...and if your boss drives you crazy, you bring yourself to a new learning curve. But i guess it is always easier to have a "common enemy" have a common reason to gel together.

Went to collect my handphone today ahhhhhhh finally. It is in good shape again :) Had dinner with Desmond at KFC in Simei and he is the ultimate CCTV hahaha

Make friends with sincerity. Build relationship with sincerity. Like people with sincerity. Talk to people with sincerity. Treat others with sincerity and be genuine, without a second agenda. Life is really so simple if you choose to be.

Anyway, i bought the eye liner YATTA hahaha i am using it tomorrow with the fake lashes :) wish me luck baby
I love my fake lashes and my intuition yeah

Both of you are right, i should go sell cosmetics and celebrate being a cosmetics junkie

Thursday, January 24, 2008

24 January, 2008 - When you look good, you feel good

Had lunch with Edwin and Sean in Subway at the branch in East Coast...ooh this is a nice place to chill. I like having lunch with the both of need to make small talk means no need to use brain juice..can just go blank and be dumb...and i am comfortable with them hee

There is a new eye liner, supposedly a top seller in Japan, retailing at $18 in Watsons. This is a smudge free and easy to use liquid eye liner, Catherine bought it, we tried it and we love it heehee I guess we are gonna buy it and use it to spice up the CNY mood in the office. Fake eye lashes...something that i have not master..the art of gluing them onto my eyelids making them look as natural as possible...we are going to buy that as well yippee yay Marketing gals will have beautiful dolly eyes :)

It's really so wonderful to be a woman, there are so many things that we can do to pamper ourselves and feel good lalalalalalala

Almost half the men i knew felt that women dress up to let them oogle...and get buay song when being oogled at. I wonder if that's true...

50% - dress up to feel good. (when you look good, you feel good)
30% - Pure vanity
10% - Ego booster when being admired by both men and women, who doesn't want attention?
10% - Fun in dabbling all these colours matching, cosmetics, medicure, pedicure, facial etc etc

Anyway, whatever la, i guess the main reason is simply just vanity. At least that's speaking for myself...i like to mess around with cosmetics and do all the girly girly stuff. And it's a bonus to be admired as a walking doll..if i ever even reach that level ;) Plus it's so fun to indulge in girls' talk bla bla bla about which is the best foundation, best eye liner, best mascara, best anything to make us pretty and also prevent premature aging. Sometimes it's fun to be a closet shallow brainer activity.

Learnt some new words vulgarities...fugly, fastard and fidiot :D (fucking ugly, fucking bastard and fucking idiot) Oh please pardon me for being crude

I miss beer suddenly :(

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

22 January, 2008 - Escapism & Individualistic

Escapism & Individualistic, two words that i heard these two weeks.......i am.

Just found out from Daryl today that individualism is a sin...i was like zhun bo?? 随兴,随心是错的。那,怎么办哪?

Don't think now, think later.

Anyway, here are the objects of my current obsession :)

Nah Rubes, here is the karaoke version, let's learn and sing keke

I can't believe that i actually brought my MP3 to listen to all these Hokkien songs while working today and smile to myself looking like a complete idiot :p

Had dinner with Penguin and Huay this evening. Aiyo Kaiser is so cute :) so huggable and so nice smelling. And he gives a funny look when i blow at his face. He is really the splitting image of Penguin..same stare, same eyes, except that he laughs more than his dad muahaha dad's face is always "cool" Babies are a curious bunch hee

Hey i suddenly realised that men born in the year of the ox seldom least for all the men born in the year of ox in my life. Always have this constipated "owe me 25 cents" expression... *yawn* smile oxes SMILE

Airy dragon (almost wrote air head! phui) VS down-to-earth ox... if dar had been born in the year of the ox, he would have to spend lotsa time calibrating me to meet his requirements and in the process, "vomit some blood" hahaha like my mum tsk tsk and dar's mum. Both also ox..

你们属龙的都是头凤的 (read in Teochew) -> this is what dar's mum said to the both of us some years back.

Duncha just love oxes ya

Monday, January 21, 2008

21 January, 2008 - Economics

If the serpent hadn't tempted Eve to eat the apple and then let Adam eat it as well, the world might just have been an easier place to live in. Men would not have to toil for survival and women will never have to go through labour pains. Stoopid damn serpent.

See, now we have a society with economics. We have to busy ourselves doing and living the science of economics.

Economics: the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind.

It's really just a vicious cycle of material chasing. We work hard for the money to buy other materials...let's say gold and diamond, oh and shares (to produce more money to buy more material stuff) And while working hard for all the money, prestige and fame, some of us forgot to enjoy the present life. People become self absorbed and yes jaded. But if you are a rich businessman, then perhaps other people work hard for your business while your thriving business creates more jobs to form part of the economy.

If life is so simple like just breathing, eating, drinking and sleeping, then WTF are we doing chasing after things that don't matter? Oh, there is greed, one of the seven sins. Because humans are greedy, we need to have a system, a kind of control. Then we need justice, so we have law and order. Everyone has a part to play in his/her society and live busy. So there, we work and to spice up our life, we buy material stuff to entertain ourselves. And then we also have spiritual and emotional needs. So we pay for yoga, pilates and whatever shit that makes us feel we are taking care of the well-being of our souls. Hey, so we are not souless, jaded people chasing after the rainbows. Such irony but that's life.

For all those bummers out there, your job is to bum around and make the rest of the busy people jealous ;)

I wonder what would an anthropologist say about the human race hmmm...

Emotional stress is nothing but exhaustion. Work stress is easier to handle anytime of the day.

We could be together - Debbie Gibson

If I were an only child
I would be a lonely child
but baby we've got nothing to lose
I'm standing tall in my own shoes
I'll take this chance
I'll make this choice
I'll right this wrong
I'll raise my voice
if it means
We'll be together
for a while

I have never had a doubt
But for you I'll take time out
I'll push his love far away from me
and then I'll be completely free
I'll give up my security
for just the possibility
that we could be together
for a while

If you said "Jump!" I'd say "How high?"
If you said "Run!" I'd run and fly
Just for the chance
Just for the moment
Should the moment pass us by
and if you ask once I'll tell you twice
I'll ignore the world's advice
if we could be together
for a while

I am taken by your strength
I've thought about it at great length
I thought that I was happy now
but there are things that I found out
Happiness means greater things
I'll sit here 'til that telephone rings
then we could be together
for a while


Wait'll I tell my guy (wait'll I tell)
Wait'll I tell my other friends
They'll all think I'm crazy-
and ya know what?
That depends...
'cause I'm crazy in love
with you
and everyone's best won't do
They'll say my hopes
will not come true
But I'm taking the chance
Because you only live once-
Only live once (only live once)


If you said "Jump!" I'd say "How high?"
If you said "Run!" You know I'd fly
Just for the chance
Just for the moment
Should the moment pass us by
and if you ask once I'll tell you twice
I'll ignore the world's advice
if we could be together
for a while

There are no guarantees
but if it means
there's even a possibility
then I'll give up whatever it takes
I know I've made some mistakes before
It may be just another closed door
But we could be together
for a while

If you said "Jump!" I'd say "How high?"
If you said "Run!" I'd run and fly
Just for the chance
Just for the moment
Should the moment pass us by
Ask me once I'll tell you twice,
You know I'll ignore the world's advice
if we could be together
for a while


Don't you know that we could be together
for a while.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

20 January, 2008 - My phone is "in custody"

Grace dropped by for lunch this afternoon, supposed to whip up a sumptuous meal for her but we ended up eating the mee siam from last night's little party hahaha My pretty cousin has grown up and blossomed into a lovely young lass :)

My phone is "hospitalised" again. This time, at the technical support place in Simei. Damn, such a fragile phone. I accidentally dropped it (it was in the handphone pouch) and the casing split :( I have bad opinions about Sony Ericsson now. It's not durable arrgghh it will not be ready until Thursday and i feel upset already.

Lucky for me, i have just downloaded the pictures of our gluttony from my phone and uploaded them in my entry under Closet Bimbo(s) heehee *winkz*

Sigh, will have to spend the next few weeks/days doing house cleaning for CNY...THROW OUT ALL CLUTTERS!!

19 January, 2008 - Blessing of new place

Right foot hurts and i am limping so i skipped CCSS service today...went to get monster's brakes fixed instead.

Well, today is a day of blessing by Pastor Jeff from BBTC for the new place. Mum has been harping on it for the past few weeks, reminding me "don't forget about Jan 19, 5pm hor"...anyway she has invited Uncle Charlie, Anutie Molly, Auntie Eugenia, Elysia, Edric & GF, and some of her church friends. Sang some hymnal songs and prayed...a short sermon and more prayers.. God bless our new place and our family.

There were so much food tonight...mee siam, po biah, kuei pie ti, otah, chai yan, samosa, kuei-kuei etc etc I skipped all the rest of the food and went for the kuei pie ti, my favourite food :)

Mahjong session after that and because dar was roped in to play, i have nothing to do but irritate Jervis and Jervoise hahaha but that could get boring after awhile. Jervis, Elysia and me went Parkway to have coffee at Coffee Bean...Jervoise is as usual doing raiding in his virtual world of WOW. Along the way to Coffee Bean, i bought three pairs of falsies. Got to find a chance to use them, to justify why i bought all three hee

Really cannot fathom what's the fun in playing mahjong. I dislike this game alot. It's a childhood thing cos' i was sort of like the "drinks girl"..had to get tea, coffee, warm water, food and whatever whenever relatives come over to our place for mahjong. BECAUSE it is a game where players get stuck to their seats for hours staring at a few tiles, i had to be the one tending to their needs. A little girl busy playing with her cousins wouldn't like to be interrupted by adults that explains my intense dislike for this game. I tried to pick up the game...and i actually have a "real" game with my bak bak sistas a few months ago but i couldn't concentrate. I think i kept staring at the clock and very scared to win because if win, the 东,南,西,北 kena stuck too..which means we will take longer to finish one round arrghhh so i anyhow play lo. Yan, the two of us will have to find something to stimulate our brains in our old age..if not will get 老人痴呆症 hahaha that is if i lived to be that old.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

18 January, 2008 - Retail networking

Tried to finish as many emails as possible today so that i can shop happily with Aising and Willie later in the evening :) But can never be just piles up high *LOL*

David gave us a lift to town and he thought i am 24 years of age hahaha. He is the second person to say that this week...Kian Min thought so too...this is good? Had dinner at a contempory Japanese restaurant in City Link and i think the food is bad...the cream of chicken soup i had tasted like milk. This has got to be the worst cream of chicken soup that i have ever tried.

Shopped around Marina Square but most of the shops are already closing...THIS IS SAD & BAD hmmph Aising bought a dress and a matching pair of earrings from Topshop (We pyscho-ed her to buy cos "it's very nice" ) and she spent 93 bucks. Willie bought a cotton top and i found nothing in Topshop that i fancy...Went over to the "dark side" in Warehouse..Aising's turn to pyscho-ed me to buy a turquoise dress WITH MATCHING EARRINGS arrghhh poorer by 99 bucks and "up-ed" her spending amount too...Willie bought another sweet looking top hee Girls will always be girls :) there is always something to buy and there is always a perfect reason for all the purchases. I think i have sprained my right ankle. Flat feet + clumsiness are bad for my feet...

Push Up Brassiere: a support bra with a very thick pad inserted in almost half of the cup size to transform a woman's cup size from A to B or B to C or C to D or D to E

I always thought that push up bras just come with an extra thick pad but 今天上了一课内衣的故事from Edwin OMG. (You are an expert with women and their stuff man, if there is ever such a phrase as this, it's for you - a connoisseur of women) I don't have a need to walk over to the push up or maximiser bras section so there......LBN's boobs are not silicon implants but are pushed all the way up by virtue of push up bras hmmm that's interesting...why are all men fascinated with boobs? Sean: boobs embodies a woman's feminity. Anyway, i supposed it's like how women check out men's butt.

Adrian Pang is just so charming. Wish i can participate in Deal or No Deal man! I want to stand near him and listen to him speak :) intelligent, charming, witty with a deep voice to boot. Saw on the papers about how he watched out for Andre de Cruz at some events when he heard she was being harressed by a cheeko pek. And in a group photo, he placed a protective hand over her shoulder :) such chivalry hmmmmmmm think he can keep talking and talking and i won't get bored hahaha

Aiyo, i need to start jogging and working out at the gym..need to get serious about dieting liao. CNY is not going to be helpful to my plan.. This menses really makes me feel bloated, crampy and grumpy as well. Just like dar -> grouchy old slouch hahahahahaha

Thursday, January 17, 2008

17 January, 2008 - Closet Bimbo(s)

Went to meet by beloved bak bak sistas for dinner at Katong after work today. Rubes brought the original soundtrack of 881 and i am SOOOOOOO excited to slip it into my cd player at home at blast it :)

I am obsessed with all these Hokkien songs hahahahaha even the cab driver was playing 行情坏 in his car on my way to meet the gals OMG, talk about mind power. You think and think and think and it happens. Let's think that LBN will either leave or get rid of her insecurities and kiasi-ism, and become a kinder,warmer and nicer person. MIND POWER reigns!!

Ate "kong bak bao" and a big fish cake for dinner (sancha drink sucks phui yucks) at a Hakka eatery. Then 小笼包 and 蛋塔 at the Hong Kong cafe across the road. Ate too much......."姨妈" is here today and i already felt bloated and 'crampy" plus all these food, i felt FAT :(

We did the most unthinkable thing tonight....we wind down the the car windows and let the hokkien music played loudly :P Then alamak traffic jam, song was TECHNO 行情怀, motocycle with two ah peks stopped next to our car, looked into car and found three giggly gals shaking uncontrollably :D Techno lei, dun play play..mai seow seow *guffaws*

OL (office lady) by day and closet bimbo by night = bak bak sistas heehee

Seriously speaking, when i play these songs in my computer softly while i am working, it just makes me happy and grin to myself gee

When i am with Rubes, i become a shopping demon, when i am with Yan, i become a glutton. And when i am with the two of them, i get both vices combined!!

Random Crapo Thoughts

While it's no good to be emotional, isn't it better to be in touch with your emotions than be cold and devoid of feelings? 随心所欲却不伤害到人,有错吗?Must we really try to conform to what is expected of us? Must we really pretend that everything is alright when everything isn't? Must our faces betray no signs of sadness or any other politically incorrect expressions?

I need a "cold mask" order to psyche myself into being as detached as compartmentalise all emotions.

This is crap. I am writing crap. The answer to all of the above questions is NO. The mind says must not be too emotional, but the rebellious heart says just do whatever makes you happy as long as it is not at the expense of others.

OMG, i didn't know there was such a song like below! I like it :) there are other strange cookies somewhere out there hahaha


Sometimes I get emotional
Sometimes I do some stupid things
Sometimes I say what I should just keep inside
Sometimes I'm sad about everything
Sometimes I'm mad and break some things
Sorry times 10 but you just got in the way

Don't give up now running away
I won't hurt you sometimes I'm just a pain
And that's the way it is
That's just the way I am

Sometimes I feel like crying
Laying down and dying
That's when I need you
Laughing's always easy, but sometimes I'm just scared you'll leave me
That's when I feel emotional

You say I'm just impossible
Totally unpredictable
I'm just a girl get use to it
No big deal
You can't change me why would you try?
I'm no angel but I can make you smile
And that's the way it is
That's just the way I am

Sometimes I feel like crying
Laying down and dying
That's when I need you
Laughing's always easy but, sometimes I'm just scared you'll leave me
That's when I feel emotional

Don't give up
I won't hurt you
Oh, sometimes I'm just a pain
And that's the way it is
That's just the way I am

That's when I need you
Laughing's always easy but, sometimes I'm just scared you'll leave me
That's when I feel oh yeah
That's when I need you
Sometimes I get emotional

That's just the way I am
Sometimes I feel like crying
Laying down and dying
That's when I need you
Laughing's always easy but sometimes I'm just scared you'll leave me
That's when I feel emotional

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

16 January, 2008 - Discouragement

Any offence is never intended for what's gonna be written in this entry.

Today, there was a mini discussion between Edwin, Sarah and me about how the word "nah beh" came about. According to Edwin, "nah beh" means your father. "Nah bu" means your mother, "ning bei" means my father and "ning bu" means my mother. Went home did some research with "who else"..

The evolution of the hokkien word "nah beh"...
KNnBCcB -> KNnB -> KNn -> nB ...the word gets shorter and shorter and became NAH BEH hahaha








That's hokkien vulgarities for ya.

Went to Mum-In-Law's place for dinner after work today. So good to have home cooked food :) Then there is "Deal or No Deal on TV" and it was time to drool over Adrian Pang and 26 hunks tonight hahaha

Here is something i read in a book this all those who are tired and discouraged with what life has got to offer...for now.

Why is discouragement such a dreaded disease? First, because it is universal. All of us get discouraged. I do, you do, we all do. Discouragement is common. Even Christians get discouraged. Second, because it's recurring. You can get discouragement a number of times. It's not just a one-time thing. Third, because it is highly contagious. Other people can get discouraged because you are discouraged. But the good news is discouragement is also curable.

Why do people get discouraged? The first reason is fatigue. The people in Judah said,"The strength of the laborers is giving out." In other words, they had worked a long time and were just plain worn out-physically and emotionally drained.

There is a second reason why people get discouraged. The people said,"There is so much rubble that we cannot build the wall." That's frustration. They were discouraged and frustrated. What's rubble? They were building a new wall, but old broken rocks were everywhere, along with dirt and dried out mortar. When they looked at the rubble and the debris they got discouraged. They lost sight of their goal because there was so much junk in their lives that they didn't know how to get to the real business of living.

You can't avoid the rubbish in life, but you can learn to recognise it and you can learn what to do with it so that you don't give up on your original plan. Why do fatigue and discouragement come about? Look at verse six:"So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height." Do you know when you're apt to get discouraged the most? When you are halfway through a project. Everybody works hard at first. These people "worked with all their heart". Why? Because of the newness of the project. It was novel at first, but after awhile the newness wore off and the work got boring. Life settled down into a rut, then a routine, then a ritual.

Here is the 80/20 principle: About 80% of our time is usually spent on the 20% of our activities that are not productive. As a result, we are frustrated. What we need to do instead is to spend 80% of our time on the 20% of our job that produces the most results. Managers call this ROI time - "Return On Investment" time. In other words, use the maximum time on those few things that get the greatest results.

When you get discouraged, get your mind off your circumstances and on the Lord. For circumstances depress and discourage. Don't yield to discouragement without a fight. Resist discouragement. Fight it. Don't give in to it, but resist it.

You do not have to be discouraged in life. It's your choice. You may choose to give in to it. But great people simply refuse to be discouraged. They don't know how to quit. They never give up even when they're fatigued and frustrated and have failed and are fearful. Great people are ordinary people with extraordinary amounts of persistence. They just hang in there and never give up.

Never lose sight of your goal. :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

15 January, 2008 - 耳顺

I am already starting to feel the heat of CNY mood, wore my new jacket, new skirt and new shoes to work today. Feeling pretty today heehee Dar actually voluntarily said i look pretty today :) without me having to wrestle, pester, bug and "poke" it out from him hahaha

Tonight on Professor Yu:-
耳顺 -> "Listening well" being accomodating, full of compassion and interest. Two clouds must be of the same height in order for there to be rain. A person who possess 耳顺 is able to "meet clouds of any height" by being accomodating, full of compassion and the ability to see from another person's standpoint.
Having a strong internal value system can turn society's pressure into life's reactive, driving force.

Today,我上了一课。。。sexual intercourse in missionary position only exist in the human world. In the animal kingdom, all male species ahem arhh "mount" onto female species doggy style..information courtesy of Edwin and Alex :D Oh and stallions have got long, thick reproductive organs! Why do most men get turn on by women in uniforms?? Dar likes nurses...MEN!

Today is a happy day :)

I am obsessed with the hokkien songs on 881!!! Am actually trying to learn how to sing them for the next karaoke session...i am really fascinated with hokkien wah lau eh...must 拜Bah Gay为师

Hey Rubes, Yan, can you imagine we go sing at 歌台come this July and be bak bak sistas 姐妹花 哈哈哈

Monday, January 14, 2008

14 January, 2008 - Red & Gold

You know you are a)obsessed b)dedicated c)stressed d)love work when you try to log on to blogspot using your company's email address thinking it is the username sheeesh yikes!

The new lady taking over Mae is so prideful. She just loves to showcase how she is so 伟大 by " i am helping you all lei, why you all still so messy?" Last time i in WPG no one teach me how to see the schedule in the web i also know how to use. No need teach wan, very easy." So very helpful in her half past six and so very grammatically handicapped English. I believe she is not trying to use Singlish since the Malaysian accent is very strong when she speaks Mandarin. can anyone speaks such poor English and still be in sales? Anyway, she is really trying to be helpful as long as you just let her talk, sorry it should be brag (like what's new).

Had dinner in Kovan and met Ronnie & Hileen :) Highlight of this evening is to collect another beautiful piece of lingerine, life is good being a woman. Maybe i should sell sexy lingerie since i derive pleasure looking at all of them :) This is gonna be PMS week..can almost feel it coming drats...the only wonderful thing about being pregnant is not having PMS or menstrual cramps. Oh but it is still not tempting enuff...anyway the plan is 33+1(indefinitely) so there friends, pray that my biological clock don't get "killed" along the way.

Me: Hey dar, the nail polish on my thumb is damaged, help me quick
Dar: Huh? What you want me to do?
Me: Go to the toilet, take out the cotton pad, dab some nail polish remover and remove it for me, HURRY
Dar: KNN!!!??? What have i done to deserve this...
Me: Thank you dar (go back and continue painting my nails) lalalalalalala

(I am troublesome, dar is a typical no nonsense regular type of guy, and so the story goes, he has brought trouble home hahahahahahaha)

The nails on my feet are red with gold dust, the nails on my hands are gold. Don't i just lurve red and gold :D maybe i should consider dying my hair red..and straighten it ramrod straight hmmm which means wasting more $ lo

Reminder -> Hey Rubes & Yan, we need a trip to Eddie's to get a trim, followed by a facial BEFORE CNY. So Rubes, you decide when it's a good day not to work. We will go for high tea and do some girly girly stuff. If it's sex & the city dress up theme, i dunwan to be Samantha, i want to be normal. Rubes you can dress like her and show some boobs, i am not gonna do it this time. And Yan you can be Carrie. I can be sweet hahaha oh CNY is so exciting and i am restless already.

Look look look, red stall with red and gold CNY decorations!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

12 January 2008 - Breathe EZ

Went back to the office after community work this afternoon. The office was so dark from the front door that i thought no one was working...contemplated going back but i saw Andrew :) heng, at least there is someone in the office. All the contract pricings are finally in place and i can start to breathe easy now phew

Had to fix monster's headlight and then headed to Bugis with dar to buy the soundtrack of 881. Hokkien songs reign now haha anyway it's out of stock!! Gosh! Never knew hokkien songs were THAT popular...neirmind, "burn" Rubes CD :p

Shop around Bugis and wandered into Ros n Ron to get my brows trimmed and spend 77 bucks instead of 14 cos i am such a sucker for cosmetics products haiz. Bought the brow pencil and an oil control mattifying pressed powder from him. But i like the shape of my brows now, Ron, the boss did the trimming and he is darn good at it, he was also the one who raved about the brow pencil and pressed power lo... But how could i have resisted oil control mattifying pressed powder lei..the description alone is enticing liao. Rubes, he's really good at shaping brows

I love Bugis, Arab Street, Far East Plaza and Tampines :) Actually i just love to shop heehee

"Nowsaday" & "thats mean" are incorrect...Sarah was talking to me on Friday and she said "nowsaday"...Xana used to say that too. I wanted to tell her there isn't such a word but her phone rang. Then there is "thats mean"...heard this from Marc and some others. But i always forget that there is no "irregardless" too..

Saturday, January 12, 2008

11 January, 2008 - Farewell dinner cum drinks

Today is Andy See and Boon Wei's last day at work..sigh what's with this turnover rate here...

Had lunch at coffee club as Josephine, CSR from Penang, is here for holiday. I don't even know her but hala-ing now and then is essential i supposed. Heavy lunch and i felt sleepy after that.

Went to Ice Cold Beer at Emerald hill with Edward, Amy, Desmond, Joyce, Catherine, Aising, Rachel, Chinyiang, Iijun and Andy to give him a farewell treat. Gosh, Andy is a real joker, too bad we won't have the chance to have lunch together in least there is still Benjamin around :) Catherine, Aising left early..then Chinyiang and Edward..By 11pm, only Iijun, Desmond, Andy, Joyce and me..wah can find out so much things just by sitting around chatting heehee talk about networking man..i was like a sponge, absorbed all the juicy bits of news about sales department and contributed nothing...gossipping is bad ya, but it won't hurt to just listen hahaha. Left the pub at 12 and had teh-O at the hawker in Meridian hotel. Chatted til 1.30am+...Iijun sent me home and by the time i removed my make up, it's 2.30am...Now cannot sleep, go update blog..

Laughed so much this evening, Andy is really sooo farneee :) Both he and Iijun make a funny pair of sales people. Iijun is ASK number 2 ;) This had been a busy week, perhaps it's already January and the holiday mood is the re-structuring in reporting..all added abit of stress here and there. This evening's laughter concluded the whole of this work week, laughter is medicine for the soul.

Friday, January 11, 2008

10 January, 2008 - Workaholic dragons

If you are so used to working in a fast paced environment, you probably won't be able to get used to a very slow paced where there is not much work to do. But the amount of emails here is ridiculous...

But the morning started off well. Keng Wai gave me a called just to tell me he was not "scolding" me in his email, just checking :) and that he will send Pearline's baby full month Bengawan Solo card to Edwin and me when he visits our office next time. And i thought he was difficult...cos he wants more numbers but yet cannot trouble him too much..

Nehemiah 8: 10
The joy of the Lord is your strength.

Thank you Daryl for the above verse yesterday...hey coincidentally, this verse was the message on my calender for Jan 9. And i am reading this book about Christians stuff and the chapter that i was reading that day was on Nehemiah...fear always discourages you.

I think people born in the year of the dragon generally are Rubes, Yan, Fenn, Catherine and dar haha


Manual Cars

Why do most men prefer manual cars? Haiz, whenever we want to get a car, dar will automatically filter out all auto cars (forgive me for the pun)... and i ended up having to drive a manual car from the day i passed my driving licence.

What's it with manual cars? More control (ego, must have control), faster (ego also, must pick up faster than the driver next to you at the traffic junction) etc etc

When there is traffic jam, my left foot gets numb stepping on the clutch...and right foot gets numb stepping on the brake :( I WANT AN AUTO CAR LA!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

9 January, 2008 - 881 second round...行情坏 :D

Met Jenny on my way to work this morning and she asked me if i know so n so from marketing is leaving. Told her not that i heard of and went buy my breakfast. While i was in the pantry getting my coffee, i heard it from the horse's mouth...we had a long chat about the business model, about the company's alignment with suppliers, about the company's direction, about sales's mindset etc etc Interesting and challenging...and it's back to work again. It's rather quiet in my "lorong" cos Anthea and Jasmine are both on medical leave..and i guess it's back to hectic days..after the dreamy "hiatus from work" in December..cos' everyone hardly speaks to each other, eyes fixated on the screen.

Chinyiang said USA might be going into recession..this will affects business. Anyway 80% of his time are spent doing expediting and he has virtually no time to clear his emails...and i thought of this analogy.

a) expedite current buying parts to meet numbers
If we spent all our time expediting because: purchase orders with short lead time, specialists sitting in HK are not able to get a response from suppliers, more convenient to send an email to marketing - "please help because the date remains"...
-> it's like we make an investment and since it is meeting our target earnings, we stop scouring the market for better investments.

b) work with FAE and sales people to design-in more parts
This is like sowing the seeds to get returns in the long run. Otherwise, when those parts that we have been expediting EOL one day, we are not going to get any share in the pie..since evaluation takes awhile.
-> it's like diversifying our investment. We don't just invest in Bio-science industry just cos' it's hot currently, we maximise and balance off the risk by spreading our investments in other industries as well.

Anyway that would be common sense but PM really have no luxury of time to stay focused and perhaps sane.

Wii is arriving next week :)

For now, it's back to watching 881 a second time. I am beginning to like Hokkien...have always thought of this dialect as rather vulgar and "rough" especially the vulgarities but this show changed my opinion :) Hokkien songs are rather nice and catchy

Cheers to more good times to come, Rubes, thank you for telling me it's going to be another good year for those born in the year of the dragon. And it's disgusting that we are getting a straight good two years hahaha but hurray i am feeling lucky already.

(Oh dear, forgive me for being superstitious heehee)

Top 10 Ways to Be Happy at Work From Susan M. Heathfield

Hey Rubes, thanks for the article..very meaningful, Agilent is great ain't it?
Glad you chose Singapore over Australia and found a bantering "work spouse" who looks like Harry Potter heehee

Top 10 Ways to Be Happy at Work From Susan M. Heathfield

Working at Google sounds very cool. I'd be the first to tout Google as a motivating employer: free food, engineers who are enabled to spend 20 percent of their time on their own projects, and a work environment that fosters play and creative thinking. At Google, Genentech and other Fortune magazine top 100 companies, employers provide best workplaces. At the same time, perks that enable employees to spend all of their time atwork exploit people and destroy work - life balance. So, even the best employer may not be best for everyone. These are the factors that will help you find happiness at work.

1. Choose to Be Happy at Work Happiness is largely a choice. I can hear many of you arguing with me, but it's true. You can choose to be happy at work. Sound simple? Yes. But, simplicity is often profoundly difficult to put into action. I wish all of you had the best employer in the world, but, face it, you may not. So, think positively about your work. Dwell on the aspects of your work you like. Avoid negative people and gossip. Find coworkers you like and enjoy and spend your time with them. Your choices at work largely define your experience. You can choose to be happy at work.

2. Do Something You Love Every Single Day. You may or may not love your current job and you may or may not believe that you can find something in your current job to love, but you can. Trust me. Take a look at yourself, your skills and interests, and find something that you can enjoy doing every day. If you do something you love every single day, your current job won't seem so bad. Of course, you can always make your current job work or decide that it is time to quit your job.

3. Take Charge of Your Own Professional and Personal Development. A young employee complained to me recently that she wanted to change jobs because her boss was not doing enough to help her develop professionally. I asked her whom she thought was the person most interested in her development. The answer, of course, was her. You are the person with the most to gain from continuing to develop professionally. Take charge of your own growth; ask for specific and meaningful help from your boss, but march to the music of your personally developed plan and goals. You have the most to gain from growing - and the most to lose, if you stand still.

4. Take Responsibility for Knowing What Is Happening at WorkPeople complain to me daily that they don't receive enough communication and information about what is happening with their company, their department's projects, or their coworkers. Passive vessels, they wait for the boss to fill them up with knowledge. And, the knowledge rarely comes.Why? Because the boss is busy doing her job and she doesn't know what you don't know. Seek out the information you need to work effectively. Develop an information network and use it. Assertively request a weekly meeting with your boss and ask questions to learn. You are in charge of the information you receive.

5. Ask for Feedback Frequently. Have you made statements such as, "My boss never gives me any feedback, so I never know how I'm doing." Face it, you really know exactly how you're doing. Especially if you feel positively about your performance, you just want to hear him acknowledge you. If you're not positive about your work,think about improving and making a sincere contribution. Then, ask your boss for feedback. Tell him you'd really like to hear his assessment of your work. Talk to your customers, too; if you're serving them well, their feedback is affirming. You are responsible for your own development. Everything else you get is gravy.

6. Make Only Commitments You Can Keep. One of the most serious causes of work stress and unhappiness is failing to keep commitments. Many employees spend more time making excuses for failing to keep a commitment, and worrying about the consequences of not keeping acommitment, than they do performing the tasks promised. Create a system of organization and planning that enables you to assess your ability to complete a requested commitment. Don't volunteer if you don't have time. If your workload is exceeding your available time and energy, make a comprehensive plan to ask the boss for help and resources. Don't wallow in the swamp of unkept promises.

7. Avoid Negativity Choosing to be happy at work means avoiding negative conversations, gossip,and unhappy people as much as possible. No matter how positively you feel,negative people have a profound impact on your psyche. Don't let the negative Neds and Nellies bring you down. Take a look at:How to Deal With a Negative Coworker: Negativity Matters. Dealing With Difficult People at Work. And, keep on singing in the car on your way to work - or start.

8. Practice Professional Courage. If you are like most people, you don't like conflict. And the reason why is simple. You've never been trained to participate in meaningful conflict, so you likely think of conflict as scary, harmful, and hurtful. Conflict can be all three; done well, conflict can also help you accomplish your work mission and your personal vision. Conflict can help you serve customers and create successful products. Happy people accomplish their purpose forworking. Why let a little professional courage keep you from achieving your goals and dreams? Make conflict your friend.

9. Make Friends. In their landmark book, First, Break All The Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently (Compare Prices), Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman list twelve important questions. When employees answered these questions positively, their responses were true indicators of whether people were happy and motivated at work. One of these key questions was,"Do you have a best friend at work?" Liking and enjoying your coworkers are hallmarks of a positive, happy work experience. Take time to get to know them. You might actually like and enjoy them. Your network provides support, resources, sharing, and caring.

10. If All Else Fails, Job Searching Will Make You Smile. If all of these ideas aren't making you happy at work, it's time to reevaluate your employer, your job, or your entire career. You don't want to spend your life doing work you hate in an unfriendly work environment. Most work environments don't change all that much. But unhappy employee stend to grow even more disgruntled. You can secretly smile while you spend all of your non-work time job searching. It will only be a matter of time until you can quit your job - with a big smile.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

8 January, 2008 - 有得必有失

Here's Rubes entry :)

"...I learned alot of things, 失去了, 也得到了一些. 有得必有失. 不是吗? Life is not a bed of roses and one just has to be positive. Luckily the bak bak sistas are mostly positive and if one of us is down, the other two will knock some sense into the other. Love my sistas. Wishing all of you happiness, good health, wealth and peace in the year 2008..."

Yes my dear, the three of us will always rally around each other for support and pick ourselves up after every fall ;) Now i need to sit down with the both of you and ask for some career advice again :)

Today is a manic Tuesday, i am still struggling to clear emails from last Thursday, Friday and this Monday plus today's...and i felt nothing but frustrations. I am like lost in my own world, oblivious to my surrounding, just focusing on the screen, typing away furiously. Every fucking thing is urgent, so much so that i am beyond caring of whatever is urgent. No matter how much time i spent clearing them, it will all still come to about the same, more and more come in and the faster you do, the expectation is there. And when i walk over to look for some sales people, they have almost all gone home..and it was only 5+. Now my desk is kinda messy and boxes of samples occupy the space under my desk. Really have to clear the samples or i will have no space for my feet soon.

It's not about working hard, it's about working smart. You gotta have a little bit of talent, flair for talking your way out, look harmless, mix with the right people and be at the right place at the right time...i guess that's about it. Opportunities! Yes, that's the magic word.

Now is still 2007 based on the Lunar calender, after CNY, it's truly a brand new start :)

Monday, January 7, 2008

7 January, 2008 - 881

Left work at 9.30pm and as i walked out of Techpark to get a cab, i realised that the MRT track is actually very near my near that i can hear the rambling of the train. It's strange that we often never notice things that are within our sight. We often take things for granted..such as our health.

Watch 881 tonight, i like Hokkien songs :) no matter that i do not really understand what they mean, i like it.

Just got to know from Edwin that Fenn will no longer head the MSO team. So strange..or perhaps it's common in an MNC. Many changes can take place in less than a year, people come and go in batches, positions change and change, line cards get reshuffled now and then etc etc sigh training ground?

不能解决的问题就要等,等久就是你的。。Liu Lingling's line in 881 (must say in Hokkien)

So coincidence, last Sunday, Apostle Naomi talked about how to get out of the rat race. We should all soar like an eagle. Rat scurries around, scrambling around for survival, rats are reactive to situations, circumstances. Eagle soar above the soar, gliding above the wind, binding their time.

Rat race results in competition, anxiety, stress, envy and strife.

Waiting for God is an activity. Active dialogue with God is called prayer.

6 January, 2008 - 什么是真正的快乐?

Saturday was "cut hair" and singing session for the elderly (almost called em' old folks :p ) and there was 爱拼才会赢, di Tanjong Katong etc
Rubes and me were on the verge of giving up CCSS work cos it really does not make sense that we wake up early on a Saturday morning to hang around and serve food only..not doing enough..i love to sleep..and it actually takes alot of effort to climb out of bed on a Saturday morning. But this morning, when i see the smiles on the faces of all these elderly singing and clapping away, i felt the lack of sleep was worth it all. :)

Simple joys of when small little things never fails to bring smiles on our faces. 什么是真正的快乐?Mr Tan is blind but he has good attitude according to Hoong Yip. Mr Tan joins in all the activities and he taps on the table to the songs that he is not familiar with. This Saturday morning, i saw him gave a speech to fellow CCSS members to be more responsive, not to take whatever was offered to them for granted and to co-operate. As i watched him from afar, i suddenly wondered if that's his way of giving back to society, succumbing to the need to validate the very reason of existence. I also wondered how he spent his time from Monday to Friday and Sunday.

I am quite done with all clothes for Chinese New Year hurray! Finally done!

4 January, 2008 - ME time

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's

hey there delilah
whats it like in new york city
im a thousand miles away
but girl tonight you look so pretty
yes you do
times square cant shine as bright as you
i swear its true

hey there delilah
dont you worry about the distance
im right there if you get lonely
give this song another listen
close your eyes
listen to my voice its my disguise
im by your side

oh its what you do to me
oh its what you do to me
oh its what you do to me
oh its what you do to me
what you do to me

hey there delilah
i know times are gettin hard
but just believe me girl
someday ill pay the bills with this guitar
we'll have it good
we'll have the life we knew we would
my word is good

hey there delilah
ive got so much left to say
if every simple song i wrote to you
would take your breath away
id write it all
even more in love with me youd fall
we'd have it all

oh its what you do to me
oh its what you do to me
oh its what you do to me
oh its what you do to me

a thousand miles seems pretty far
but they've got planes and trains and cars
id walk to you if i had no other way
our friends would all make fun of us
and we'll just laugh along because we know
that none of them have felt this way

delilah i can promise you
that by the time that we get through
the world will never ever be the same
and youre to blame

hey there delilah
you be good and dont you miss me
two more years and youll be done with school
and ill be makin history like i do
you know its all because of you
we can do whatever we want to

hey there delilah heres to you
this ones for you

oh its what you do to me
oh its what you do to me
oh its what you do to me
oh its what you do to me
what you do to me

3 January, 2008 - You only become stronger

Today is kinda overwhelming cos i lost my balance. This is bad, was at first sad, then became lost, then confused, now am angry. And determined to get it off forever cos i cannot be on impulsive retail therapy every time i feel upset.

Facing fear will only makes you a stronger person. The more you are afraid about losing something, learn to let it go and live without it. I figured this is the best prevention from getting hurt from all the trusting and believing.

Saw this in a book that a woman wrote:
Andy and I were so in love when we first got married. It's hard to know when we really grew apart. His job became more and more demanding. He came home so tired he could hardly say hello, let alone tell me about his day or be prepared to be interested in mine. I hated it. And then as the years went by a strange thing happened. I learnt to live without him. It was as if something inside said, "You're on your own; for your sake and the kids' sake, face it and learn to live with it." And one day, I realised I didn't love him anymore. He must have sensed this because, incredibly, he then wanted to talk. But it was too late. It was over.

Never take your loved ones for granted, it's so easy to get caught up with the mundane stuff in life. Jk, i totally agree with what you just told me...about how we spend so much time in all the wrong areas and then realised that we are missing out on other stuff. I think i just spent a very unmemorable Oct, Nov and favourite months. I guess it is time to set it right. Let's meet up and catch up like in the past..

If it doesn't kill you, it can only makes you stronger :)

Leave all to God, it's really that easy yet so difficult because of our stubborness

Happy Ending by Mika

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.

Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life
Can't get no love without sacrifice
If anything should happen, I guess I wish you well
A little bit of heaven, but a little bit of hell

This is the hardest story that I've ever told
No hope, or love, or glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I feel as if I'm wasted
And I'm wastin' everyday

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.

2 o'clock in the morning, something's on my mind
Can't get no rest; keep walkin' around
If I pretend that nothin' ever went wrong, I can get to my sleep
I can think that we just carried on

This is the hardest story that I've ever told
No hope, or love, or glory
Happy endings gone forever more
I feel as if I feel as if I'm wasted
And I'm wastin' everyday

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
Then live the rest of our life,
But not together.

A Little bit of love, little bit of love
Little bit of love, little bit of love [repeat]

I feel as if I feel as if I'm wasted
And I'm wastin' everyday

This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
This is the way that we love,
Like it's forever.
To live the rest of our life,
But not together.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2 January, 2008 - First working day of 2008

What's a girl to do when she is in a bad mood? Shop shop shop, bought 200 bucks worth of lingerie and feel instant happiness, i lurve being a woman and it's good to have assets haha the persuit of happiness is a shallow thing..based on my two cents worth of understanding from my church magazine.

"Joy is related to happiness, but happiness requires right happenings whereas joy does not. Joy is not based on circumstances. Jesus Christ had joy even though He faced heavy trials."

I made salad for lunch tomorrow and as i am preparing it, i miss Esther. We used to prepare our own sandwiches/salad/fish/fruits for lunch. Or we'll just walk to Shell and buy a Polar chicken pie each + drink yoghurt or milk. Or go opposite our workplace and dabao soup with lotsa vegetable balls...then eat our little light lunch at the small meeting room sigh...and drink our coffee at the vending machine at OUR favourite spot at 3pm. This is the spot that i agreed to accept this current job too...where i was told "we always meet budget and get very good incentives based on past history, our products are doing well" and the spot where after i have signed the appointment letter, Leslie said he feels very xian cos "very busy even though my incentives alot and dunno will still be around or not"... i remembered feeling very cheated back then.. anyway no regrets even though i don't see the "very good incentives" and we are missing budget and seeing the "so much work", am very blessed already..this is good experience.

Take this personality test to find out a little wee bit more about yourself..tho i think it's quite bo liao..well i am bo liao now while waiting for my nail polish to dry...

Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you. You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.

How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

The Real You
Here is the analysis:

You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
You don't really care about other people's feelings. You do things the way you want and usually think only about yourself. You are easy-going and love to have fun, but you can be irresponsible as well. You are not keen on serious discussions because they can make you remember that life isn't always about parties.
You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
Guys see you as being a thinker and a careful person. They will be really attracted to this quality in you, but you need to learn to speak your mind, otherwise people will find you too shy and quiet. Learn to relax and lighten up--it's okay to have fun sometimes. When you learn to develop your fun-loving side, guys are going to flock to your side.
Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.

What's your personality love style?
Here is the analysis:

You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.

What type of personality do you have?
Here is the analysis:

Kind and Gentle
Your kindness is your charm - you are also gentle and sweet. Everybody likes to be around people with your personality. Like a psychologist, people like to talk to you to discuss their problems because you are proper and discrete, as well as confident. You look mature and people respect you. People with this kind of character are few and far between.

Wah that means Dar is perfect? maybe smart :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

1 January, 2008 - First day of 2008

Today still feels like December because the weather is still cool :)

Woke up at about 1pm and lazed around for awhile...did some work, ate "brunch" (breakfast+lunch), did the laundry and lazed some more.

Dinner at No Sign Board in Kallang. The crabs are damn good and so is the cereal prawns (oh i ate only the cereals)...this is the best place for crabs. Dar peel crab claws for me :) so sweet

Oasis is going to close down in March...kinda sad cos' i used to come here for the Taiwan porridge with my parents as a kid.

Having a child can help spice up a marriage?